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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 153 : NRI Deposits Outstanding - Rupees
(₹ Billion)
Year (end-March) NR(E)RA FCNR(A) FCNR(B) NR(NR)RD NRO FC(B&O)D FC(O)N Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1999 256.29 - 332.22 280.58 - - - 869.09
2000 294.65 - 356.32 294.47 - - - 945.44
2001 333.57 - 423.57 319.66 - - - 1076.80
2002 412.05 - 471.75 343.92 - - - 1227.72
2003 711.84 - 486.51 162.53 - - - 1360.88
2004 929.77 - 495.72 78.95 - - - 1504.44
2005 931.59 - 501.08 10.15 - - - 1442.82
2006 984.43 - 582.72 - 51.19 - - 1618.34
2007 1067.86 - 659.55 - 70.47 - - 1797.88
2008 1068.24 - 566.51 - 111.48 - - 1746.23
2009 1191.81 - 668.03 - 241.34 - - 2101.18
2010 1189.84 - 646.25 - 334.53 - - 2170.61
2011 1178.02 - 696.58 - 433.52 - - 2308.12
2012 1606.84 - 765.76 - 625.80 - - 2998.40
2013 2497.80 - 826.08 - 528.14 - - 3852.02
2014 3179.73 - 2513.54 - 547.74 - - 6241.01
2015 3928.32 - 2681.06 - 600.59 - - 7209.97
2016 4740.68 - 3005.93 - 672.94 - - 8419.56
2017 5395.44 - 1361.73 - 820.33 - - 7577.51
FCNR(A) : Foreign currency non-resident (accounts)
FCNR(B) : Foreign currency non-resident (banks)
FC(B&O)D : Foreign currency (bank and other) deposits
NRO : Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee Accounts
NR(E)RA : Non-resident (external) Rupee accounts
NR(NR)RD : Non-resident (non-repatriable) Rupee deposits
FC(O)N : Foreign currency (ordinary) non-repatriable deposits
