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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 207 : Standard Presentation of India’s Balance of Payments as per BPM6-Quarterly (Rs. Billion)
(₹ Billion)
Item/Quarter Apr-Jun 2015 Jul-Sep 2015
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 8053.20 8441.61 -388.41 8270.48 8825.30 -554.82
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 6746.44 7788.90 -1042.46 6906.90 8163.37 -1256.47
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 4317.62 6486.78 -2169.15 4390.53 6805.85 -2415.33
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 4211.76 6009.48 -1797.72 4379.36 6157.26 -1777.90
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting 105.86 105.86 11.17 11.17
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold 477.29 -477.29 648.60 -648.60
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 2428.81 1302.12 1126.69 2516.37 1357.52 1158.85
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 1.66 0.26 1.40 6.09 0.34 5.75
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 2.72 5.27 -2.55 2.66 4.20 -1.54
1.A.b.3 Transport 229.01 262.00 -32.99 229.70 249.28 -19.58
1.A.b.4 Travel 289.83 243.72 46.11 327.29 260.87 66.42
1.A.b.5 Construction 22.36 14.77 7.59 23.76 14.87 8.89
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 30.60 17.92 12.68 35.84 18.58 17.26
1.A.b.7 Financial services 81.65 49.38 32.28 111.55 56.83 54.72
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 10.28 94.28 -84.00 6.48 69.71 -63.22
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 1188.86 59.23 1129.62 1257.55 65.10 1192.44
1.A.b.10 Other business services 494.58 462.65 31.93 470.70 487.06 -16.37
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 26.88 31.03 -4.15 19.62 27.34 -7.72
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 8.30 17.10 -8.80 10.90 16.05 -5.15
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 42.09 44.52 -2.43 14.22 87.28 -73.06
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 210.70 582.73 -372.03 253.83 610.17 -356.34
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 56.04 33.37 22.67 64.82 38.65 26.17
1.B.2 Investment income 129.43 537.22 -407.79 162.10 560.31 -398.22
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 76.51 203.34 -126.83 85.47 200.51 -115.05
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 1.39 151.05 -149.66 2.01 156.87 -154.86
1.B.2.3 Other investment 5.32 182.78 -177.46 10.19 202.88 -192.69
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 46.21 0.05 46.16 64.43 0.05 64.38
1.B.3 Other primary income 25.23 12.13 13.10 26.91 11.20 15.71
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 1096.06 69.99 1026.07 1109.75 51.76 1057.99
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 1087.54 55.02 1032.52 1104.31 37.37 1066.94
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/ non-resident households) 1049.14 50.17 998.97 1069.18 33.44 1035.74
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 38.39 4.84 33.55 35.12 3.93 31.19
1.C.2 General government 8.52 14.97 -6.45 5.45 14.39 -8.95
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 5.33 4.82 0.51 5.39 5.12 0.27
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 0.71 -0.52 0.66 0.88 -0.22
2.2 Capital transfers 5.14 4.11 1.03 4.74 4.24 0.49
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 8947.38 8491.27 456.11 8276.65 7694.89 581.76
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 980.59 345.70 634.89 736.33 312.73 423.60
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 896.77 170.12 726.65 673.32 143.30 530.02
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 764.81 166.13 598.67 631.80 143.00 488.81
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 617.87 166.13 451.74 477.89 143.00 334.89
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 146.93 146.93 153.92 153.92
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 131.96 3.98 127.98 41.52 0.31 41.21
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 131.96 3.98 127.98 41.52 0.31 41.21
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 83.82 175.58 -91.76 63.00 169.43 -106.42
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 83.82 126.58 -42.75 63.00 120.83 -57.82
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 83.82 73.62 10.20 63.00 66.62 -3.62
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 52.95 -52.95 54.21 -54.21
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 49.01 -49.01 48.60 -48.60
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 49.01 -49.01 48.60 -48.60
3.2 Portfolio Investment 4040.27 4043.44 -3.17 3577.97 3803.38 -225.40
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 4023.78 4037.52 -13.74 3565.69 3797.99 -232.30
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 3229.87 3212.12 17.75 3123.23 3341.95 -218.72
3.2.2 Debt securities 793.91 825.40 -31.49 442.46 456.05 -13.58
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 16.49 5.92 10.57 12.28 5.38 6.90
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 244.17 291.60 -47.43 178.77 271.49 -92.72
3.4 Other investment 3682.36 3085.05 597.30 3727.94 3307.30 420.64
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs) 17.35 17.35 6.50 6.50
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 1074.09 718.03 356.05 1051.58 777.08 274.50 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 17.55 -17.55 0.18 -0.18 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 1074.09 700.48 373.60 1051.58 776.90 274.68 General government Other sectors
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 1104.38 714.99 389.39 985.92 905.77 80.15
3.4.3.A Loans to India 1059.96 701.38 358.58 968.56 894.41 74.14
3.4.3.B Loans by India 44.42 13.61 30.81 17.36 11.35 6.00
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 2.21 2.18 0.03 2.18 0.66 1.52
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 1430.98 1580.76 -149.78 1508.24 1514.94 -6.70
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 53.35 69.09 -15.74 173.53 108.86 64.67
3.4.7 Special drawing rights
3.5 Reserve assets 725.47 -725.47 55.63 55.63
3.5.1 Monetary gold
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a.
