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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 142 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6 (Rs.Billion)
(₹ Billion)
Item/Year 2013-14 2014-15
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 33,420.89 35,289.95 –1,869.06 34,121.51 35,750.39 –1,628.88
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 28,503.24 32,923.00 –4,419.76 29,014.02 33,189.48 –4,175.46
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 19,310.74 28,159.18 –8,848.45 19,342.10 28,200.72 –8,858.62
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 18,985.52 26,473.22 –7,487.70 19,342.10 26,090.64 –6,748.55
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting 325.21 325.21
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold 1,685.97 –1,685.97 2,110.08 –2,110.08
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 9,192.50 4,763.81 4,428.69 9,671.92 4,988.77 4,683.16
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 9.45 1.70 7.75 6.63 1.77 4.85
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 12.87 16.94 –4.08 10.62 13.85 –3.23
1.A.b.3 Transport 1,052.61 894.80 157.81 1,068.65 989.25 79.40
1.A.b.4 Travel 1,088.07 714.18 373.89 1,245.42 935.35 310.08
1.A.b.5 Construction 80.91 74.62 6.30 98.50 70.52 27.98
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 128.49 67.60 60.89 134.61 68.35 66.26
1.A.b.7 Financial services 401.58 346.04 55.54 345.83 217.72 128.11
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 35.67 240.20 –204.53 32.26 294.68 –262.43
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 4,362.20 238.15 4,124.04 4,607.02 250.43 4,356.59
1.A.b.10 Other business services 1,722.50 1,645.50 76.99 1,737.93 1,691.73 46.20
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 79.86 50.66 29.19 72.82 88.02 –15.20
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 29.47 58.88 –29.41 33.21 58.71 –25.50
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 188.83 414.52 –225.69 278.42 308.38 –29.96
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 688.77 2,087.61 –1,398.84 819.94 2,294.23 –1,474.30
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 199.44 169.93 29.51 217.69 167.22 50.47
1.B.2 Investment income 424.19 1,895.92 –1,471.73 515.12 2,087.99 –1,572.87
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 155.87 794.98 –639.11 282.66 843.28 –560.62
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 34.05 411.25 –377.19 7.37 450.09 –442.72
1.B.2.3 Other investment 21.97 689.40 –667.43 26.37 794.33 –767.96
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 212.30 0.29 212.01 198.73 0.29 198.44
1.B.3 Other primary income 65.14 21.76 43.38 87.13 39.03 48.10
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 4,228.88 279.35 3,949.53 4,287.56 266.67 4,020.88
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 4,210.44 251.26 3,959.18 4,268.93 217.39 4,051.54
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/ non-resident households) 4,053.54 235.13 3,818.40 4,117.01 196.77 3,920.24
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 156.90 16.13 140.78 151.92 20.62 131.30
1.C.2 General government 18.44 28.09 –9.65 18.63 49.29 –30.66
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 100.19 63.99 36.20 27.89 22.57 5.32
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 6.10 5.70 0.40 14.95 8.12 6.83
2.2 Capital transfers 94.09 58.29 35.80 12.94 14.45 –1.51
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 31,529.32 29,630.18 1,899.14 33,652.48 31,965.80 1,686.68
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 2,638.94 1,339.25 1,299.69 3,170.87 1,258.69 1,912.19
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 2,185.95 317.65 1,868.30 2,764.00 605.06 2,158.93
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 2,077.46 287.49 1,789.98 2,564.57 589.63 1,974.95
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 1,533.23 287.49 1,245.74 1,953.24 589.63 1,363.62
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 544.24 544.24 611.33 611.33
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 108.48 30.16 78.32 199.43 15.44 183.99
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 108.48 30.16 78.32 199.43 15.44 183.99
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 452.99 1,021.59 –568.60 406.88 653.63 –246.75
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 452.99 832.30 –379.31 406.88 441.15 –34.28
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 452.99 761.60 –308.61 406.88 237.11 169.77
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 70.70 –70.70 204.04 –204.04
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 189.30 –189.30 212.47 –212.47
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 189.30 –189.30 212.47 –212.47
