(Amount in ₹ Crore) |
S.No. | Item | 2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | Public non-financial corporations | 432124 | 530695 | 499828 | 548180 |
2 | Private non-financial corporations | 1611294 | 1800493 | 1764009 | 1961304 |
3 | Public Financial corporations | 11678 | 12362 | 11460 | 13392 |
4 | Private Financial corporations | 54200 | 57780 | 16773 | 106467 |
5 | General Government | 440668 | 500639 | 575716 | 673426 |
6 | Households including NPISH | 1513127 | 1317599 | 1606941 | 1767934 |
7 | Gross Capital Formation | 4179779 | 4422659 | 4741385 | 5526853 |
8 | Net Capital Formation | 2837488 | 2972962 | 3150660 | 3745135 |
NPISH : Non- profit institutions serving households. Notes : Items 1 to 6 excludes valuables and errors & omissions. Source : National Statistical Office (NSO). |