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Date : Sep 15, 2018
Table 134 : India's Overall Balance of Payments - Rupees
(₹ Billion)
Item/Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. Current account                  
1. Merchandise 16676.90 27321.46 -10644.56 19310.74 28159.18 -8848.45 19342.10 28200.72 -8858.62
2. Invisibles (a+b+c) 12188.93 6340.47 5848.46 14138.43 7161.34 6977.09 14780.48 7554.99 7225.49
a) Services 7924.88 4392.71 3532.17 9192.50 4763.82 4428.68 9671.92 4988.77 4683.16
i) Travel 978.81 643.33 335.48 1088.07 714.18 373.89 1245.42 935.35 310.08
ii) Transportation 943.00 806.05 136.95 1052.61 894.80 157.81 1068.65 989.25 79.40
iii) Insurance 121.19 76.62 44.56 128.49 67.60 60.89 134.61 68.35 66.26
iv) G.n.i.e. 31.26 44.22 -12.96 29.47 58.88 -29.41 33.21 58.71 -25.50
v) Miscellaneous 5850.62 2822.48 3028.14 6893.85 3028.35 3865.50 7190.02 2937.11 4252.91
of which: Software services 3583.48 128.56 3454.91 4206.77 151.75 4055.02 4470.87 165.82 4305.05
Business services 1547.80 1650.36 -102.57 1722.50 1645.50 76.99 1737.93 1691.73 46.20
Financial services 269.41 252.01 17.40 401.58 346.04 55.54 345.83 217.72 128.11
Communication services 91.77 40.30 51.48 145.61 63.35 82.26 122.24 62.36 59.88
b) Transfers 3704.64 220.71 3483.93 4257.16 309.92 3947.25 4288.63 271.99 4016.63
i) Official 25.10 41.98 -16.88 46.72 58.65 -11.93 19.70 54.61 -34.91
ii) Private 3679.54 178.73 3500.81 4210.44 251.26 3959.18 4268.93 217.39 4051.54
c) Income 559.41 1727.05 -1167.64 688.77 2087.61 -1398.84 819.94 2294.23 -1474.30
i) Investment income 392.13 1609.57 -1217.44 489.33 1917.68 -1428.35 602.25 2127.01 -1524.77
ii) Compensation of employees 167.29 117.48 49.80 199.44 169.93 29.51 217.69 167.22 50.47
Total Current account (1+2) 28865.83 33661.93 -4796.10 33449.16 35320.52 -1871.36 34122.58 35755.71 -1633.13
B. Capital account                  
1. Foreign investment (a+b) 11698.22 9151.69 2546.53 14906.78 13310.29 1596.50 18862.25 14371.53 4490.72
a) Foreign direct investment (i+ii) 2167.37 1085.51 1081.86 2638.94 1339.25 1299.69 3170.87 1258.69 1912.19
i) In India 1868.69 399.15 1469.54 2185.95 317.65 1868.30 2764.00 605.06 2158.93
Equity 1247.73 372.48 875.25 1533.23 287.49 1245.74 1953.24 589.63 1363.62
Reinvested earnings 537.37 0.00 537.37 544.24 0.00 544.24 611.33 0.00 611.33
Other capital 83.58 26.67 56.91 108.48 30.16 78.32 199.43 15.44 183.99
ii) Abroad 298.68 686.37 -387.68 452.99 1021.59 -568.60 406.88 653.63 -246.75
Equity 298.68 386.14 -87.46 452.99 761.60 -308.61 406.88 237.11 169.77
Reinvested earnings 0.00 64.71 -64.71 0.00 70.70 -70.70 0.00 204.04 -204.04
Other capital 0.00 235.51 -235.51 0.00 189.30 -189.30 0.00 212.47 -212.47
b) Portfolio investment 9530.85 8066.18 1464.67 12267.84 11971.04 296.80 15691.38 13112.85 2578.53
i) In India 9450.11 7937.60 1512.51 12218.16 11907.13 311.03 15647.66 13070.04 2577.62
of which: FIIs 9439.89 7937.60 1502.28 12217.04 11907.13 309.91 15568.57 13070.04 2498.53
GDRs/ADRs 10.23 0.00 10.23 1.12 0.00 1.12 79.09 0.00 79.09
ii) Abroad 80.74 128.58 -47.84 49.68 63.91 -14.23 43.72 42.81 0.91
2. Loans (a+b+c) 8433.53 6742.79 1690.73 8134.42 7675.41 459.01 7541.68 7344.35 197.33
a) External assistance 257.47 204.21 53.26 282.39 220.43 61.97 354.08 247.87 106.22
i) By India 2.82 18.38 -15.56 2.74 14.78 -12.03 3.68 23.70 -20.01
ii) To India 254.65 185.83 68.82 279.65 205.65 74.00 350.40 224.17 126.23
b) Commercial borrowings 1501.58 1041.06 460.52 1827.60 1103.44 724.16 1703.86 1608.28 95.57
ii) By India 115.13 120.68 -5.54 98.51 35.64 62.88 98.42 16.53 81.90