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a.
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 725.47 -725.47 55.63 55.63
4 Total assets/liabilities 8947.38 8491.27 456.11 8276.65 7694.89 581.76
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 4341.37 3804.54 536.83 4011.27 3883.30 127.97
4.2 Debt instruments 4535.31 3892.17 643.15 4029.72 3702.73 326.99
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 70.70 794.57 -723.86 235.66 108.86 126.80
5 Net errors and omissions 68.21 -68.21 27.21 -27.21

(₹ Billion)
Item/Quarter Oct-Dec 2015 Jan-Mar 2016
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 8079.84 8548.66 -468.82 8414.44 8435.90 -21.45
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 6779.65 7831.96 -1052.31 7104.36 7690.14 -585.79
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 4280.90 6520.68 -2239.78 4443.84 6114.89 -1671.05
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 4229.75 5925.62 -1695.87 4593.84 5757.72 -1163.89
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting 51.14 51.14 -150.00 -150.00
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold 595.06 -595.06 357.16 -357.16
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 2498.76 1311.28 1187.47 2660.52 1575.26 1085.26
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 1.57 0.68 0.89 2.68 1.75 0.93
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 2.44 6.15 -3.71 2.13 5.57 -3.45
1.A.b.3 Transport 218.22 227.45 -9.23 239.67 247.45 -7.79
1.A.b.4 Travel 379.78 221.32 158.47 398.52 241.66 156.86
1.A.b.5 Construction 22.75 11.85 10.90 33.68 21.19 12.50
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 29.58 22.00 7.57 35.11 16.79 18.32
1.A.b.7 Financial services 63.16 58.45 4.71 66.35 40.22 26.13
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 8.60 82.07 -73.47 6.56 73.47 -66.91
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 1300.55 62.55 1238.00 1265.67 80.44 1185.24
1.A.b.10 Other business services 439.50 504.04 -64.54 492.16 584.85 -92.69
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 17.23 10.62 6.61 22.85 10.14 12.71
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 9.71 8.08 1.62 8.97 15.54 -6.57
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 5.67 96.03 -90.36 86.18 236.18 -150.00
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 250.38 672.83 -422.45 248.34 695.32 -446.98
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 58.01 37.33 20.68 56.67 37.21 19.46
1.B.2 Investment income 152.83 628.57 -475.74 163.27 647.29 -484.03
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 89.10 267.77 -178.67 94.92 305.48 -210.56
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 2.75 153.99 -151.24 1.77 127.30 -125.54
1.B.2.3 Other investment 10.45 206.76 -196.31 10.82 214.46 -203.64
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 50.52 0.05 50.48 55.76 0.05 55.71
1.B.3 Other primary income 39.54 6.93 32.60 28.40 10.82 17.59
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 1049.81 43.87 1005.95 1061.75 50.44 1011.31
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 1039.84 30.89 1008.95 1059.04 36.62 1022.42
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/ non-resident households) 1007.41 27.16 980.25 1022.99 31.22 991.77
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 32.43 3.73 28.70 36.04 5.40 30.65
1.C.2 General government 9.97 12.98 -3.01 2.71 13.82 -11.11
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 4.22 3.04 1.18 4.93 4.21 0.71
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 0.67 0.34 0.33 1.84 0.49 1.35
2.2 Capital transfers 3.55 2.70 0.85 3.09 3.72 -0.64
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 7584.48 7134.14 450.34 8589.24 8579.16 10.08
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 1119.52 413.99 705.53 1087.78 493.98 593.80
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 1075.56 158.14 917.42 995.80 227.32 768.49
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 1038.78 155.80 882.98 944.64 225.65 718.98
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 865.35 155.80 709.56 735.48 225.65 509.83
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 173.43 173.43 209.15 209.15
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 36.79 2.35 34.44 51.17 1.66 49.50
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 36.79 2.35 34.44 51.17 1.66 49.50
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 43.95 255.84 -211.89 91.98 266.67 -174.69
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 43.95 182.49 -138.54 91.98 216.08 -124.10
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 43.95 127.49 -83.54 91.98 159.76 -67.78
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 55.00 -55.00 56.32 -56.32
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 73.35 -73.35 50.59 -50.59
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 73.35 -73.35 50.59 -50.59
3.2 Portfolio Investment 3074.14 3037.63 36.51 3431.06 3534.88 -103.82
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 3066.80 3029.68 37.12 3411.64 3464.79 -53.15
