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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 105 : Gross Capital Formation From Budgetary Resources of the Central Government
(₹ Billion)
Year Gross capital formation by the Central Government Gross financial assistance for capital formation to Total
Fixed assets Work stores Increase in stocks of foodgrains & fertilisers Total State Governments Non-departmental commercial undertakings Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1977-78 11.19 -0.11 0.00 11.07 22.21 21.56 2.03 45.80 56.88
1978-79 12.42 0.59 0.00 13.01 33.02 21.05 2.05 56.12 69.13
1979-80 14.43 0.84 0.00 15.28 32.44 22.35 2.23 57.01 72.29
1980-81 17.51 1.56 0.00 19.08 36.66 31.66 2.73 71.05 90.12
1981-82 24.11 1.41 0.00 25.52 39.28 38.81 4.39 82.47 107.99
1982-83 28.14 0.71 0.00 28.84 49.31 40.74 5.14 95.20 124.04
1983-84 32.19 1.37 0.00 33.56 59.74 46.79 6.94 113.46 147.02
1984-85 39.53 1.71 0.00 41.23 71.95 54.89 7.44 134.28 175.51
1985-86 44.52 1.06 0.00 45.58 100.54 60.82 7.84 169.20 214.77
1986-87 58.17 0.88 0.00 59.05 108.00 65.23 10.91 184.15 243.20
1987-88 56.83 2.78 0.00 59.61 127.23 56.67 14.19 198.10 257.70
1988-89 69.77 0.80 0.00 70.56 139.56 63.17 16.48 219.21 289.77
1989-90 78.00 3.37 0.00 81.37 139.35 70.54 38.87 248.76 330.13
1990-91 81.93 4.09 0.00 86.02 200.09 55.41 9.05 264.56 350.57
1991-92 90.56 2.03 0.00 92.59 193.77 47.64 17.65 259.06 351.65
1992-93 116.43 2.32 0.00 118.75 196.51 47.30 13.92 257.74 376.49
1993-94 131.06 -3.41 0.00 127.65 231.96 66.32 24.57 322.85 450.51
1994-95 148.04 -4.76 0.00 143.28 274.16 71.91 52.65 398.72 542.00
1995-96 168.58 -1.73 0.00 166.85 275.71 42.22 67.98 385.91 552.76
1996-97 176.32 3.15 0.00 179.46 329.45 41.74 58.84 430.04 609.50
1997-98 186.93 2.62 0.00 189.55 235.78 58.49 64.33 358.60 548.15
1998-99 203.24 3.23 0.00 206.47 256.13 64.01 51.47 371.60 578.07
1999-00 249.83 10.92 0.00 260.75 290.77 69.44 55.07 415.27 676.02
2000-01 209.53 13.05 0.00 222.58 306.53 72.97 67.52 447.02 669.59
2001-02 109.82 16.52 0.00 126.34 345.31 170.14 127.09 642.54 768.88
2002-03 209.63 7.34 0.00 216.97 372.54 46.86 131.46 550.85 767.82
2003-04 228.28 11.69 0.00 239.97 409.08 45.81 130.74 585.64 825.61
2004-05 265.08 8.88 0.00 273.96 433.20 77.20 144.19 654.59 928.55
2005-06 331.82 12.68 0.00 344.50 272.06 53.04 177.97 503.07 847.57
2006-07 348.97 15.89 0.00 364.87 314.69 37.64 161.64 513.98 878.85
2007-08 423.81 12.70 0.00 436.51 430.29 418.25 153.86 1002.40 1438.91
2008-09 500.69 13.96 0.00 514.65 516.97 102.98 234.77 854.72 1369.37
2009-10 564.10 25.89 0.00 589.99 534.83 96.98 623.22 1255.02 1845.01
2010-11 628.82 21.77 0.00 650.59 661.82 307.73 943.54 1913.09 2563.68
2011-12 622.54 27.86 0.00 650.40 594.46 234.96 869.86 1699.28 2349.68
2012-13 716.69 30.78 0.00 747.47 594.43 217.75 748.27 1560.45 2307.92
2013-14 718.25 31.14 0.00 749.39 513.36 285.14 880.87 1679.37 2428.76
2014-15 850.18 25.00 0.00 875.18 1176.73 205.47 352.17 1734.37 2609.55
2015-16 1058.00 28.84 0.00 1086.84 891.58 201.40 442.11 1535.09 2621.93
Notes : 1. Data for 2014-15 are Revised Estimates and data for 2015-16 are Budget Estimates.
2. Gross financial assistance for capital formation to non-departmental commercial undertakings includes public undertakings operated by autonomous corporations and companies.
3. Gross financial assistance for capital formation to others includes loans and grants to local authorities for capital formation.
4. From 1993-94 onwards, Delhi is not included.
5. From 1997-98 onwards, loans to States/UTs are exclusive of loans against States/UTs share in small saving collections.
Source : Economic Survey, Government of India, 2015-16.
