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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 200 : India’s Foreign Trade - US Dollar
(US $ million)
Month 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
April 25827.5 35795.6 -9968.1 22137.2 33506.5 -11369.3 20891.3 25702.6 -4811.3 24604.4 38070.4 -13465.9
May 28019.2 39058.9 -11039.6 22529.1 32837.8 -10308.7 21271.2 28289.0 -7017.8 22543.8 37928.5 -15384.7
June 25926.6 38352.4 -12425.8 22323.7 33536.2 -11212.5 22655.4 30917.1 -8261.7 23575.6 36538.7 -12963.1
July 25815.7 40068.0 -14252.3 23281.2 36372.1 -13090.9 21689.6 29451.0 -7761.4 22543.8 33993.6 -11449.8
August 26825.3 37472.8 -10647.5 21582.7 33981.7 -12399.1 21596.7 29348.9 -7752.2 - - -
September 28889.7 43341.7 -14452.1 21869.4 32035.3 -10166.0 22905.6 31760.4 -8854.8 - - -
October 25914.7 39468.8 -13554.0 21456.1 31148.3 -9692.2 23349.4 34486.7 -11137.3 - - -
November 26503.0 42722.5 -16219.4 19560.9 29896.4 -10335.5 20059.0 33480.0 -13421.0 - - -
December 26172.8 35333.3 -9160.5 22593.4 34096.5 -11503.1 24037.5 34493.5 -10455.9 - - -
January 24415.2 32265.4 -7850.2 21199.0 28866.5 -7667.5 22285.6 31924.3 -9638.7 - - -
February 22008.0 28725.4 -6717.3 20845.7 27419.0 -6573.3 25543.5 33231.4 -7687.9 - - -
March 24034.2 35428.7 -11394.5 22911.7 27310.3 -4398.5 29144.5 39668.9 -10524.4 - - -
Annual 310352.0 448033.4 -137681.4 262290.1 381006.6 -118716.5 276547.0 382740.9 -106193.9 - - -
Notes : 1. Data for 2017-18 are provisional and for 2016-17 data are revised.
2. Monthly data in some cases may not add up to annual total because of data revision.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.
