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Date : Sep 15, 2017
Table 222 : Auctions of 182-Day Government of India Treasury Bills
(₹ Billion)
Date of Auction Date of Issue Notified Amount Bids Received Bids Accepted Devolve ment on PDs/ SDs Total Issue (8+9+10) Cut-off Price Implicit Yield at Cut-off Price (percent) Amount Outstan ding as on Date of Issue (Face Value)
Number Total Face Value Number Total Face Value
Compe-titive Non- Compe-titive Compe-titive Non-Compe-titive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13-Jul-2016 14-Jul-2016 60.00 65 273.82 10.00 24 60.00 10.00 - 70.00 96.76 6.7154 815.70
27-Jul-2016 28-Jul-2016 60.00 56 268.87 - 31 60.00 - - 60.00 96.77 6.6940 815.40
10-Aug-2016 11-Aug-2016 60.00 56 285.36 10.00 19 60.00 10.00 - 70.00 96.79 6.6511 825.40
24-Aug-2016 25-Aug-2016 60.00 45 189.12 - 26 60.00 - - 60.00 96.78 6.6725 885.40
07-Sep-2016 08-Sep-2016 60.00 50 248.44 40.00 25 60.00 40.00 - 100.00 96.79 6.6511 885.37
21-Sep-2016 22-Sep-2016 50.00 54 209.08 15.74 21 50.00 15.74 - 65.74 96.80 6.6297 951.10
05-Oct-2016 06-Oct-2016 60.00 66 179.21 2.08 39 60.00 2.08 - 62.08 96.89 6.4373 887.44
19-Oct-2016 20-Oct-2016 60.00 54 183.15 0.02 33 60.00 0.02 - 60.02 96.88 6.4587 887.46
02-Nov-2016 03-Nov-2016 60.00 56 185.52 12.50 18 60.00 12.50 - 72.50 96.88 6.4587 899.86
16-Nov-2016 17-Nov-2016 60.00 73 215.81 - 20 60.00 - - 60.00 97.11 5.9684 896.26
30-Nov-2016 01-Dec-2016 60.00 57 155.04 30.00 40 60.00 30.00 - 90.00 97.06 6.0748 886.27
14-Dec-2016 15-Dec-2016 60.00 63 179.23 39.15 41 60.00 39.15 - 99.15 96.96 6.2879 925.42
28-Dec-2016 29-Dec-2016 60.00 55 145.44 15.08 34 60.00 15.08 - 75.08 96.93 6.3519 940.50
11-Jan-2017 12-Jan-2017 40.00 62 269.81 10.02 22 40.00 10.02 - 50.02 96.96 6.2879 920.52
25-Jan-2017 27-Jan-2017 40.00 72 368.29 0.07 10 39.98 0.07 - 40.05 96.99 6.2239 900.87
08-Feb-2017 09-Feb-2017 40.00 56 191.00 10.00 36 40.00 10.00 - 50.00 96.99 6.2239 880.87
22-Feb-2017 23-Feb-2017 40.00 62 240.60 20.00 25 40.00 20.00 - 60.00 96.97 6.2665 880.87
08-Mar-2017 09-Mar-2017 40.00 88 248.14 40.02 32 39.98 40.02 - 80.00 97.03 6.1386 857.43
22-Mar-2017 23-Mar-2017 40.00 63 163.86 15.47 20 40.00 15.47 - 55.47 97.07 6.0535 847.16
05-Apr-2017 06-Apr-2017 60.00 58 161.01 27.26 34 60.00 27.26 - 87.26 97.01 6.1812 871.84
19-Apr-2017 20-Apr-2017 60.00 82 283.05 0.02 44 60.00 0.02 - 60.02 96.95 6.3092 871.04
03-May-2017 04-May-2017 60.00 80 249.43 12.52 48 60.00 12.52 - 72.52 96.91 6.3946 870.71
17-May-2017 18-May-2017 60.00 80 336.92 0.45 47 60.00 0.45 - 60.45 96.89 6.4373 872.68
31-May-2017 01-Jun-2017 60.00 68 318.40 30.00 12 60.00 30.00 - 90.00 96.91 6.3946 871.93
14-Jun-2017 15-Jun-2017 60.00 64 327.08 39.10 32 60.00 39.10 - 99.10 96.94 6.3305 871.28
28-Jun-2017 29-Jun-2017 60.00 56 327.03 15.03 36 60.00 15.03 - 75.03 96.94 6.3305 871.96
12-Jul-2017 13-Jul-2017 70.00 63 325.26 10.00 36 70.00 10.00 - 80.00 96.94 6.3305 903.11
26-Jul-2017 27-Jul-2017 70.00 54 365.30 - 29 70.00 - - 70.00 96.98 6.2452 933.06
Notes : The Presentation of implicit yield at cut-off price is based on actual/365 day count convention.
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