3.2 Portfolio Investment 12,266.73 11,971.04 295.68 15,612.29 13,112.85 2,499.45
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 12,217.04 11,907.13 309.91 15,568.57 13,070.04 2,498.53
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 9,371.72 8,564.39 807.33 11,749.07 10,851.48 897.59
3.2.2 Debt securities 2,845.32 3,342.75 –497.42 3,819.50 2,218.56 1,600.94
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 49.68 63.91 –14.23 43.72 42.81 0.91
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 584.38 457.77 126.61 924.47 1,024.93 –100.46
3.4 Other investment 15,375.39 14,237.69 1,137.69 13,944.85 12,790.09 1,154.76
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs) 1.12 1.12 79.09 79.09
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 5,361.89 2,951.99 2,409.90 3,975.97 3,007.43 968.55 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 29.90 29.90 107.30 107.30 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 5,331.98 2,951.99 2,380.00 3,868.67 3,007.43 861.25 General government Other sectors
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 3,292.92 3,400.06 –107.13 3,591.72 3,637.65 –45.93
3.4.3.A Loans to India 3,191.66 3,349.64 –157.98 3,489.62 3,597.43 –107.81
3.4.3.B Loans by India 101.26 50.41 50.85 102.11 40.22 61.89
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 35.59 39.68 –4.09 22.39 17.71 4.68
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 6,024.42 6,351.55 –327.12 5,483.74 5,488.20 –4.46
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 659.44 1,494.43 –834.98 791.94 639.10 152.83
3.4.7 Special drawing rights
3.5 Reserve assets 663.89 1,624.43 –960.54 3,779.25 –3,779.25
3.5.1 Monetary gold
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a.
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a.
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 663.89 1,624.43 –960.54 3,779.25 –3,779.25
4 Total assets/liabilities 31,529.32 29,630.18 1,899.14 33,652.48 31,965.80 1,686.68
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 12,571.83 10,245.53 2,326.30 15,711.10 12,967.71 2,743.39
4.2 Debt instruments 17,633.04 16,265.80 1,367.25 17,070.36 14,579.75 2,490.61
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 1,324.45 3,118.86 –1,794.40 871.02 4,418.35 –3,547.33
5 Net errors and omissions 49.61 115.89 –66.28 67.25 130.37 –63.12

(₹ Billion)
Item/Year 2015-16 2016-17
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 32,817.96 34,251.46 –1,433.50 34,952.11 35,975.69 –1,023.58
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 27,537.34 31,474.37 –3,937.03 29,731.18 32,750.80 –3,019.62
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 17,432.89 25,928.20 –8,495.31 18,789.43 26,333.95 –7,544.52
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 17,414.71 23,850.09 –6,435.38 18,809.72 24,487.16 –5,677.45
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting 18.18 18.18 –20.28 –20.28
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold 2,078.11 –2,078.11 1,846.79 –1,846.79
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 10,104.46 5,546.17 4,558.28 10,941.75 6,416.85 4,524.90
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 12.00 3.02 8.98 7.68 2.56 5.12
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 9.95 21.19 –11.24 12.21 23.72 –11.51
1.A.b.3 Transport 916.60 986.18 –69.58 1,063.12 947.73 115.39
1.A.b.4 Travel 1,395.42 967.56 427.86 1,559.29 1,101.54 457.75
1.A.b.5 Construction 102.56 62.68 39.87 143.83 59.11 84.73
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 131.13 75.30 55.83 147.95 100.33 47.61
1.A.b.7 Financial services 322.71 204.87 117.84 341.93 392.62 –50.69
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 31.91 319.52 –287.61 38.07 383.68 –345.61
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 5,012.63 267.32 4,745.31 5,120.84 324.57 4,796.27
1.A.b.10 Other business services 1,896.93 2,038.60 –141.67 2,209.81 2,163.32 46.48
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 86.58 79.13 7.46 93.38 147.31 –53.94
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 37.88 56.77 –18.90 39.46 40.21 –0.75
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 148.16 464.01 –315.85 164.18 730.15 –565.97
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 963.24 2,561.04 –1,597.79 1,092.68 2,855.98 –1,763.30
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 235.55 146.56 88.99 264.11 169.84 94.27
1.B.2 Investment income 607.62 2,373.39 –1,765.78 674.89 2,635.82 –1,960.93
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 346.00 977.11 –631.11 347.05 1,272.91 –925.86
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 7.92 589.21 –581.29 8.91 537.50 –528.58
1.B.2.3 Other investment 36.79 806.88 –770.10 72.54 825.31 –752.77
