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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 100 : Central Government Receipts - Major Components
(₹ Billion)
Year Tax revenue Direct tax of which Indirect tax of which Non-tax revenue of which Revenue receipts (2+9) Capital receipts Total receipts (11+12)
Personal income tax Corpora-tion tax Excise duties Customs duties Interest receipts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1972-73 34.43 7.52 1.37 5.58 26.91 17.57 8.57 10.80 7.13 45.23 24.64 69.87
1973-74 39.00 8.48 2.13 5.83 30.52 19.71 9.96 11.14 7.36 50.14 28.76 78.90
1974-75 50.97 11.42 3.62 7.09 39.56 25.28 13.33 13.45 7.76 64.42 27.74 92.16
1975-76 60.10 14.80 4.80 8.62 45.30 29.88 14.19 18.54 9.34 78.64 41.49 120.13
1976-77 65.81 16.86 5.42 9.84 48.95 31.93 15.54 19.87 11.05 85.68 49.58 135.26
1977-78 70.60 17.42 3.27 12.21 53.19 33.35 18.24 24.78 14.41 95.38 50.35 145.73
1978-79 85.68 18.42 4.71 12.56 67.26 41.28 24.24 24.06 14.27 109.74 62.85 172.59
1979-80 85.67 19.50 4.75 13.92 66.17 34.81 29.24 25.42 13.60 111.09 54.20 165.29
1980-81 93.58 18.93 4.38 13.11 74.65 37.23 34.09 30.15 17.95 123.73 79.18 202.91
1981-82 115.42 25.18 4.59 19.70 90.24 41.81 43.00 34.82 22.15 150.24 88.49 238.73
1982-83 130.17 27.23 4.38 21.85 102.94 45.67 51.19 44.17 28.52 174.34 117.01 291.35
1983-84 154.41 31.31 5.27 24.93 123.10 61.65 55.83 42.70 26.68 197.11 144.06 341.17
1984-85 176.51 33.75 6.97 25.56 142.76 66.25 70.41 58.15 39.63 234.66 164.21 398.87
1985-86 211.40 36.98 6.65 28.65 174.42 73.31 95.26 68.95 45.95 280.35 193.15 473.50
1986-87 243.19 40.23 7.19 31.60 202.96 81.64 114.75 87.64 53.53 330.83 215.72 546.55
1987-88 280.15 41.00 6.03 34.33 239.15 94.23 137.02 90.22 57.55 370.37 254.08 624.45
1988-89 337.51 60.21 14.92 44.07 277.30 109.22 158.05 98.40 69.81 435.91 298.78 734.69
1989-90 383.49 60.28 10.88 47.29 323.21 130.96 180.36 139.47 84.74 522.96 300.20 823.16
1990-91 429.78 69.03 12.50 53.35 360.75 141.00 206.44 119.76 87.30 549.54 389.97 939.51
1991-92 500.69 101.03 16.27 78.53 399.66 160.17 222.57 159.61 109.33 660.30 385.28 1045.58
1992-93 540.44 120.75 18.31 88.99 419.69 163.67 237.76 200.84 124.87 741.28 361.78 1103.06
1993-94 534.49 125.22 13.55 100.60 409.27 172.24 221.93 220.04 150.78 754.53 554.40 1308.93
1994-95 674.54 184.09 34.68 138.22 490.45 210.64 267.89 236.29 157.97 910.83 686.95 1597.78
1995-96 819.39 222.87 43.18 164.87 596.52 221.76 357.57 281.91 184.19 1101.30 583.38 1684.68
1996-97 937.01 253.74 47.15 185.67 683.26 234.63 428.51 325.78 221.06 1262.79 615.44 1878.23
1997-98 956.72 271.72 35.89 200.16 685.00 255.16 401.93 382.14 253.23 1338.86 990.77 2329.63
1998-99 1046.52 321.20 57.60 245.29 725.32 285.81 406.68 448.33 300.76 1494.85 1300.64 2795.49
1999-00 1282.71 414.36 91.31 306.92 868.36 349.44 484.19 532.11 338.95 1814.82 1157.07 2971.89
2000-01 1366.58 496.51 237.66 251.77 870.07 497.58 341.63 559.47 328.11 1926.05 1341.84 3267.89
2001-02 1335.32 477.03 221.06 251.33 858.28 544.69 283.40 677.74 355.38 2013.06 1625.00 3638.06
2002-03 1585.44 616.12 277.79 338.93 969.32 623.88 318.98 722.90 376.22 2308.34 1805.31 4113.65
2003-04 1869.82 765.90 307.65 457.06 1103.92 702.45 345.86 768.31 385.38 2638.13 2113.33 4751.46
2004-05 2247.98 959.44 354.43 602.89 1288.54 772.41 418.11 811.93 323.87 3059.91 2003.91 5063.82
2005-06 2702.64 1206.92 452.38 751.87 1495.72 866.42 466.45 768.13 220.32 3470.77 1795.49 5266.26
2006-07 3511.82 1697.38 627.07 1067.01 1814.44 926.51 628.19 832.05 225.24 4343.87 1444.82 5788.69
2007-08 4395.47 2315.74 865.63 1446.60 2079.72 961.78 753.82 1023.17 210.60 5418.64 1979.78 7398.42
2008-09 4433.19 2481.52 869.85 1607.97 1951.69 818.72 692.17 969.40 207.17 5402.59 2998.63 8401.22
2009-10 4565.36 2716.23 945.32 1767.97 1849.13 843.83 602.23 1162.75 217.84 5728.11 4530.63 10258.74
2010-11 5698.68 3135.01 1024.41 2091.15 2563.67 1102.22 975.98 2186.02 197.34 7884.71 4024.28 11908.99
2011-12 6297.64 3433.10 1182.24 2274.11 2864.54 1162.26 1056.14 1216.72 202.52 7514.37 5689.18 13203.55
2012-13 7418.77 3965.85 1404.38 2555.70 3452.92 1412.45 1158.90 1373.54 207.61 8792.32 5821.52 14613.83
2013-14 8158.54 4558.29 1694.08 2857.42 3600.25 1379.75 1210.59 1988.70 218.68 10147.24 5638.94 15786.18
2014-15 9036.15 5005.31 1883.36 3114.53 4030.85 1537.09 1279.94 1977.66 237.34 11013.81 4844.48 15858.29
2015-16 9437.65 4492.96 1727.48 2759.17 4944.70 2204.73 1288.29 2512.60 253.78 11950.25 5825.79 17776.04
2016-17 10887.93 5261.53 2150.16 3111.31 5626.39 2938.24 1329.33 3347.70 181.49 14235.63 5506.17 19741.80
2017-18 12270.14 6062.98 2669.37 3393.55 6207.16 3074.23 1498.32 2887.57 190.21 15157.71 6181.20 21338.91
Notes : 1. Data for 2016-17 are Revised Estimates and Data for 2017-18 are Budget Estimates.
2. All the tax revenues in this table are net of State Government's share and amount assigned to National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF).
3. Capital Receipts for 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05 include receipts under the State Debt Swap Scheme.
4. Capital Receipts and Total Receipts of 2007 include an amount of ₹343.09 billion which represents the Reserve Bank's surplus transferred to the Central Government on account of transfer of its stake in SBI to the Central Government.
5. Capital Receipts and total receipts exclude Draw-Down of Cash balances.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the Government of India and Finance Accounts (various issues).
