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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 218 : Foreign Exchange Reserves - Weekly
Year / Week
SDRs ## Gold # Foreign Currency Assets Reserve Tranch Position Total
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
10-Apr-15 246.90 3960 1191.60 19038 19714.80 316132 80.00 1283 21233.30 340413
17-Apr-15 249.70 4005 1191.60 19038 19879.00 318860 81.00 1298 21401.30 343201
24-Apr-15 259.30 4005 1191.60 19038 20277.00 320264 82.30 1298 21810.20 344606
01-May-15 258.30 4063 1229.30 19336 20538.30 327153 83.70 1317 22109.60 351869
08-May-15 260.30 4063 1229.30 19336 20925.90 327416 84.30 1317 22499.80 352131
15-May-15 260.10 4091 1229.30 19336 20892.70 329124 84.30 1326 22466.40 353876
22-May-15 258.40 4065 1229.30 19336 20745.60 326839 83.80 1317 22317.10 351557
29-May-15 256.10 4017 1229.30 19336 20864.90 327820 83.00 1302 22433.30 352474
05-Jun-15 258.70 4049 1233.20 19340 20917.70 328013 83.80 1312 22493.40 352714
12-Jun-15 259.50 4053 1233.20 19340 21058.80 329582 84.10 1314 22635.60 354289
19-Jun-15 260.30 4080 1233.20 19340 21067.40 330717 84.40 1322 22645.30 355459
26-Jun-15 258.40 4064 1233.20 19340 20988.00 330501 83.80 1317 22563.40 355222
03-Jul-15 256.20 4043 1216.10 19074 20898.70 330091 83.10 1310 22454.10 354518
10-Jul-15 257.20 4058 1216.10 19074 20882.20 329913 83.40 1315 22438.90 354361
17-Jul-15 255.10 4018 1216.10 19074 20854.40 328931 82.70 1303 22408.30 353326
24-Jul-15 257.10 4024 1216.10 19074 20995.30 329245 83.30 1304 22551.80 353648
31-Jul-15 257.90 4029 1168.10 18250 21070.10 329875 83.60 1306 22579.70 353461
07-Aug-15 256.40 4020 1168.10 18250 21004.60 329797 81.70 1280 22510.80 353347
14-Aug-15 264.10 4055 1168.10 18250 21472.20 330837 84.10 1291 22988.50 354433
21-Aug-15 268.30 4075 1168.10 18250 21746.70 331731 85.40 1298 23268.50 355354
28-Aug-15 268.80 4068 1168.10 18250 21597.20 328307 85.60 1295 23119.70 351920
04-Sep-15 268.90 4049 1195.80 18035 21517.80 325657 85.60 1290 23068.10 349031
11-Sep-15 270.10 4068 1195.80 18035 21667.10 327968 87.50 1319 23220.50 351390
18-Sep-15 270.10 4097 1195.80 18035 21566.90 328560 87.60 1328 23120.40 352021
25-Sep-15 267.70 4049 1195.80 18035 21488.50 326578 87.00 1316 23039.00 349979
02-Oct-15 265.30 4047 1193.30 18152 21371.60 327296 86.00 1311 22916.20 350806
09-Oct-15 264.20 4078 1193.30 18152 21283.80 329518 85.60 1322 22826.90 353069
16-Oct-15 265.20 4082 1193.30 18152 21369.30 329970 86.00 1323 22913.80 353527
23-Oct-15 262.50 4046 1193.30 18152 21217.10 328038 85.10 1311 22758.00 351547
30-Oct-15 263.20 4036 1193.30 18152 21457.50 330141 85.30 1308 22999.30 353637
06-Nov-15 263.70 4008 1219.10 18692 21472.00 327735 85.50 1299 23040.30 351735
13-Nov-15 264.50 3999 1219.10 18692 21629.50 328529 85.70 1296 23198.80 352515
20-Nov-15 263.50 3986 1219.10 18692 21607.00 328395 85.40 1292 23175.00 352366
27-Nov-15 264.90 3968 1219.10 18692 21757.00 327669 85.90 1287 23326.90 351616
04-Dec-15 267.80 4006 1172.20 17544 21888.70 329250 86.80 1299 23415.50 352099
11-Dec-15 268.50 4022 1172.20 17544 21899.30 329638 87.10 1304 23427.10 352507
18-Dec-15 265.50 3997 1172.20 17544 21698.30 328270 86.10 1296 23222.10 351107
25-Dec-15 265.70 4013 1172.20 17544 21692.40 329192 86.10 1301 23216.40 352050
01-Jan-16 264.90 4003 1143.50 17240 21594.90 327828 85.90 1298 23089.20 350369
08-Jan-16 266.60 3999 1143.50 17240 21647.80 326398 86.40 1297 23144.30 348934
15-Jan-16 269.50 3997 1143.50 17240 21760.90 324675 87.40 1296 23261.30 347208
22-Jan-16 269.90 3985 1143.50 17240 21880.40 325047 87.50 1292 23381.30 347563
29-Jan-16 270.70 3988 1143.50 17240 22026.30 326631 87.70 1293 23528.20 349152
