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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 117 : Market Borrowings of the Central and States Governments
(₹ Billion)
Year Centre States Combined (Centre & States)
Gross Net Gross Net Gross (2+4) Net (3+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1987-88 78.21 70.00 17.89 15.05 96.10 85.05
1988-89 77.25 72.51 22.85 20.02 100.10 92.53
1989-90 80.44 74.05 25.55 22.49 105.99 96.54
1990-91 89.89 80.01 25.69 25.69 115.58 105.70
1991-92 89.19 75.01 33.64 33.64 122.83 108.65
1992-93 138.85 84.61 38.05 34.71 176.90 119.32
1993-94 503.88 285.26 41.45 36.38 545.33 321.64
1994-95 381.08 200.74 51.23 51.23 432.31 251.97
1995-96 405.09 267.90 62.74 59.31 467.83 327.21
1996-97 361.52 263.56 65.36 65.36 426.88 328.92
1997-98 596.37 404.94 77.49 71.93 673.86 476.87
1998-99 939.53 629.03 121.14 107.00 1060.67 736.03
1999-00 996.30 730.77 137.06 124.05 1133.36 854.82
2000-01 1151.83 737.87 133.00 128.80 1284.83 866.67
2001-02 1338.01 923.02 187.07 172.61 1525.08 1095.63
2002-03 1511.26 1041.18 308.53 290.64 1819.79 1331.82
2003-04 1476.36 888.16 505.21 463.76 1981.57 1351.92
2004-05 1065.01 460.50 391.01 339.78 1456.02 800.28
2005-06 1600.18 982.37 217.29 154.55 1817.47 1136.92
2006-07 1793.73 1112.75 208.25 142.74 2001.98 1255.49
2007-08 1882.05 1095.04 677.79 562.24 2559.84 1657.28
2008-09 3185.50 2423.17 1181.38 1037.66 4366.88 3460.83
2009-10 4924.97 3943.58 1311.22 1148.83 6236.19 5092.41
2010-11 4794.82 3263.99 1040.39 883.98 5835.21 4147.97
2011-12 6003.82 4843.19 1586.32 1366.43 7590.14 6209.62
2012-13 6884.71 5074.73 1772.79 1466.51 8657.50 6541.24
2013-14 7004.56 4749.76 1966.63 1645.85 8971.19 6395.61
2014-15 7412.01 4654.49 2408.42 2074.58 9820.43 6729.07
2015-16 7390.33 4454.66 2945.60 2593.69 10335.93 7048.35
2016-17 7245.26 3966.90 3819.79 3426.51 11065.05 7393.41
Notes : 1. Net market borrowing of centre and state combined for 2008-09 includes ₹5.47 billion pertaining to a security with call and put option.
2. Gross State Govt Market Borrowing includes additional market borrowings of ₹100 billion for 2002-2003, ₹ 266.23 billion for 2003-04 and ₹ 169.43 billion for 2004-05 under the State Debt Swap Scheme.
3. Market borrowing of the Centre include dated securities, 364-day treasury bills and does not include Inflation Index National Savings Scheme - Cummulative (IINSS-C).
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
