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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 92 : Liabilities and Assets of NABARD
(₹ Billion)
Capital Advance towards capital Reserves NRC (LTO) Fund NRC (Stabilisation) Fund Borrowings from GOI including IDA/ IBRD General Line of Credit from RBI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1999 5.00 15.00 28.20 100.20 10.44 10.03 56.49
2000 5.00 15.00 28.12 110.41 11.95 9.17 58.84
2001 5.00 15.00 29.71 121.92 12.46 8.98 66.00
2002 20.00 0.00 36.26 127.23 12.52 8.32 65.00
2003 20.00 0.00 43.19 129.45 14.74 5.89 57.92
2004 20.00 0.00 52.91 130.70 15.00 5.63 41.94
2005 20.00 0.00 61.99 131.52 15.11 4.04 39.27
2006 20.00 0.00 69.74 131.83 15.22 4.00 29.98
2007 20.00 0.00 78.02 132.14 15.33 3.82 0.00
2008 20.00 0.00 86.03 136.15 15.44 3.70 0.00
2009 20.00 0.00 95.35 140.16 15.55 3.54 0.00
2010 20.00 0.00 106.75 144.17 15.66 1.47 0.00
2011 20.00 0.00 118.63 144.68 15.77 1.24 0.00
2012 30.00 0.00 134.08 144.79 15.79 0.85 0.00
2013 40.00 0.00 152.34 144.81 15.81 0.43 0.00
2014 47.00 0.00 171.57 144.83 15.83 0.39 0.00
2015 50.00 0.00 196.00 144.85 15.85 0.20 0.00
2016 50.00 3.00 221.26 144.87 15.87 0.12 0.00
2017 50.00 17.00 247.71 144.89 15.89 0.00 0.00

Borrowings from RBI under ARDR scheme, 1990 Open market borrowings RIDF Deposits Foreign currency loan (KFW-Germany) Others Total liabilities/ assets
1 9 10 11 12 13 14
1999 0.00 16.33 36.08 2.68 9.41 289.86
2000 0.00 21.41 54.26 2.50 17.01 333.67
2001 0.00 36.14 72.51 2.41 18.03 388.16
2002 0.00 60.78 97.25 2.50 21.12 450.98
2003 0.00 87.02 121.59 3.02 17.89 500.71
2004 0.00 143.83 120.89 2.97 25.02 558.89
2005 0.00 215.04 91.69 2.97 26.16 607.79
2006 0.00 233.13 139.74 2.94 29.47 676.05
2007 0.00 313.92 201.54 2.90 44.53 812.20
2008 0.00 326.22 305.93 5.08 88.51 987.06
2009 0.00 264.45 470.23 4.98 167.50 1181.76
2010 0.00 245.40 598.69 4.95 225.83 1362.92
2011 0.00 338.42 678.78 5.03 266.17 1588.72
2012 0.00 423.24 751.07 5.03 315.90 1820.75
2013 0.00 502.69 787.58 4.63 483.41 2131.70
2014 0.00 364.79 838.63 7.15 955.55 2545.74
2015 0.00 427.37 896.03 7.27 1122.91 2860.48
2016 0.00 589.74 968.85 7.22 1102.91 3103.84
2017 0.00 847.81 1055.02 6.84 1097.44 3482.60

(₹ Billion)
Refinance outstanding
(MT and LT)
General line of credit (ST) Medium Term Loans from NRC (LTO) Fund Conversion Loans from NRC (Stabilisation Fund) Loans to State Governments for contribution to share capital of cooperative credit societies Bills discounted
1 15 16 17 18 19 20
1999 157.52 57.11 0.61 4.73 4.99 0.21
2000 178.58 58.82 0.36 4.30 5.08 0.00
2001 204.86 65.91 0.20 3.55 4.95 0.00
2002 228.71 67.72 0.15 4.88 4.72 0.00
2003 254.16 60.53 0.09 3.70 4.41 0.00
2004 280.79 55.98 0.05 6.33 4.60 0.00
2005 279.42 83.07 0.03 11.73 4.06 0.00
2006 301.67 96.17 0.01 27.59 3.87 2.16
2007 317.25 147.57 0.00 26.72 3.35 0.00
2008 324.67 173.82 0.00 20.58 2.90 0.00
2009 334.30 168.96 0.00 26.11 2.52 0.00
2010 358.27 240.73 0.00 0.20 1.99 0.00
2011 389.84 338.85 0.00 1.93 1.67 0.00
2012 431.79 483.38 0.00 1.29 1.40 0.00
2013 485.41 651.76 0.00 0.64 1.09 0.00
2014 549.47 798.06 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.00
2015 683.96 887.11 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.00
2016 894.27 697.19 0.00 4.47 0.66 0.00
2017 1052.08 735.53 0.00 10.65 0.53 0.00

Loans under ARDR Scheme 1990 Investment in Government securities ADFC equity SIDBI Loans out of RIDF Others Special deposits with RBI in respect of NRC (Stabilisation) Fund Total liabilities/ assets
1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1999 0.00 12.45 0.16 0.00 36.67 15.41 0.00 289.86
2000 0.00 12.26 0.17 0.00 54.53 19.57 0.00 333.67
2001 0.00 11.31 0.17 0.00 78.17 19.04 0.00 388.16
2002 0.00 12.51 0.17 0.30 104.35 27.47 0.00 450.98
2003 0.00 12.48 0.17 0.30 130.62 34.25 0.00 500.71
2004 0.00 22.71 0.17 0.30 140.04 47.92 0.00 558.89
2005 0.00 47.55 0.17 0.48 105.13 76.15 0.00 607.79
2006 0.00 24.72 0.17 0.48 151.42 67.79 0.00 676.05
2007 0.00 14.38 0.17 0.48 200.05 102.23 0.00 812.20
2008 0.00 16.83 0.17 0.48 306.48 141.13 0.00 987.06
2009 0.00 17.11 0.17 0.48 456.16 175.95 0.00 1181.76
2010 0.00 19.92 0.17 0.48 602.55 138.61 0.00 1362.92
2011 0.00 25.48 0.20 0.48 660.78 169.49 0.00 1588.72
2012 0.00 21.47 0.37 0.48 708.60 171.97 0.00 1820.75
2013 0.00 24.14 0.95 0.48 750.61 216.62 0.00 2131.70
2014 0.00 30.07 1.06 0.48 789.57 376.20 0.00 2545.74
2015 0.00 30.99 1.32 0.48 835.45 420.58 0.00 2860.48
2016 0.00 47.96 1.76 0.48 913.84 543.21 0.00 3103.84
2017 0.00 89.44 1.76 0.48 1009.81 582.32 0.00 3482.60
Notes : 1) Data for end-March 2017 are provisional.
2) Other Liabilities for the year 1999 include Rupees 3.5 billion, respectively as deposits.
3) Other liabilities for the years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 include Rupees 0.9 billion, Rupees 0.63 billion, Rupees 0.56 billion, Rupees 0.78 billion, Rupees 0.82 billion, Rupees 1.06 billion, Rupees 51.04 billion, Rupees 101.27 billion, Rupees 148.99 billion, Rupees 202.91 billion and Rupees 353.02 billion respectively, as deposits.
4) Investments in GOI securities for the year 2000 include treasury bills also.
5) Equity to ADFC for the year 2000 contributed in 1999-2000.
Also See Notes on Table.
Source : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