05-Feb-16 273.20 4040 1201.20 17697 22076.40 328438 88.60 1310 23639.40 351485
12-Feb-16 278.00 4061 1201.20 17697 22426.60 330020 3.70 54 23909.50 351832
19-Feb-16 101.90 1487 1201.20 17697 22345.70 328583 177.90 2598 23826.70 350365
26-Feb-16 101.80 1480 1201.20 17697 22186.90 325027 177.80 2585 23667.70 346788
04-Mar-16 99.50 1479 1326.00 19325 21901.20 327475 173.90 2585 23500.60 350864
11-Mar-16 99.70 1487 1326.00 19325 22014.90 329999 174.20 2597 23614.80 353408
18-Mar-16 99.80 1499 1326.00 19325 22036.50 332505 174.40 2618 23636.70 355947
25-Mar-16 99.50 1488 1326.00 19325 22090.70 332147 173.90 2600 23690.10 355560
01-Apr-16 99.60 1502 1334.30 20115 22162.90 335687 162.90 2456 23759.70 359760
08-Apr-16 99.80 1501 1334.30 20115 22215.90 335846 163.20 2455 23813.20 359917
15-Apr-16 99.50 1498 1334.30 20115 22226.10 336187 162.80 2451 23822.70 360251
22-Apr-16 99.60 1498 1334.30 20115 22335.40 337537 162.90 2451 23932.20 361601
29-Apr-16 100.50 1511 1334.30 20115 22442.20 339025 164.40 2471 24041.40 363121
06-May-16 100.60 1511 1333.20 20043 22394.20 337996 162.80 2445 23990.80 361995
13-May-16 100.40 1504 1333.20 20043 22386.20 337046 162.50 2434 23982.30 361027
20-May-16 101.00 1498 1333.20 20043 22580.20 336939 163.50 2425 24177.90 360905
27-May-16 100.50 1498 1333.20 20043 22424.80 336227 162.60 2425 24021.10 360194
03-Jun-16 100.50 1495 1366.20 20329 22682.10 339222 162.60 2419 24311.40 363465
10-Jun-16 100.50 1504 1366.20 20329 22525.90 338979 161.70 2421 24154.30 363234
17-Jun-16 101.00 1503 1366.20 20329 22682.70 339574 162.50 2420 24312.40 363826
24-Jun-16 101.30 1490 1366.20 20329 22744.50 336580 163.10 2399 24375.10 360798

Year /
SDRs ## Gold # Foreign Currency Assets Reserve Tranch Position Total
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
₹ Billion USD
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
01-Jul-16 100.30 1488 1391.30 20576 22710.20 338713 161.50 2395 24363.30 363172
08-Jul-16 100.10 1484 1391.30 20576 22633.40 337494 161.20 2389 24286.00 361943
15-Jul-16 99.60 1485 1391.30 20576 22605.20 338898 160.40 2391 24256.50 363351
22-Jul-16 99.10 1476 1391.30 20576 22584.10 338257 159.60 2377 24234.10 362687
29-Jul-16 99.50 1485 1391.30 20576 22739.20 341044 160.30 2391 24390.30 365496
05-Aug-16 99.50 1489 1446.90 21585 22618.70 340278 160.20 2398 24325.30 365749
12-Aug-16 99.30 1486 1446.90 21585 22627.70 340360 159.90 2392 24333.80 365823
19-Aug-16 100.20 1498 1446.90 21585 22748.60 341676 161.40 2412 24457.10 367169
26-Aug-16 100.30 1497 1446.90 21585 22754.10 341285 161.50 2410 24462.80 366777
02-Sep-16 99.50 1489 1449.70 21643 22758.00 342238 160.20 2397 24467.40 367766
09-Sep-16 99.40 1494 1449.70 21643 22898.70 345747 159.40 2396 24607.20 371280
16-Sep-16 99.80 1492 1449.70 21643 22894.00 344074 160.00 2392 24603.50 369600
23-Sep-16 99.30 1491 1449.70 21643 22902.70 345242 159.30 2391 24611.00 370766
30-Sep-16 99.10 1487 1426.90 21406 23007.90 346711 159.00 2386 24692.90 371990
07-Oct-16 98.70 1477 1426.90 21406 22771.00 342394 158.20 2369 24454.80 367647
14-Oct-16 98.20 1469 1426.90 21406 22694.10 340908 157.50 2357 24376.70 366140
21-Oct-16 97.90 1464 1426.90 21406 22782.80 341923 157.10 2348 24464.70 367141
28-Oct-16 97.70 1462 1426.90 21406 22790.70 341945 156.80 2345 24472.10 367157
04-Nov-16 98.50 1476 1367.90 20461 22884.00 343927 158.00 2368 24508.40 368232
11-Nov-16 98.00 1463 1367.90 20461 22920.70 342772 157.30 2346 24543.90 367042
18-Nov-16 98.40 1445 1367.90 20461 23186.70 341276 157.80 2318 24810.80 365500
25-Nov-16 98.70 1442 1367.90 20461 23316.00 341089 158.50 2314 24941.10 365306
