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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 101 : Major Heads of Capital Receipts of the Central Government
(₹ Billion)
Year Market borrowings (net) Small savings Provident funds Special deposits Recovery of loans Disinvestment receipts External loans (net) Total capital receipts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1978-79 16.53 8.47 2.87 4.02 20.82 - 3.84 62.85
1979-80 19.51 11.05 2.58 4.60 14.61 - 5.84 54.20
1980-81 26.79 11.21 2.73 6.03 20.96 - 12.81 79.18
1981-82 29.13 13.99 2.97 7.70 15.83 - 9.64 88.49
1982-83 37.71 17.23 5.26 8.38 27.30 - 12.58 117.01
1983-84 40.38 24.08 3.55 10.21 27.93 - 13.38 144.06
1984-85 40.95 36.51 4.29 13.15 27.50 - 14.52 164.21
1985-86 48.84 42.92 4.95 10.01 27.73 - 14.49 193.15
1986-87 55.32 32.76 9.02 39.13 34.91 - 20.24 215.72
1987-88 58.62 36.33 11.71 43.81 41.80 - 28.93 254.08
1988-89 84.18 54.75 13.21 61.51 45.97 - 24.60 298.78
1989-90 74.04 79.58 17.33 79.70 49.80 - 25.95 300.20
1990-91 80.01 83.09 20.02 77.16 57.12 - 31.81 389.97
1991-92 75.10 56.54 22.58 66.70 60.21 30.38 54.21 385.28
1992-93 36.76 43.73 29.52 71.44 63.56 19.61 53.19 361.78
1993-94 289.28 71.57 37.16 75.68 61.91 -0.48 50.74 554.40
1994-95 203.26 144.47 41.34 82.62 63.45 50.78 35.82 686.95
1995-96 340.01 101.04 49.18 52.95 65.05 3.62 3.18 583.38
1996-97 190.93 121.74 54.17 61.62 75.40 3.80 29.87 615.44
1997-98 324.99 204.63 84.17 79.05 83.18 9.12 10.91 990.77
1998-99 689.88 330.35 57.37 81.30 106.33 58.74 19.20 1300.64
1999-00 620.76 89.79 65.79 65.26 101.31 17.24 11.80 1157.07
2000-01 734.31 83.16 49.22 84.52 120.46 21.25 75.05 1341.84
2001-02 908.12 87.55 41.73 80.70 164.03 36.46 56.01 1625.00
2002-03 1041.26 - 46.21 93.26 341.91 31.51 -119.34 1805.31
2003-04 888.70 - 48.92 1.10 671.65 169.53 -134.88 2113.33
2004-05 509.39 - 53.10 -57.50 620.43 44.24 147.53 2003.91
2005-06 1062.41 - 55.45 4.87 106.45 15.81 74.72 1795.49
2006-07 1148.01 - 51.78 - 58.93 5.34 84.72 1444.82
2007-08 1306.00 -113.02 38.97 - 51.00 387.95 93.15 1979.78
2008-09 2469.75 -13.02 80.41 - 61.39 5.66 110.15 2998.63
2009-10 3943.71 132.56 160.56 - 86.13 245.81 110.38 4530.63
2010-11 3263.99 112.33 125.14 - 124.20 228.46 235.56 4024.28
2011-12 4841.11 -103.02 108.04 - 188.50 180.88 124.48 5689.18
2012-13 5074.45 86.26 109.20 - 150.60 258.90 72.01 5821.52
2013-14 4756.26 123.57 97.53 - 124.97 293.68 72.92 5638.94
2014-15 4576.17 322.26 119.20 - 137.38 377.37 129.33 4844.48
2015-16 4514.89 524.65 118.58 - 208.35 421.32 127.48 5825.79
2016-17 4067.08 903.77 130.00 - 110.71 455.00 148.73 5506.17
2017-18 3482.26 1001.57 140.00 - 119.32 725.00 157.89 6181.20
Notes : 1. Data for 2016-17 are Revised Estimates and data for 2017-18 are Budget Estimates.
2. Market Borrowing comprise dated Securities and 364-day Treasury Bills and net impact of switching off securities.
3. Since 1998-99, Provident Funds data represent only state provident fund as public provident fund is included under small savings.
4. Data are net of repayments. Also excludes amount raised under Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS) and variation in cash balances.
5. Disinvestment receipts and total capital receipts of 2007-08 include an amount of ₹ 343.09 billion under miscellaneous capital receipts which represents the Reserve Bank's surplus transferred to the Central Government on account of transfer of its stake in SBI to the Central Government.
6. Recovery of loans for 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05 includes receipts from states under Debt Swap Scheme amounting to ₹ 137.66 billion, ₹ 462.11 billion and ₹ 436.75 billion respectively.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the Government of India.
