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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 106 : Public Sector Plan Outlay (At Current Prices)
(₹ Billion)
Year Agriculture and allied services Rural development and special area programmes Irrigation and flood control Energy Industry and minerals Transport Education Medical and public health Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1993-94 42.63 83.97 53.70 269.09 84.81 119.77 31.47 13.00 182.37 880.81
1994-95 53.50 101.45 61.04 274.82 90.88 120.97 39.40 16.26 223.35 981.67
1995-96 50.82 103.75 72.45 268.93 108.08 137.67 53.56 19.29 259.25 1073.80
1996-97 59.84 100.12 79.74 273.30 120.67 166.70 65.36 20.68 303.35 1189.76
1997-98 59.29 109.48 99.05 317.93 103.06 181.01 76.57 26.42 324.76 1297.57
1998-99 76.98 121.69 108.14 355.72 79.79 203.47 96.84 54.12 419.05 1515.80
1999-00 73.65 127.94 142.10 358.10 72.48 234.63 100.00 35.69 461.49 1606.08
2000-01 75.77 108.97 135.29 408.93 68.66 257.34 116.91 40.55 644.95 1857.37
2001-02 82.48 151.54 145.52 371.45 79.42 299.18 108.07 44.09 581.40 1863.15
2002-03 76.55 208.19 119.65 447.10 87.76 352.44 116.03 43.40 650.91 2102.03
2003-04 87.76 222.69 129.00 501.99 77.03 352.67 130.69 46.49 699.95 2248.27
2004-05 109.63 209.69 190.24 607.29 101.13 387.72 . . 1030.95 2636.65
2005-06 125.54 299.51 263.32 220.43 78.98 387.66 . . 1096.33 2471.77
2006-07 165.73 357.57 318.03 294.50 103.44 525.20 . . 1334.65 3099.12
2007-08 200.83 409.16 382.75 846.77 195.01 837.43 . . 1878.17 4750.12
2008-09 271.17 660.79 411.64 1062.12 302.60 1050.64 . . 2522.65 6281.61
2009-10 294.98 664.90 428.53 1483.72 390.41 1273.56 . . 2634.25 7170.35
2010-11 403.70 771.01 460.49 1502.51 450.56 1395.41 . . 3279.00 8262.68
2011-12 460.37 804.39 609.93 1947.59 517.94 1574.80 . . 4389.59 10304.61
2012-13 170.30 365.79 4.39 1321.46 332.02 905.18 . . 1885.61 4984.75
2013-14 177.88 387.76 4.41 1823.88 334.33 1039.59 . . 2267.89 6035.74
2014-15 97.95 12.22 9.10 1708.12 440.06 1005.20 . . 936.17 4208.82
2015-16 109.42 30.05 11.05 1715.19 455.12 1785.02 . . 1721.22 5827.07
2016-17 193.94 26.23 10.24 2058.77 493.71 2298.74 . . 1980.85 7062.48
Notes : 1. Data for 2015-16 are Revised Estimates and data for 2016-17 are Budget Estimates.
2. Data from 2012-13 onwards pertain to Central Government only.
3. Data for Education include ‘Sports and Youth Services’ and ‘Art and Culture'.
4. Data under ‘Others’ include communications, information and broadcasting, science, technology and environment, general services and other social services.
5. Due to non-availability of disaggregated data on education and medical and public health, these are reflected under 'others' from 2004-05 onwards.
Source : Economic Survey 2 Government of India, 2016-17, Vol-II .