02-Dec-16 98.70 1444 1369.30 19983 23234.60 340131 158.40 2317 24861.00 363875
09-Dec-16 97.20 1438 1369.30 19983 22912.40 339258 156.00 2308 24534.90 362987
16-Dec-16 96.80 1428 1369.30 19983 22819.50 336903 155.30 2292 24440.90 360607
23-Dec-16 96.90 1428 1369.30 19983 22803.20 335970 155.60 2291 24425.00 359671
30-Dec-16 97.30 1432 1369.30 19983 22860.00 336583 156.20 2299 24482.80 360297
06-Jan-17 97.70 1438 1262.90 18584 22875.60 336824 156.90 2308 24393.10 359155
13-Jan-17 98.20 1440 1262.90 18584 23015.60 337508 157.70 2311 24534.40 359843
20-Jan-17 98.20 1442 1262.90 18584 23030.80 338434 157.60 2315 24549.50 360775
27-Jan-17 98.50 1444 1262.90 18584 23122.80 339211 158.10 2318 24642.30 361558
03-Feb-17 97.60 1448 1305.30 19248 22907.50 340126 156.60 2324 24467.00 363147
10-Feb-17 96.60 1443 1305.30 19248 22733.60 339779 155.00 2316 24290.50 362786
17-Feb-17 96.80 1444 1305.30 19248 22766.80 339720 155.40 2317 24324.30 362729
24-Feb-17 96.50 1444 1305.30 19248 22699.60 339783 154.90 2318 24256.30 362793
03-Mar-17 95.80 1434 1329.00 19914 22738.00 340360 153.90 2303 24316.70 364011
10-Mar-17 95.70 1435 1329.00 19914 22694.80 340456 153.70 2305 24273.20 364109
17-Mar-17 94.70 1445 1329.00 19914 22480.30 343102 152.10 2321 24056.10 366781
24-Mar-17 95.00 1452 1329.00 19914 22526.20 344235 152.60 2331 24102.80 367932
31-Mar-17 93.80 1447 1288.30 19869 22449.40 346319 150.50 2321 23982.00 369955
07-Apr-17 92.90 1443 1288.30 19869 22234.70 345368 149.30 2318 23765.20 368998
14-Apr-17 93.00 1447 1288.30 19869 22265.20 346249 149.50 2324 23796.00 369888
21-Apr-17 93.70 1452 1288.30 19869 22432.40 347486 150.50 2331 23964.90 371138
28-Apr-17 93.70 1460 1288.30 19869 22411.30 349056 150.70 2347 23944.00 372732
05-May-17 93.90 1460 1312.50 20439 22601.90 351530 147.20 2289 24155.50 375718
12-May-17 93.50 1454 1312.50 20439 22573.10 351101 146.60 2280 24125.70 375274
19-May-17 95.50 1469 1312.50 20439 23072.20 355097 149.80 2305 24630.00 379311
26-May-17 95.10 1472 1312.50 20439 22896.60 354542 149.20 2310 24453.40 378764
02-Jun-17 94.80 1472 1297.10 20096 23012.40 357290 148.80 2310 24553.10 381168
09-Jun-17 94.50 1471 1297.10 20096 22954.20 357282 148.30 2308 24494.10 381156
16-Jun-17 94.90 1469 1297.10 20096 23123.20 358084 148.90 2306 24664.10 381955
23-Jun-17 94.70 1468 1297.10 20096 23142.20 358665 148.70 2304 24682.70 382532
30-Jun-17 95.80 1480 1317.30 20349 23455.10 362389 150.30 2322 25018.50 386539
07-Jul-17 95.70 1478 1317.30 20349 23443.60 362232 150.10 2319 25006.70 386378
14-Jul-17 95.40 1480 1317.30 20349 23515.20 364909 149.70 2322 25077.60 389059
21-Jul-17 95.90 1492 1317.40 20349 23610.20 367149 150.60 2341 25174.10 391331
28-Jul-17 95.90 1496 1317.40 20349 23651.40 368759 145.20 2264 25209.90 392868
- : Negligible.
Note : Foreign Currency Assets exclude investment in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK), SDRs transferred by Government of India to RBI and foreign currency received under SAARC SWAP arrangement. Foreign currency assets in US dollar take into account appreciation/depreciation of non-US currencies (such as Euro, Sterling, Yen, Australian Dollar, etc.) held in reserves. Foreign exchange holdings are converted into rupees at rupee-US dollar RBI holding rates.
## : Data on SDR includes SDRs 3,082.5 million allocated under general allocation and SDRs 214.6 million allocated under special allocation by the IMF done on August 28, 2009 and September 9, 2009, respectively.
# : Gold data Include ₹ 314.63 billion (US $ 6,699 million) reflecting the purchase of 200 metric tonnes of gold from IMF on November 3, 2009.
Also see Notes on Tables.