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 2407.50 2448.96 -41.46 2766.84 2754.51 12.33
3.2.2 Debt securities 659.30 580.72 78.58 644.80 710.28 -65.48
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 7.34 7.95 -0.61 19.42 70.09 -50.67
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 202.10 183.80 18.29 327.91 157.28 170.63
3.4 Other investment 3188.72 3231.31 -42.58 3742.48 4171.97 -429.49
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs)
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 779.94 677.65 102.28 1018.37 719.85 298.52 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 0.10 2.32 2.32 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 779.84 677.65 102.18 1016.04 719.85 296.20 General government Other sectors
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 893.64 944.96 -51.32 878.30 1876.90 -998.60
3.4.3.A Loans to India 864.14 923.25 -59.11 747.29 1757.32 -1010.02
3.4.3.B Loans by India 29.50 21.71 7.79 131.00 119.58 11.42
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 20.48 29.04 -8.56 1.87 47.83 -45.96
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 1366.54 1484.25 -117.72 1590.11 1412.00 178.11
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 128.12 95.40 32.72 253.83 115.40 138.44
3.4.7 Special drawing rights
3.5 Reserve assets 267.41 -267.41 221.04 -221.04
3.5.1 Monetary gold
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a.
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a.
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 267.41 -267.41 221.04 -221.04
4 Total assets/liabilities 7584.48 7134.14 450.34 8589.24 8579.16 10.08
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 3720.16 3008.04 712.11 4152.66 3471.44 681.22
4.2 Debt instruments 3736.20 3763.29 -27.08 4182.74 4771.28 -588.54
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 128.12 362.81 -234.69 253.83 336.44 -82.60
5 Net errors and omissions 17.30 17.30 10.66 10.66

(₹ Billion)
Item/Quarter Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 8359.28 8384.86 -25.58 8548.52 8779.50 -230.98
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 7090.38 7631.55 -541.17 7251.33 7875.26 -623.93
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 4456.15 6050.52 -1594.38 4513.92 6228.96 -1715.04
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 4428.21 5788.29 -1360.07 4491.28 5961.17 -1469.89
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting 27.93 27.93 22.64 22.64
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold 262.24 -262.24 267.78 -267.78
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 2634.23 1581.03 1053.21 2737.41 1646.30 1091.11
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 3.04 0.85 2.19 1.60 0.57 1.03
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 2.22 5.25 -3.02 2.29 5.86 -3.57
1.A.b.3 Transport 260.69 246.01 14.68 263.23 233.85 29.38
1.A.b.4 Travel 321.27 305.13 16.15 370.57 303.02 67.55
1.A.b.5 Construction 30.95 15.56 15.39 35.21 12.04 23.17
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 34.52 19.19 15.34 38.63 23.91 14.72
1.A.b.7 Financial services 93.84 84.80 9.04 99.01 102.42 -3.41
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 11.45 108.88 -97.43 7.57 83.07 -75.51
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 1260.74 66.12 1194.61 1295.77 88.74 1207.02
1.A.b.10 Other business services 538.99 535.45 3.54 552.34 536.21 16.13
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 25.49 44.94 -19.44 23.85 42.40 -18.56
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 8.69 10.81 -2.11 9.79 10.47 -0.68
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 42.34 138.06 -95.72 37.57 203.73 -166.16
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 245.17 667.40 -422.24 276.42 815.51 -539.08
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 61.01 46.81 14.20 60.40 37.93 22.47
1.B.2 Investment income 152.92 604.83 -451.91 186.57 767.74 -581.17
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 93.71 268.70 -174.98 82.82 382.98 -300.17
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 2.04 136.40 -134.36 2.43 177.10 -174.67
1.B.2.3 Other investment 3.47 199.67 -196.20 34.95 207.61 -172.66
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 53.69 0.06 53.63 66.37 0.05 66.32
1.B.3 Other primary income 31.24 15.77 15.47 29.46 9.84 19.62
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 1023.73 85.91 937.83 1020.76 88.74 932.03
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 1019.96 72.74 947.22 1016.51 75.86 940.65
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/ non-resident households) 982.13 57.71 924.42 982.17 59.64 922.53
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 37.82 15.03 22.80 34.33 16.22 18.12
1.C.2 General government 3.78 13.17 -9.39 4.25 12.88 -8.62
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 14.78 4.13 10.65 3.90 4.83 -0.93
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 2.16 0.53 1.63 0.93 -0.60
