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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 114 : Receipts and Disbursements of Central and State Governments
(₹ Billion)
Year Revenue account Capital account Aggregate Overall surplus
(+)/ deficit(-)
Receipts of which: Tax revenue Expenditure of which: Interest
Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1987-88 709.58 570.50 811.83 130.08 334.32 290.89 1043.90 1102.72 -58.82
1988-89 826.58 669.42 949.80 164.56 385.68 315.08 1212.26 1264.88 -52.62
1989-90 980.94 774.97 1136.88 205.32 362.92 314.51 1343.86 1451.39 -107.53
1990-91 1057.57 876.27 1296.28 249.95 464.88 338.92 1522.45 1635.20 -112.75
1991-92 1273.89 1027.69 1493.00 309.92 515.05 366.05 1788.94 1859.05 -70.11
1992-93 1430.17 1145.62 1667.06 364.68 495.43 363.37 1925.60 2030.43 -104.83
1993-94 1548.56 1217.70 1913.84 430.14 663.72 412.66 2212.28 2326.50 -114.22
1994-95 1866.39 1462.86 2238.24 523.26 897.42 490.50 2763.81 2728.74 35.07
1995-96 2175.27 1727.40 2554.57 590.73 791.02 481.25 2966.29 3035.82 -69.53
1996-97 2463.99 1973.05 2951.67 700.88 769.23 483.81 3233.22 3435.48 -202.26
1997-98 2637.23 2143.72 3265.04 782.77 1245.93 587.97 3883.16 3853.02 30.14
1998-99 2883.66 2299.71 3989.84 930.96 1722.68 649.59 4606.34 4639.45 -33.11
1999-00 3437.09 2715.44 4651.02 1104.51 1927.37 753.21 5364.46 5404.23 -39.77
2000-01 3788.17 3009.72 5176.18 1248.17 2203.24 779.77 5991.41 5955.95 35.46
2001-02 4001.62 3089.47 5595.11 1423.87 2508.77 934.57 6510.39 6529.67 -19.28
2002-03 4538.50 3520.18 6168.40 1590.60 2537.84 880.64 7076.34 7049.04 27.30
2003-04 5186.11 4080.99 6780.19 1775.73 2805.51 1183.64 7991.62 7963.83 27.79
2004-05 6156.44 4853.75 7304.05 1923.12 2727.01 1393.52 8883.45 8697.57 185.88
2005-06 7070.54 5765.94 8063.66 2039.77 3076.35 1534.89 10146.89 9598.55 548.34
2006-07 8770.75 7240.23 9324.41 2308.31 2436.59 1767.33 11207.34 11091.74 115.60
2007-08 10609.29 8774.96 10705.55 2587.85 2949.33 2447.28 13558.62 13152.83 405.79
2008-09 11170.98 9263.04 13579.63 2834.54 4477.05 2417.14 15648.03 15996.77 -348.74
2009-10 12105.59 9846.11 15805.74 3145.70 6352.49 2715.45 18458.08 18521.19 -63.11
2010-11 15788.20 12500.67 18280.20 3485.61 5747.42 3171.25 21535.61 21451.45 84.16
2011-12 16926.79 14427.52 20630.68 4000.03 7613.83 3587.01 24540.62 24217.69 322.93
2012-13 19716.19 16879.59 23155.78 4543.06 7974.11 3793.55 27690.30 26949.33 740.97
2013-14 22114.75 18465.45 25790.86 5342.30 7898.97 4212.13 30013.72 30002.99 10.73
2014-15 23876.93 20207.28 27989.17 5845.42 8020.44 4862.93 31897.37 32852.10 -954.73
2015-16 29054.10 23552.87 32781.06 6521.54 10433.05 6959.97 39487.15 39741.03 -253.88
2016-17 33937.91 26494.70 37269.58 7391.75 10447.71 7219.02 44385.62 44488.60 -102.98
Notes : 1. Data for 2015-16 are Revised Estimates and data for 2016-17 are Budget Estimates.
2. Discharge of internal debt (repayment by state governments) is included as part of capital and aggregate disbursements.
3. Data in respect of Combined finances are exclusive of NCT Delhi from 2005-06 onwards.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the Government of India and the State Governments.
