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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 136 : Index Numbers and Terms of Foreign Trade
Year Unit value index Quantum index Terms of trade
Exports Imports Exports Imports Gross Net Income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(Base: 1978-1979 = 100)
1978-79 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1979-80 105.4 114.1 106.2 116.4 109.6 92.4 98.1
1980-81 108.5 134.2 108.1 137.9 127.6 80.8 87.4
1981-82 124.1 133.1 110.1 150.6 136.8 93.2 102.7
1982-83 132.0 136.3 116.7 154.6 132.5 96.8 113.0
1983-84 151.0 125.8 113.0 185.4 164.1 120.0 135.6
1984-85 169.8 161.7 120.8 156.1 129.2 105.0 126.9
1985-86 170.8 158.8 111.3 182.3 163.8 107.6 119.7
1986-87 179.4 139.4 121.3 212.3 175.0 128.7 156.1
1987-88 195.4 160.0 140.0 204.8 146.3 122.1 171.0
1988-89 232.2 185.5 152.1 224.2 147.4 125.2 190.4
1989-90 276.6 228.4 174.9 227.8 130.2 121.1 211.8
1990-91 292.5 267.7 194.1 237.7 122.5 109.3 212.1
1991-92 369.5 309.1 208.6 228.0 109.3 119.5 249.4
1992-93 421.5 331.0 222.9 282.0 126.5 127.3 283.8
1993-94 474.1 327.2 257.5 329.1 127.8 144.9 373.1
1994-95 494.6 324.6 292.7 408.3 139.5 152.4 446.0
1995-96 484.2 351.0 384.3 514.8 134.0 137.9 530.1
1996-97 504.7 399.8 411.8 511.8 124.3 126.2 519.8
1997-98 589.4 404.2 386.0 562.1 145.6 145.8 562.9
1998-99 611.7 407.8 399.0 644.0 161.4 150.0 598.5
1999-00 604.0 450.0 461.0 705.0 152.9 134.2 618.8
2000-01 624.0 487.0 571.0 698.0 122.2 128.1 731.6
2001-02 618.0 493.0 593.0 733.0 123.6 125.4 743.4
2002-03 620.0 546.0 722.0 802.0 111.0 114.0 819.9
2003-04 672.0 545.0 765.0 970.0 126.8 123.3 943.3
2004-05 732.0 663.0 899.0 1113.0 123.8 110.4 992.6
2005-06 798.0 592.0 1005.0 1649.0 164.1 134.8 1354.7
2006-07 863.0 608.0 1164.0 2047.0 175.9 141.9 1652.2
2007-08 939.0 575.0 1227.0 2603.0 212.1 163.3 2003.7
(Base: 1999-2000 = 100)
1999-00 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2000-01 102.0 109.0 125.0 99.0 79.2 93.6 117.0
2001-02 103.0 112.0 126.0 103.0 81.7 92.0 115.9
2002-03 106.0 128.0 150.0 109.0 72.7 82.8 124.2
2003-04 114.0 132.0 161.0 128.0 79.5 86.4 139.0
2004-05 131.0 157.0 179.0 150.0 83.8 83.4 149.4
2005-06 139.0 179.0 206.0 174.0 84.5 77.7 160.0
2006-07 158.0 206.0 227.0 191.0 84.1 76.7 174.1
2007-08 166.0 210.0 245.0 218.0 89.0 79.0 193.7
2008-09 194.0 239.0 267.0 262.0 98.1 81.2 216.7
2009-10 196.0 215.0 264.0 288.0 109.1 91.2 240.7
2010-11 223.0 243.0 304.0 311.0 102.3 91.8 279.0
2011-12 268.0 425.0 331.0 246.0 74.3 63.1 208.7
2012-13 284.0 459.0 357.0 261.0 73.1 61.9 220.9
2013-14 312.0 518.0 378.0 233.0 61.6 60.2 227.7
2014-15 300.0 518.0 397.0 235.0 59.2 57.9 229.9
2015-16 372.0 518.0 290.0 214.0 73.8 71.8 208.3
Notes : 1. Gross terms of trade implies volume index of imports expressed as percentage of volume index of exports.
2. Net terms of trade implies unit value index of exports expressed as percentage of unit value index of imports.
3. Income terms of trade implies the product of net terms of trade and volume index of exports expressed as a percentage.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.