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 216.91 0.19 216.72 246.39 0.11 246.28
1.B.3 Other primary income 120.08 41.09 78.99 153.68 50.32 103.36
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 4,317.37 216.05 4,101.32 4,128.25 368.92 3,759.33
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 4,290.72 159.89 4,130.83 4,111.20 316.82 3,794.38
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/ non-resident households) 4,148.74 142.00 4,006.73 3,962.82 253.99 3,708.83
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 141.99 17.89 124.10 148.37 62.82 85.55
1.C.2 General government 26.65 56.16 –29.51 17.05 52.10 –35.05
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 19.87 17.19 2.68 29.10 19.09 10.01
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 3.36 2.42 0.94 6.80 4.16 2.64
2.2 Capital transfers 16.51 14.77 1.74 22.30 14.93 7.37
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 33,397.75 31,899.46 1,498.29 36,990.36 36,001.47 988.89
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 3,924.22 1,566.40 2,357.82 4,748.11 2,358.98 2,389.13
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 3,641.46 698.88 2,942.58 4,040.57 1,207.65 2,832.92
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 3,380.03 690.58 2,689.45 3,827.69 1,161.59 2,666.09
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 2,696.60 690.58 2,006.02 2,999.82 1,161.59 1,838.22
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 683.43 683.43 827.87 827.87
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 261.43 8.30 253.13 212.89 46.06 166.83
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 261.43 8.30 253.13 212.89 46.06 166.83
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 282.76 867.52 –584.76 707.53 1,151.33 –443.79
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 282.76 645.98 –363.22 707.53 852.96 –145.43
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 282.76 427.50 –144.74 707.53 656.75 50.79
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 218.47 –218.47 196.21 –196.21
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 221.54 –221.54 298.36 –298.36
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 221.54 –221.54 298.36 –298.36
3.2 Portfolio Investment 14,123.45 14,419.33 –295.88 16,075.07 15,570.26 504.82
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 14,067.92 14,329.98 –262.07 15,926.17 15,410.95 515.22
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 11,527.44 11,757.54 –230.09 12,719.83 12,146.40 573.42
3.2.2 Debt securities 2,540.48 2,572.45 –31.97 3,206.34 3,264.55 –58.20
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 55.53 89.35 –33.81 148.90 159.31 –10.40
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 952.95 904.17 48.78 1,552.52 893.46 659.06
3.4 Other investment 14,341.50 13,795.63 545.87 14,530.92 15,652.70 –1,121.77
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs) 23.85 23.85
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 3,923.97 2,892.62 1,031.36 3,212.69 4,030.19 –817.50 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 2.42 17.73 –15.31 19.30 0.16 19.14 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 3,921.55 2,874.89 1,046.66 3,193.39 4,030.03 –836.64 General government Other sectors
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 3,862.24 4,442.61 –580.37 4,354.24 4,922.78 –568.54
3.4.3.A Loans to India 3,639.96 4,276.36 –636.40 4,046.41 4,703.30 –656.89
3.4.3.B Loans by India 222.28 166.25 56.03 307.83 219.48 88.36
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 26.74 79.72 –52.98 29.76 49.41 –19.65
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 5,895.87 5,991.94 –96.07 6,134.46 5,699.81 434.65
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 608.83 388.74 220.09 799.78 950.51 –150.73
3.4.7 Special drawing rights
3.5 Reserve assets 55.63 1,213.93 –1,158.30 83.73 1,526.07 –1,442.34
3.5.1 Monetary gold
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a.
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a.
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 55.63 1,213.93 –1,158.30 83.73 1,526.07 –1,442.34
4 Total assets/liabilities 33,397.75 31,899.46 1,498.29 36,990.36 36,001.47 988.89
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 16,225.45 14,167.33 2,058.13 18,986.23 15,263.14 3,723.09
4.2 Debt instruments 16,483.98 16,129.46 354.52 17,120.61 18,261.75 –1,141.13
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 688.31 1,602.67 –914.36 883.51 2,476.58 –1,593.07
5 Net errors and omissions 27.96 95.42 –67.46 82.05 57.37 24.68
n.i.e : not included elsewhere.
Notes : 1. Data for 2016-17 are preliminary estimates and 2014-15 and 2015-16 are partially revised.
2. Total may not tally due to rounding off
Also see Notes on Tables.
