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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 140 : India’s Overall Balance of Payments - Rupees
(₹ Billion)
Item/Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. Current account                  
1. Merchandise 14825.17 23946.47 -9121.29 16676.90 27321.46 -10644.56 19310.74 28159.18 -8848.45
2. Invisibles (a+b+c) 10534.80 5173.23 5361.57 12188.93 6340.47 5848.46 14138.43 7161.34 6977.09
a) Services 6843.65 3764.84 3078.81 7924.88 4392.71 3532.17 9192.50 4763.82 4428.68
i) Travel 891.85 659.06 232.80 978.81 643.33 335.48 1088.07 714.18 373.89
ii) Transportation 875.65 787.94 87.71 943.00 806.05 136.95 1052.61 894.80 157.81
iii) Insurance 126.83 72.01 54.82 121.19 76.62 44.56 128.49 67.60 60.89
iv) G.n.i.e. 22.70 37.40 -14.70 31.26 44.22 -12.96 29.47 58.88 -29.41
v) Miscellaneous 4926.62 2208.44 2718.17 5850.62 2822.48 3028.14 6893.85 3028.35 3865.50
of which: Software services 2992.40 60.28 2932.11 3583.48 128.56 3454.91 4206.77 151.75 4055.02
Business services 1247.39 1289.86 -42.47 1547.80 1650.36 -102.57 1722.50 1645.50 76.99
Financial services 286.81 383.46 -96.65 269.41 252.01 17.40 401.58 346.04 55.54
Communication services 76.99 74.81 2.19 91.77 40.30 51.48 145.61 63.35 82.26
b) Transfers 3207.44 156.39 3051.05 3704.64 220.71 3483.93 4257.16 309.92 3947.25
i) Official 31.15 29.12 2.03 25.10 41.98 -16.88 46.72 58.65 -11.93
ii) Private 3176.29 127.27 3049.02 3679.54 178.73 3500.81 4210.44 251.26 3959.18
c) Income 483.71 1252.00 -768.29 559.41 1727.05 -1167.64 688.77 2087.61 -1398.84
i) Investment income 365.73 1155.89 -790.17 392.13 1609.57 -1217.44 489.33 1917.68 -1428.35
ii) Compensation of employees 117.98 96.11 21.87 167.29 117.48 49.80 199.44 169.93 29.51
Total Current account (1+2) 25359.97 29119.70 -3759.73 28865.83 33661.93 -4796.10 33449.16 35320.52 -1871.36
B. Capital account                  
1. Foreign investment (a+b) 11212.13 9324.75 1887.38 11698.22 9151.69 2546.53 14906.78 13310.29 1596.50
a) Foreign direct investment (i+ii) 2320.23 1288.56 1031.67 2167.37 1085.51 1081.86 2638.94 1339.25 1299.69
i) In India 2200.00 650.39 1549.61 1868.69 399.15 1469.54 2185.95 317.65 1868.30
Equity 1691.13 623.59 1067.54 1247.73 372.48 875.25 1533.23 287.49 1245.74
Reinvested earnings 393.20 0.00 393.20 537.37 0.00 537.37 544.24 0.00 544.24
Other capital 115.67 26.80 88.87 83.58 26.67 56.91 108.48 30.16 78.32
ii) Abroad 120.23 638.17 -517.94 298.68 686.37 -387.68 452.99 1021.59 -568.60
Equity 120.23 303.20 -182.97 298.68 386.14 -87.46 452.99 761.60 -308.61
Reinvested earnings 0.00 57.90 -57.90 0.00 64.71 -64.71 0.00 70.70 -70.70
Other capital 0.00 277.07 -277.07 0.00 235.51 -235.51 0.00 189.30 -189.30
b) Portfolio investment 8891.90 8036.19 855.71 9530.85 8066.18 1464.67 12267.84 11971.04 296.80
i) In India 8850.95 7983.50 867.45 9450.11 7937.60 1512.51 12218.16 11907.13 311.03
of which: FIIs 8823.36 7983.50 839.86 9439.89 7937.60 1502.28 12217.04 11907.13 309.91
GDRs/ADRs 27.59 0.00 27.59 10.23 0.00 10.23 1.12 0.00 1.12
ii) Abroad 40.95 52.69 -11.74 80.74 128.58 -47.84 49.68 63.91 -14.23
2. Loans (a+b+c) 6764.57 5867.09 897.48 8433.53 6742.79 1690.73 8134.42 7675.41 459.01
a) External assistance 273.55 160.51 113.05 257.47 204.21 53.26 282.39 220.43 61.97
i) By India 3.34 10.85 -7.50 2.82 18.38 -15.56 2.74 14.78 -12.03
ii) To India 270.21 149.66 120.55 254.65 185.83 68.82 279.65 205.65 74.00
b) Commercial borrowings 1561.81 1082.98 478.83 1501.58 1041.06 460.52 1827.60 1103.44 724.16
ii) By India 178.45 120.61 57.84 115.13 120.68 -5.54 98.51 35.64 62.88