2.2 Capital transfers 12.62 3.60 9.02 3.57 3.90 -0.33
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 8625.41 8623.10 2.31 9299.79 9010.51 289.28
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 948.01 688.39 259.63 1611.51 473.18 1138.32
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 785.82 391.47 394.35 1209.62 273.27 936.34
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 738.66 386.87 351.79 1151.83 261.43 890.40
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 526.68 386.87 139.81 959.41 261.43 697.98
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 211.98 211.98 192.42 192.42
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 47.16 4.60 42.56 57.79 11.85 45.94
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 47.16 4.60 42.56 57.79 11.85 45.94
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 162.20 296.92 -134.72 401.89 199.91 201.98
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 162.20 211.26 -49.06 401.89 156.89 245.00
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 162.20 162.34 -0.14 401.89 107.91 293.97
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 48.92 -48.92 48.97 -48.97
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 85.66 -85.66 43.02 -43.02
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 85.66 -85.66 43.02 -43.02
3.2 Portfolio Investment 3875.74 3735.04 140.70 4172.52 3767.38 405.13
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 3763.32 3680.34 82.98 4161.37 3712.15 449.22
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 3049.66 2891.48 158.18 3304.94 3002.10 302.85
3.2.2 Debt securities 713.66 788.86 -75.20 856.42 710.05 146.37
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 112.42 54.70 57.72 11.15 55.24 -44.08
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 458.91 259.41 199.51 400.82 346.88 53.94
3.4 Other investment 3342.74 3474.09 -131.35 3114.95 3853.12 -738.17
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs)
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 775.91 681.95 93.96 928.59 771.62 156.97 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 1.81 1.81 17.17 17.17 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 774.10 681.94 92.15 911.42 771.62 139.80 General government Other sectors
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 987.45 1177.62 -190.17 614.78 1315.00 -700.22
3.4.3.A Loans to India 921.32 1140.80 -219.48 556.30 1271.22 -714.92
3.4.3.B Loans by India 66.13 36.82 29.31 58.48 43.78 14.70
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 9.71 18.66 -8.95 2.65 4.20 -1.55
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 1404.69 1425.44 -20.75 1454.79 1467.00 -12.21
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 164.98 170.42 -5.44 114.14 295.30 -181.16
3.4.7 Special drawing rights
3.5 Reserve assets 466.17 -466.17 569.94 -569.94
3.5.1 Monetary gold
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a.
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a.
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 466.17 -466.17 569.94 -569.94
4 Total assets/liabilities 8625.41 8623.10 2.31 9299.79 9010.51 289.28
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 4531.57 3822.38 709.19 5273.29 3826.72 1446.56
4.2 Debt instruments 3928.86 4164.12 -235.26 3912.37 4318.55 -406.18
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 164.98 636.59 -471.61 114.14 865.24 -751.10
5 Net errors and omissions 12.62 12.62 57.37 -57.37

(₹ Billion)
Item/Quarter Oct-Dec 2016 Jan-Mar 2017
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 8777.55 9314.52 -536.97 9266.76 9496.81 -230.05
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 7477.41 8522.04 -1044.63 7912.06 8721.95 -809.89
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 4635.80 6879.23 -2243.42 5183.56 7175.24 -1991.68
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 4688.67 6212.28 -1523.62 5201.55 6525.41 -1323.86
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting -52.86 -52.86 -17.99 -17.99
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold 666.94 -666.94 649.83 -649.83
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 2841.61 1642.82 1198.79 2728.50 1546.71 1181.79
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 1.50 0.42 1.08 1.54 0.72 0.82
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 3.14 4.86 -1.71 4.56 7.75 -3.19
1.A.b.3 Transport 256.00 220.36 35.64 283.20 247.51 35.70
1.A.b.4 Travel 417.14 250.13 167.00 450.31 243.26 207.05
1.A.b.5 Construction 39.86 15.14 24.73 37.81 16.37 21.44
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 35.16 27.84 7.32 39.63 29.40 10.24
1.A.b.7 Financial services 81.59 109.50 -27.91 67.50 95.90 -28.41
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 9.68 101.77 -92.09 9.38 89.96 -80.58
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 1321.19 84.08 1237.11 1243.15 85.62 1157.52
1.A.b.10 Other business services 560.93 543.77 17.16 557.55 547.89 9.66
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 22.09 29.58 -7.49 21.95 30.39 -8.44
