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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 110 : Pattern of Major Capital Receipts of the State Governments
(₹ Billion)
Year Loans from Centre (Gross) Recovery of Loans & Advances Market Loans (Gross) State Provident Fund, etc. (Net) Special Securities Issued to NSSF Total Capital Receipts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1978-79 32.29 3.66 2.74 2.95 - 50.52
1979-80 26.69 3.95 2.97 3.21 - 41.05
1980-81 30.22 4.49 3.17 3.43 - 54.73
1981-82 33.72 6.51 5.08 4.62 - 56.95
1982-83 41.65 6.67 5.40 7.30 - 67.96
1983-84 49.03 7.85 7.40 7.97 - 89.66
1984-85 59.10 10.30 11.64 9.33 - 109.93
1985-86 83.68 8.09 14.28 9.71 - 131.31
1986-87 77.03 9.97 14.31 10.42 - 128.92
1987-88 90.34 10.44 18.01 16.28 - 158.06
1988-89 99.37 13.31 22.46 20.01 - 170.37
1989-90 112.58 10.38 25.94 23.07 - 200.86
1990-91 139.75 15.01 25.60 30.69 - 246.93
1991-92 130.70 33.10 33.10 29.09 - 272.38
1992-93 131.00 19.23 38.50 36.22 - 300.73
1993-94 142.77 24.18 42.28 43.30 - 284.89
1994-95 187.42 51.88 41.05 47.79 - 431.90
1995-96 188.04 34.72 64.04 49.02 - 428.05
1996-97 229.31 57.25 65.19 53.75 - 420.11
1997-98 297.45 54.88 78.62 62.26 - 589.07
1998-99 393.66 32.47 121.84 119.69 - 853.63
1999-00 213.54 31.10 141.84 178.77 252.51 1019.25
2000-01 187.07 67.77 129.54 131.07 311.01 1097.05
2001-02 243.95 73.08 188.63 101.86 338.74 1157.14
2002-03 268.31 36.98 306.15 98.63 489.66 1408.66
2003-04 258.70 161.58 522.57 93.25 628.13 2056.41
2004-05 258.78 80.40 386.37 88.83 836.99 2001.48
2005-06 89.07 89.04 227.95 104.63 785.76 1646.07
2006-07 57.17 75.78 203.66 103.70 587.56 1430.49
2007-08 72.52 77.70 665.12 123.38 110.94 1419.87
2008-09 70.05 110.72 1184.92 156.41 85.20 1966.34
2009-10 81.07 80.88 1290.57 231.40 335.37 2394.97
2010-11 94.78 49.95 1048.35 278.07 535.89 2382.28
2011-12 99.02 171.57 1577.99 266.51 105.24 2693.85
2012-13 112.04 72.65 1772.77 257.77 218.25 3053.14
2013-14 108.70 68.96 1961.64 264.33 247.10 3188.60
2014-15 118.81 189.16 2408.80 270.15 464.07 4164.82
2015-16 241.70 74.80 3194.67 292.74 331.31 5499.49
2016-17 267.36 168.67 3783.15 318.29 292.10 5723.18
Notes : 1. Data for 2015-16 relate to Revised Estimates while 2016-17 are Budget Estimates.
2. State Provident Fund, etc. (Net) include insurance and pension funds and special deposit accounts.
3. Data for capital receipts prior to 1991-92 are adjusted for remittances (net).
4. Capital receipts include Public Accounts on a net basis.
5. With the change in the system of accounting with effect from 1999-2000, States’ share in small savings, which was included earlier under loans from the Centre is shown separately as special securities issued to National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) under internal debt.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the State Governments.