ii) To India 1383.36 962.36 420.99 1386.45 920.38 466.07 1729.08 1067.80 661.28
c) Short term to India 4929.20 4623.60 305.60 6674.47 5497.52 1176.95 6024.42 6351.55 -327.12
i) Suppliers' Credit >180 days & Buyers' Credit 4766.88 4589.23 177.65 6485.03 5405.49 1079.54 6008.49 6270.93 -262.45
ii) Suppliers' credit up to 180 days 162.33 34.38 127.95 189.44 92.03 97.41 15.94 80.61 -64.67
3. Banking capital (a+b) 4278.27 3568.29 709.98 4554.07 3651.40 902.68 6544.82 5028.18 1516.64
a) Commercial banks 4258.55 3555.82 702.73 4518.66 3642.09 876.56 6514.91 5028.18 1486.73
i) Assets 615.35 687.02 -71.67 654.22 726.04 -71.82 865.60 1314.23 -448.64
ii) Liabilities 3643.20 2868.80 774.40 3864.44 2916.05 948.39 5649.31 3713.94 1935.37
of which: Non-resident deposits 3104.98 2522.57 582.41 3551.92 2745.41 806.51 5331.98 2951.99 2380.00
b) Others 19.72 12.47 7.25 35.42 9.30 26.11 29.90 0.00 29.90
4. Rupee debt service 0.00 3.81 -3.81 0.00 3.13 -3.13 0.00 3.04 -3.04
5. Other capital 641.43 942.16 -300.73 970.73 1250.20 -279.46 1338.01 2008.92 -670.91
Total capital account (1 to 5) 22896.39 19706.10 3190.29 25656.56 20799.22 4857.34 30924.03 28025.84 2898.19
C. Errors & omissions 0.00 115.60 -115.60 145.78 0.00 145.78 49.63 115.92 -66.29
D. Overall balance (A+B+C) 48256.36 48941.40 -685.03 54668.17 54461.15 207.02 64422.83 63462.29 960.54
E. Monetary movements (i+ii) 941.00 255.97 685.02 8.72 215.74 -207.02 663.89 1624.43 -960.54
i) I.M.F. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ii) Foreign exchange reserves (Increase- / Decrease+) 941.00 255.97 685.02 8.72 215.74 -207.02 663.89 1624.43 -960.54
of which: SDR Allocation . . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(₹ Billion)
Item/Year 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
A. Current account                  
1. Merchandise 19342.10 28200.72 -8858.62 17432.89 25928.20 -8495.31 18789.43 26333.95 -7544.52
2. Invisibles (a+b+c) 14780.48 7554.99 7225.49 15386.93 8329.24 7057.69 16163.61 9647.14 6516.46
a) Services 9671.92 4988.77 4683.16 10104.46 5546.17 4558.28 10941.75 6416.85 4524.90
i) Travel 1245.42 935.35 310.08 1395.42 967.56 427.86 1559.29 1101.54 457.75
ii) Transportation 1068.65 989.25 79.40 916.60 986.18 -69.58 1063.12 947.73 115.39
iii) Insurance 134.61 68.35 66.26 131.13 75.30 55.83 147.95 100.33 47.61
iv) G.n.i.e. 33.21 58.71 -25.50 37.88 56.77 -18.90 39.46 40.21 -0.75
v) Miscellaneous 7190.02 2937.11 4252.91 7623.43 3460.35 4163.08 8131.93 4227.04 3904.89
of which: Software services 4470.87 165.82 4305.05 4854.64 176.83 4677.81 4940.13 240.62 4699.50
Business services 1737.93 1691.73 46.20 1896.93 2038.60 -141.67 2209.81 2163.32 46.48
Financial services 345.83 217.72 128.11 322.71 204.87 117.84 341.93 392.62 -50.69
Communication services 122.24 62.36 59.88 142.30 65.92 76.39 159.28 61.06 98.22
b) Transfers 4288.63 271.99 4016.63 4319.23 222.03 4097.20 4129.18 374.32 3754.86
i) Official 19.70 54.61 -34.91 28.51 62.13 -33.63 17.98 57.50 -39.52
ii) Private 4268.93 217.39 4051.54 4290.72 159.89 4130.83 4111.20 316.82 3794.38
c) Income 819.94 2294.23 -1474.30 963.24 2561.04 -1597.79 1092.68 2855.98 -1763.30
i) Investment income 602.25 2127.01 -1524.77 727.70 2414.48 -1686.78 828.57 2686.14 -1857.57
ii) Compensation of employees 217.69 167.22 50.47 235.55 146.56 88.99 264.11 169.84 94.27
Total Current account (1+2) 34122.58 35755.71 -1633.13 32819.82 34257.44 -1437.62 34953.04 35981.09 -1028.05
B. Capital account                  
1. Foreign investment (a+b) 18862.25 14371.53 4490.72 18071.52 15985.73 2085.79 20823.18 17929.24 2893.94