ii) To India 1386.45 920.38 466.07 1729.08 1067.80 661.28 1605.43 1591.76 13.68
c) Short term to India 6674.47 5497.52 1176.95 6024.42 6351.55 -327.12 5483.74 5488.20 -4.46
i) Suppliers' Credit >180 days & Buyers' Credit 6485.03 5405.49 1079.54 6008.49 6270.93 -262.45 5356.89 5450.24 -93.34
ii) Suppliers' credit up to 180 days 189.44 92.03 97.41 15.94 80.61 -64.67 126.85 37.97 88.89
3. Banking capital (a+b) 4554.07 3651.40 902.68 6544.82 5028.18 1516.64 5509.76 4788.93 720.83
a) Commercial banks 4518.66 3642.09 876.56 6514.91 5028.18 1486.73 5402.46 4788.93 613.53
i) Assets 654.22 726.04 -71.82 865.60 1314.23 -448.64 1034.41 1128.95 -94.54
ii) Liabilities 3864.44 2916.05 948.39 5649.31 3713.94 1935.37 4368.05 3659.98 708.07
of which: Non-resident deposits 3551.92 2745.41 806.51 5331.98 2951.99 2380.00 3868.67 3007.43 861.25
b) Others 35.42 9.30 26.11 29.90 0.00 29.90 107.30 0.00 107.30
4. Rupee debt service 0.00 3.13 -3.13 0.00 3.04 -3.04 0.00 4.89 -4.89
5. Other capital 970.73 1250.20 -279.46 1338.01 2008.92 -670.91 1765.62 1694.11 71.51
Total capital account (1 to 5) 25656.56 20799.22 4857.34 30924.03 28025.84 2898.19 33679.31 28203.81 5475.50
C. Errors & omissions 145.78 0.00 145.78 49.63 115.92 -66.29 67.25 130.37 -63.12
D. Overall balance (A+B+C) 54668.17 54461.15 207.02 64422.83 63462.29 960.54 67869.14 64089.89 3779.25
E. Monetary movements (i+ii) 8.72 215.74 -207.02 663.89 1624.43 -960.54 0.00 3779.25 -3779.25
i) I.M.F. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ii) Foreign exchange reserves (Increase- / Decrease+) 8.72 215.74 -207.02 663.89 1624.43 -960.54 0.00 3779.25 -3779.25
of which: SDR Allocation . . . . . . . . .

(₹ Billion)
Item/Year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
A. Current account                  
1. Merchandise 17432.89 25928.20 -8495.31 18789.43 26333.95 -7544.52 19914.36 30231.63 -10317.27
2. Invisibles (a+b+c) 15386.93 8329.24 7057.69 16235.52 9660.16 6575.36 18267.20 11091.19 7176.01
a) Services 10104.46 5546.17 4558.28 11013.66 6429.16 4584.50 12574.72 7575.03 4999.68
i) Travel 1395.42 967.56 427.86 1559.29 1103.18 456.11 1827.68 1257.78 569.90
ii) Transportation 916.60 986.18 -69.58 1063.12 947.73 115.39 1124.18 1134.88 -10.71
iii) Insurance 131.13 75.30 55.83 147.95 100.33 47.61 161.54 109.57 51.97
iv) G.n.i.e. 37.88 56.77 -18.90 39.46 40.21 -0.75 42.80 51.19 -8.39
v) Miscellaneous 7623.43 3460.35 4163.08 8203.84 4237.71 3966.13 9418.52 5021.62 4396.90
of which: Software services 4854.64 176.83 4677.81 4987.00 240.62 4746.38 4984.02 331.25 4652.77
Business services 1896.93 2038.60 -141.67 2209.81 2167.54 42.27 2407.22 2360.96 46.26
Financial services 322.71 204.87 117.84 341.93 392.62 -50.69 332.71 356.91 -24.20
Communication services 142.30 65.92 76.39 159.28 61.06 98.22 135.16 61.49 73.66
b) Transfers 4319.23 222.03 4097.20 4129.18 374.32 3754.86 4476.70 452.24 4024.45
i) Official 28.51 62.13 -33.63 17.98 57.50 -39.52 21.03 53.97 -32.95
ii) Private 4290.72 159.89 4130.83 4111.20 316.82 3794.38 4455.67 398.27 4057.40
c) Income 963.24 2561.04 -1597.79 1092.68 2856.68 -1764.00 1215.79 3063.91 -1848.13
i) Investment income 727.70 2414.48 -1686.78 828.57 2686.14 -1857.57 928.48 2915.72 -1987.24
ii) Compensation of employees 235.55 146.56 88.99 264.11 170.54 93.57 287.31 148.19 139.11
Total Current account (1+2) 32819.82 34257.44 -1437.62 35024.95 35994.11 -969.16 38181.56 41322.82 -3141.26
B. Capital account                  
1. Foreign investment (a+b) 18071.52 15985.73 2085.79 20823.18 17929.24 2893.94 23176.50 19799.66 3376.84
