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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 151 : External Assistance - US Dollar
(US $ million)
Year Authorisation Utilisation Debt Service Payments Net Inflow of Aid (7-10)
Loans Grants Total (2+3) Loans Grants Total (5+6) Amortisation Interest Total (8+9)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1988-89 8877 148 9025 3272 391 3663 1137 898 2035 1628
1989-90 6070 433 6503 3086 399 3485 1193 1020 2213 1272
1990-91 4236 291 4527 3439 298 3737 1304 1094 2398 1339
1991-92 4766 364 5130 4318 371 4689 1474 1214 2688 2001
1992-93 4276 331 4607 3302 288 3590 1540 1274 2814 776
1993-94 3718 773 4491 3486 283 3769 1712 1343 3055 714
1994-95 3958 344 4302 3185 293 3478 1841 1474 3315 163
1995-96 3250 399 3649 2987 319 3306 2213 1486 3699 -393
1996-97 4000 826 4826 3067 306 3373 1966 1354 3320 53
1997-98 4007 566 4573 2917 248 3165 1908 1212 3120 45
1998-99 1979 50 2029 2936 213 3149 2091 1223 3314 -165
1999-00 4091 604 4695 3081 248 3329 2221 1256 3477 -148
2000-01 3769 206 3975 2967 160 3127 2500 1164 3664 -537
2001-02 4439 711 5150 3306 297 3603 2194 1077 3271 332
2002-03 4115 254 4369 2925 387 3312 6091 1133 7224 -3912
2003-04 3223 571 3794 3418 465 3883 6249 859 7108 -3225
2004-05 3961 663 4624 3259 546 3805 2128 725 2853 952
2005-06 2542 356 2898 3639 618 4257 1887 825 2712 1545
2006-07 6557 801 7358 3691 546 4237 1970 977 2947 1290
2007-08 7145 1070 8215 4280 666 4946 2139 1152 3291 1655
2008-09 6268 322 6590 4771 559 5330 2192 959 3151 2179
2009-10 10321 204 10525 5964 670 6634 2620 885 3505 3129
2010-11 7795 331 8126 7790 609 8399 2889 790 3679 4720
2011-12 12343 234 12577 6060 590 6650 3223 815 4038 2612
2012-13 12301 350 12651 4688 437 5125 3396 819 4215 910
2013-14 9004 23 9027 5235 564 5799 3594 705 4299 1500
2014-15 7882 20 7902 5746 241 5987 4051 674 4725 1262
2015-16 9818 582 10400 6144 337 6481 4126 659 4785 1696
2016-17 9325 37 9362 7094 147 7241 4667 851 5518 1723

(₹ Billion)
Year Authorisation Utilisation Debt Service Payments Net Inflow of Aid (7-10)
Loans Grants Total (2+3) Loans Grants Total (5+6) Amortisation Interest Total (8+9)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1988-89 128.56 2.14 130.70 47.39 5.66 53.05 16.46 13.01 29.47 23.58
1989-90 101.06 7.20 108.26 51.38 6.65 58.03 19.87 16.99 36.86 21.17
1990-91 76.01 5.22 81.23 61.70 5.34 67.04 23.29 19.54 42.83 24.21
1991-92 118.06 9.02 127.08 106.96 9.19 116.15 36.50 30.06 66.56 49.59
1992-93 130.82 10.12 140.94 101.02 8.80 109.82 47.88 39.61 87.49 22.33
1993-94 116.19 24.15 140.34 108.95 8.86 117.81 53.52 41.99 95.51 22.30
1994-95 123.84 10.76 134.60 99.65 9.16 108.81 57.91 46.35 104.26 4.55
1995-96 108.33 13.30 121.63 99.59 10.64 110.23 75.66 50.82 126.48 -16.25
1996-97 142.09 29.33 171.42 108.93 10.86 119.79 70.70 48.70 119.40 0.39
1997-98 148.65 21.01 169.66 108.23 9.21 117.44 75.50 47.95 123.45 -6.01
1998-99 83.21 2.10 85.31 123.43 8.96 132.39 88.80 51.92 140.72 -8.33
1999-00 177.04 26.15 203.19 133.31 10.74 144.05 96.86 54.80 151.66 -7.61
2000-01 171.84 9.41 181.25 135.27 7.27 142.54 116.62 54.29 170.91 -28.37
2001-02 216.30 34.65 250.95 161.12 14.48 175.60 107.05 52.56 159.61 15.99
2002-03 199.15 12.30 211.45 138.98 18.39 157.37 289.76 53.90 343.66 -186.29
2003-04 148.09 26.25 174.34 152.76 20.77 173.53 279.70 38.43 318.13 -144.60
2004-05 177.85 29.76 207.61 146.30 24.53 170.83 95.68 32.59 128.27 42.56
2005-06 113.60 15.89 129.49 160.98 27.33 188.31 83.60 36.55 120.15 68.16
2006-07 282.68 34.55 317.23 168.03 24.85 192.88 89.80 44.53 134.33 58.55
2007-08 286.74 42.94 329.68 171.76 26.74 198.50 85.93 46.27 132.20 66.30
2008-09 316.61 16.25 332.86 240.98 28.26 269.24 110.87 48.52 159.39 109.85
2009-10 489.83 9.67 499.50 281.22 31.13 312.36 123.95 41.63 165.58 146.78
2010-11 355.03 15.06 370.09 352.42 27.70 380.12 132.09 35.97 168.06 212.06
2011-12 590.35 11.18 601.53 293.49 29.26 322.75 155.07 39.26 194.33 128.42
2012-13 668.92 19.03 687.95 254.94 23.74 278.68 186.27 44.66 230.93 47.74
2013-14 543.73 1.41 545.14 317.72 34.37 352.09 218.13 42.60 260.73 91.37
2014-15 481.35 1.20 482.55 352.57 14.92 367.49 247.56 41.28 288.84 78.65
2015-16 642.08 36.55 678.63 403.69 21.97 425.66 270.20 43.19 313.39 112.28
2016-17 626.50 2.50 629.00 476.65 9.89 486.54 313.19 57.03 370.22 116.32
Notes : 1. Figures of authorisation have been arrived at by applying the average exchange rate of the rupee with individual donor currencies.
Figures of utilisation are at current rates applicable at the date of transaction.
2. Figures of authorisation and utilisation include loans and grants on both government and non-government accounts.