a) Foreign direct investment (i+ii) 3170.87 1258.69 1912.19 3924.22 1566.40 2357.82 4748.11 2358.98 2389.13
i) In India 2764.00 605.06 2158.93 3641.46 698.88 2942.58 4040.57 1207.65 2832.92
Equity 1953.24 589.63 1363.62 2696.60 690.58 2006.02 2999.82 1161.59 1838.22
Reinvested earnings 611.33 0.00 611.33 683.43 0.00 683.43 827.87 0.00 827.87
Other capital 199.43 15.44 183.99 261.43 8.30 253.13 212.89 46.06 166.83
ii) Abroad 406.88 653.63 -246.75 282.76 867.52 -584.76 707.53 1151.33 -443.79
Equity 406.88 237.11 169.77 282.76 427.50 -144.74 707.53 656.75 50.79
Reinvested earnings 0.00 204.04 -204.04 0.00 218.47 -218.47 0.00 196.21 -196.21
Other capital 0.00 212.47 -212.47 0.00 221.54 -221.54 0.00 298.36 -298.36
b) Portfolio investment 15691.38 13112.85 2578.53 14147.30 14419.33 -272.03 16075.07 15570.26 504.82
i) In India 15647.66 13070.04 2577.62 14091.76 14329.98 -238.22 15926.17 15410.95 515.22
of which: FIIs 15568.57 13070.04 2498.53 14067.92 14329.98 -262.07 15926.17 15410.95 515.22
GDRs/ADRs 79.09 0.00 79.09 23.85 0.00 23.85 0.00 0.00 0.00
ii) Abroad 43.72 42.81 0.91 55.53 89.35 -33.81 148.90 159.31 -10.40
2. Loans (a+b+c) 7541.68 7344.35 197.33 7884.03 8181.70 -297.67 8085.29 7924.90 160.38
a) External assistance 354.08 247.87 106.22 402.44 302.29 100.15 435.61 300.56 135.05
i) By India 3.68 23.70 -20.01 3.83 33.99 -30.16 3.88 15.48 -11.60
ii) To India 350.40 224.17 126.23 398.61 268.30 130.31 431.73 285.08 146.65
b) Commercial borrowings 1703.86 1608.28 95.57 1585.72 1887.46 -301.74 1515.22 1924.54 -409.32
i) By India 98.42 16.53 81.90 218.45 132.26 86.19 303.95 204.00 99.96
ii) To India 1605.43 1591.76 13.68 1367.27 1755.20 -387.93 1211.27 1720.54 -509.28
c) Short term to India 5483.74 5488.20 -4.46 5895.87 5991.94 -96.07 6134.46 5699.81 434.65
i) Suppliers' Credit >180 days & Buyers' Credit 5356.89 5450.24 -93.34 5729.75 5870.19 -140.44 6019.70 5687.18 332.52
ii) Suppliers' credit up to 180 days 126.85 37.97 88.89 166.12 121.75 44.37 114.75 12.62 102.13
3. Banking capital (a+b) 5509.76 4788.93 720.83 5798.05 5145.47 652.57 5616.10 6727.87 -1111.77
a) Commercial banks 5402.46 4788.93 613.53 5795.63 5127.74 667.88 5596.80 6727.71 -1130.91
i) Assets 1034.41 1128.95 -94.54 1240.69 1512.64 -271.95 1993.90 1934.10 59.80
ii) Liabilities 4368.05 3659.98 708.07 4554.93 3615.10 939.83 3602.90 4793.61 -1190.71
of which: Non-resident deposits 3868.67 3007.43 861.25 3921.55 2874.89 1046.66 3193.39 4030.03 -836.64
b) Others 107.30 0.00 107.30 2.42 17.73 -15.31 19.30 0.16 19.14
4. Rupee debt service 0.00 4.89 -4.89 0.00 4.76 -4.76 0.00 6.65 -6.65
5. Other capital 1765.62 1694.11 71.51 1606.53 1379.09 227.44 2410.24 1900.43 509.81
Total capital account (1 to 5) 33679.31 28203.81 5475.50 33360.13 30696.74 2663.38 36934.80 34489.09 2445.71
C. Errors & omissions 67.25 130.37 -63.12 27.96 95.42 -67.46 82.05 57.37 24.68
D. Overall balance (A+B+C) 67869.14 64089.89 3779.25 66207.90 65049.60 1158.30 71969.89 70527.55 1442.34
E. Monetary movements (i+ii) 0.00 3779.25 -3779.25 55.63 1213.93 -1158.30 83.73 1526.07 -1442.34
i) I.M.F. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ii) Foreign exchange reserves (Increase- / Decrease+) 0.00 3779.25 -3779.25 55.63 1213.93 -1158.30 83.73 1526.07 -1442.34
of which: SDR Allocation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . . .
G.n.i.e.: Government not included elsewhere.
Notes : 1. Data for 2016-17 are preliminary estimates and data for 2014-15 and 2015-16 are partially revised.
2. Total may not tally due to rounding off.
Also see Notes on Tables.
