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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 135 : Direction of Foreign Trade - Rupees
(₹ Billion)
Group / Country 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Export Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export Import
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
I. O E C D Countries 5596.9 7702.3 6592.0 6973.7 6686.0 7361.1 6601.7 7191.4 7037.9 7227.1
A. European Union 2751.5 2844.3 3139.9 3013.4 3028.1 3009.5 2921.3 2873.7 3192.6 2761.4
Of which:                    
1. Belgium 299.3 545.4 386.9 646.7 337.2 659.4 329.6 540.0 379.9 446.2
2. France 271.1 253.5 309.5 223.3 303.3 270.3 303.3 244.2 360.5 309.2
3. Germany 394.5 779.3 455.6 782.1 460.8 781.8 464.7 791.0 485.8 770.4
4. Italy 237.8 256.5 318.9 251.4 311.2 258.6 276.4 266.4 331.6 258.9
5. Netherlands 573.8 129.5 487.6 189.2 386.6 171.0 309.6 121.7 339.2 127.4
6. U K 470.8 342.3 594.8 360.4 571.8 307.3 579.6 339.4 575.2 248.4
B. North America 2078.5 1525.2 2490.3 1546.4 2729.5 1563.9 2770.9 1704.7 2972.8 1755.6
1. Canada 110.8 152.8 123.5 190.3 134.3 229.7 132.1 277.9 134.7 273.1
2. U S A 1967.7 1372.4 2366.9 1356.1 2595.2 1334.2 2638.9 1426.8 2838.1 1482.4
C. Asia and Oceania 476.6 1425.6 568.9 1198.7 518.1 1283.0 537.8 1262.6 478.1 1434.2
Of which:                    
1. Australia 127.9 712.2 139.6 589.6 170.0 627.0 213.3 581.8 198.8 746.6
2. Japan 332.2 675.5 412.6 572.1 328.4 619.9 304.4 644.9 258.5 653.7
D. Other O E C D Countries 290.3 1907.3 392.9 1215.1 410.3 1504.8 371.7 1350.4 394.4 1276.0
Of which:                    
1.Switzerland 60.8 1745.1 107.4 1123.4 65.4 1353.7 64.2 1260.7 65.6 1156.6
II. O P E C 3132.2 9406.8 3371.6 9837.1 3444.9 8361.4 3024.9 5879.8 3039.0 6200.5
Of which:                    
1. Iran 182.6 630.3 300.6 628.0 255.3 545.9 181.8 408.2 160.5 704.8
2. Iraq 69.7 1046.0 55.2 1116.4 50.9 867.8 65.5 705.6 74.8 784.8
3. Kuwait 57.8 901.8 64.3 1033.6 73.3 815.1 81.6 323.8 100.2 298.6
4. Saudi Arabia 532.4 1846.8 738.6 2205.2 680.4 1712.2 418.0 1325.8 344.5 1338.4
5. U A E 1978.3 2129.2 1847.8 1741.3 2018.5 1596.2 1981.4 1269.8 2094.9 1439.7
III. Eastern Europe 205.2 431.9 214.7 468.6 210.0 469.1 158.8 463.6 189.2 627.3
Of which:                    
1. Russia 124.9 230.2 128.3 235.7 128.2 259.2 104.1 299.9 129.6 372.6
IV. Developing Countries 7097.5 9036.6 8146.3 9606.6 8343.4 10679.8 7178.9 10771.0 8063.1 11088.5
A. Asia 4973.7 7087.7 5785.5 7632.5 5739.5 8410.3 5041.7 8668.7 5939.9 8934.4
a). S A A R C 822.1 145.6 1063.3 150.1 1253.5 179.5 1218.6 194.6 1274.6 176.5
1. Afghanistan 25.7 8.6 28.8 12.9 25.8 16.1 34.4 20.3 34.0 19.7
2. Bangladesh 279.8 34.7 374.1 29.0 394.4 37.9 395.3 47.7 449.1 47.0
3. Bhutan 12.7 8.9 21.5 9.2 20.5 9.2 30.7 18.3 32.8 9.0
4. Maldives 6.7 0.3 6.4 0.2 9.3 0.3 11.7 0.3 13.3 0.6
5. Nepal 168.1 29.6 217.7 32.0 279.6 39.2 257.2 30.7 359.6 29.7
6. Pakistan 112.3 29.4 138.3 26.1 113.5 30.4 142.9 28.8 122.9 30.6
7. Sri Lanka 216.9 34.0 276.4 40.6 410.4 46.4 346.5 48.5 262.9 40.0
b). Other Asian Developing Countries 4151.6 6942.1 4722.1 7482.4 4485.9 8230.8 3823.1 8474.1 4665.2 8757.8
Of which:                    
1. People's Republic of China 737.7 2843.8 908.2 3092.3 731.7 3695.7 589.5 4040.4 684.6 4112.9
2. Hong Kong 669.0 430.3 772.4 441.1 831.2 340.9 793.1 396.4 948.5 549.1
3. South Korea 228.9 713.4 254.8 752.8 280.9 827.2 230.5 853.6 284.2 843.8
4. Malaysia 241.4 542.0 254.1 559.0 356.1 679.2 241.6 593.7 350.8 599.1
5. Singapore 740.0 407.6 749.7 410.6 598.6 435.5 505.3 477.3 641.3 476.0
6. Thailand 203.1 291.1 224.3 323.8 212.1 358.6 195.6 360.1 212.8 363.5
7. Indonesia 290.0 809.7 293.4 890.4 246.7 918.5 184.5 858.0 234.8 901.0
B. Africa 1327.3 1048.6 1593.2 906.4 1715.8 1196.4 1398.0 1205.6 1335.8 1193.0
Of which:                    
1. Benin 26.0 13.5 46.4 10.0 30.4 13.4 28.0 17.8 30.4 13.9
2. Egypt Arab Republic 157.1 138.5 155.6 143.9 184.4 106.5 152.7 79.2 138.9 77.9
3. Kenya 205.3 5.8 236.0 7.6 251.5 7.2 197.8 8.4 147.4 7.0
4. South Africa 278.0 483.2 307.7 358.6 323.6 397.4 234.1 387.9 238.3 389.8
5. Sudan 41.2 6.9 52.1 27.0 53.9 34.4 51.1 9.6 50.4 16.4
6. Tanzania 117.3 41.0 209.1 43.0 151.3 66.8 108.0 60.9 119.8 63.7
7. Zambia 13.2 17.7 22.8 14.5 22.4 17.4 19.5 31.3 15.9 49.9
C. Latin American Countries 796.5 900.2 767.6 1067.7 888.1 1073.0 739.2 896.7 787.5 961.1
V. Others 21.65 9.3 41.8 20.9 32.5 36.0 41.8 28.0 44.2 21.5
VI. Unspecified 289.7 104.7 683.7 247.4 247.6 463.4 157.6 569.3 167.5 503.3
Total 16343.2 26691.6 19050.1 27154.3 18964.5 27370.9 17163.8 24903.0 18541.0 25668.2
Note : Data for 2015-16 are revised and for 2016-17 are provisional.
Source : Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.