a) Foreign direct investment (i+ii) 3924.22 1566.40 2357.82 4748.11 2358.98 2389.13 4154.21 2203.69 1950.52
i) In India 3641.46 698.88 2942.58 4040.57 1207.65 2832.92 3929.44 1389.68 2539.77
Equity 2696.60 690.58 2006.02 2999.82 1161.59 1838.22 2933.52 1375.59 1557.93
Reinvested earnings 683.43 0.00 683.43 827.87 0.00 827.87 808.40 0.00 808.40
Other capital 261.43 8.30 253.13 212.89 46.06 166.83 187.53 14.09 173.44
ii) Abroad 282.76 867.52 -584.76 707.53 1151.33 -443.79 224.77 814.02 -589.25
Equity 282.76 427.50 -144.74 707.53 656.75 50.79 224.77 338.66 -113.89
Reinvested earnings 0.00 218.47 -218.47 0.00 196.21 -196.21 0.00 183.87 -183.87
Other capital 0.00 221.54 -221.54 0.00 298.36 -298.36 0.00 291.49 -291.49
b) Portfolio investment 14147.30 14419.33 -272.03 16075.07 15570.26 504.82 19022.28 17595.97 1426.32
i) In India 14091.76 14329.98 -238.22 15926.17 15410.95 515.22 18922.01 17492.53 1429.48
of which: FIIs 14067.92 14329.98 -262.07 15926.17 15410.95 515.22 18922.01 17492.53 1429.48
GDRs/ADRs 23.85 0.00 23.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ii) Abroad 55.53 89.35 -33.81 148.90 159.31 -10.40 100.27 103.44 -3.17
2. Loans (a+b+c) 7884.03 8181.70 -297.67 8085.29 7924.90 160.38 9482.50 8408.28 1074.22
a) External assistance 402.44 302.29 100.15 435.61 300.56 135.05 497.50 307.73 189.77
i) By India 3.83 33.99 -30.16 3.88 15.48 -11.60 3.55 8.01 -4.46
ii) To India 398.61 268.30 130.31 431.73 285.08 146.65 493.95 299.72 194.23
b) Commercial borrowings 1585.72 1887.46 -301.74 1515.22 1924.54 -409.32 2506.05 2517.66 -11.61
i) By India 218.45 132.26 86.19 303.95 204.00 99.96 920.78 881.10 39.68
ii) To India 1367.27 1755.20 -387.93 1211.27 1720.54 -509.28 1585.27 1636.55 -51.29
c) Short term to India 5895.87 5991.94 -96.07 6134.46 5699.81 434.65 6478.95 5582.89 896.06
i) Suppliers' Credit >180 days & Buyers' Credit 5729.75 5870.19 -140.44 6019.70 5687.18 332.52 6236.70 5582.89 653.81
ii) Suppliers' credit up to 180 days 166.12 121.75 44.37 114.75 12.62 102.13 242.25 0.00 242.25
3. Banking capital (a+b) 5798.05 5145.47 652.57 5616.10 6727.87 -1111.77 6167.27 5123.00 1044.27
a) Commercial banks 5795.63 5127.74 667.88 5596.80 6727.71 -1130.91 6140.31 5096.02 1044.30
i) Assets 1240.69 1512.64 -271.95 1993.90 1934.10 59.80 1646.73 1665.47 -18.74
ii) Liabilities 4554.93 3615.10 939.83 3602.90 4793.61 -1190.71 4493.59 3430.55 1063.04
of which: Non-resident deposits 3921.55 2874.89 1046.66 3193.39 4030.03 -836.64 3837.65 3213.75 623.90
b) Others 2.42 17.73 -15.31 19.30 0.16 19.14 26.95 26.98 -0.03
4. Rupee debt service 0.00 4.76 -4.76 0.00 6.65 -6.65 0.00 4.82 -4.82
5. Other capital 1606.53 1379.09 227.44 2409.45 1901.99 507.47 2661.06 2260.37 400.69
Total capital account (1 to 5) 33360.13 30696.74 2663.38 36934.01 34490.65 2443.37 41487.32 35596.13 5891.19
C. Errors & omissions 27.96 95.42 -67.46 25.50 57.37 -31.87 122.49 64.26 58.23
D. Overall balance (A+B+C) 66207.90 65049.60 1158.30 71984.47 70542.13 1442.34 79791.37 76983.21 2808.16
E. Monetary movements (i+ii) 55.63 1213.93 -1158.30 83.73 1526.07 -1442.34 0.00 2808.16 -2808.16
i) I.M.F. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ii) Foreign exchange reserves (Increase- / Decrease+) 55.63 1213.93 -1158.30 83.73 1526.07 -1442.34 0.00 2808.16 -2808.16
of which: SDR Allocation . . . . . . . . .
G.n.i.e.: Government not included elsewhere.
Notes : 1. Data for 2017-18 are preliminary estimates and 2016-17 are partially revised.
2. Total may not tally due to rounding off.
Also see Notes on Tables.