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 11.84 9.12 2.72 9.14 9.81 -0.68
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 81.49 246.25 -164.76 2.79 142.11 -139.32
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 270.72 700.67 -429.95 300.36 672.39 -372.03
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 67.90 42.53 25.37 74.80 42.58 32.22
1.B.2 Investment income 159.59 647.97 -488.38 175.82 615.28 -439.46
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 82.11 327.98 -245.87 88.41 293.25 -204.84
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 1.33 111.63 -110.30 3.11 112.36 -109.26
1.B.2.3 Other investment 17.85 208.36 -190.51 16.27 209.66 -193.40
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 58.30 58.30 68.03 68.03
1.B.3 Other primary income 43.24 10.17 33.06 49.75 14.54 35.21
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 1029.41 91.81 937.61 1054.34 102.47 951.87
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 1022.58 78.89 943.69 1052.16 89.33 962.83
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/ non-resident households) 982.98 64.63 918.34 1015.54 72.01 943.53
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 39.60 14.25 25.35 36.62 17.32 19.29
1.C.2 General government 6.84 12.92 -6.08 2.18 13.14 -10.96
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 4.01 5.29 -1.28 6.42 4.84 1.58
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 1.04 1.86 -0.82 3.27 0.84 2.43
2.2 Capital transfers 2.97 3.44 -0.47 3.15 4.00 -0.86
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 9345.61 8851.89 493.72 9719.54 9515.97 203.57
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 1250.51 594.22 656.30 938.07 603.19 334.88
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 1218.12 328.41 889.71 827.02 214.49 612.52
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 1186.09 324.44 861.66 751.11 188.86 562.24
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 979.81 324.44 655.37 533.92 188.86 345.06
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 206.29 206.29 217.19 217.19
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 32.03 3.98 28.05 75.91 25.63 50.28
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 32.03 3.98 28.05 75.91 25.63 50.28
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 32.39 265.80 -233.41 111.05 388.69 -277.64
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 32.39 203.22 -170.83 111.05 281.59 -170.54
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 32.39 153.91 -121.52 111.05 232.58 -121.53
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 49.31 -49.31 49.01 -49.01
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 62.58 -62.58 107.10 -107.10
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 62.58 -62.58 107.10 -107.10
3.2 Portfolio Investment 3263.67 4028.32 -764.65 4763.15 4039.51 723.63
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 3253.26 4016.11 -762.85 4748.23 4002.36 745.87
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 2537.68 2856.83 -319.15 3827.55 3396.00 431.54
3.2.2 Debt securities 715.58 1159.28 -443.70 920.68 606.36 314.32
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 10.41 12.22 -1.81 14.92 37.15 -22.23
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 399.88 189.50 210.37 292.91 97.67 195.24
3.4 Other investment 4347.82 4039.85 307.97 3725.42 4285.64 -560.23
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs)
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 502.30 1751.82 -1249.52 1005.89 824.80 181.09 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 0.16 -0.16 0.33 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 502.30 1751.66 -1249.36 1005.56 824.80 180.77 General government Other sectors
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 2080.27 702.79 1377.49 671.73 1727.37 -1055.64
3.4.3.A Loans to India 2014.35 680.01 1334.33 554.44 1611.27 -1056.83
3.4.3.B Loans by India 65.93 22.77 43.15 117.30 116.10 1.20
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 15.42 15.07 0.35 1.98 11.49 -9.51
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 1581.59 1381.74 199.84 1693.39 1425.62 267.77
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 168.24 188.43 -20.19 352.42 296.37 56.05
3.4.7 Special drawing rights
3.5 Reserve assets 83.73 83.73 489.95 -489.95
3.5.1 Monetary gold
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a.
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a.
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 83.73 83.73 489.95 -489.95
4 Total assets/liabilities 9345.61 8851.89 493.72 9719.54 9515.97 203.57
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 4181.87 3601.27 580.60 4999.51 4012.76 986.74
4.2 Debt instruments 4911.77 5062.19 -150.42 4367.61 4716.88 -349.27
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 251.97 188.43 63.54 352.42 786.32 -433.90
5 Net errors and omissions 44.53 44.53 24.90 24.90
n.i.e : not included elsewhere.
Note : Data for 2016-17 are preliminary estimates.
Also see Notes on Tables.
