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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 15 : Index Numbers of Area, Production and Yield of Foodgrains, Non-Foodgrains and All Crops in India
Year Foodgrains Non-foodgrains All crops
A Pr Y A Pr Y A Pr Y
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Base : Triennium ending 1993-94=100)
Weights 50.63 50.63 50.63 49.37 49.37 49.37 100.00 100.00 100.00
1993-94 127.4 135.1 106.0 111.2 110.7 99.5 121.9 123.0 101.0
1994-95 128.8 141.0 109.5 114.3 118.8 103.9 123.8 130.1 105.0
1995-96 125.4 131.4 104.8 118.3 122.0 103.2 123.0 126.8 103.1
1996-97 128.4 145.1 113.0 120.2 130.3 108.4 125.6 137.8 109.7
1997-98 128.7 140.9 109.5 118.8 120.6 101.5 125.3 130.8 104.4
1998-99 130.0 150.0 115.4 120.0 126.8 105.6 126.6 137.8 108.9
1999-00 127.8 152.9 119.6 117.5 128.2 109.1 124.3 140.7 113.2
2000-01 125.7 141.9 112.9 114.3 126.0 110.3 121.8 134.1 110.0
2001-02 127.5 155.3 121.8 114.9 128.5 111.8 122.7 142.1 115.8
2002-03 118.2 126.6 107.0 102.8 121.2 117.9 113.2 123.9 109.5
2003-04 128.2 155.1 121.0 111.2 110.4 99.3 122.6 133.0 108.5
2004-05 124.7 144.2 115.6 122.1 112.1 91.8 123.5 130.9 105.9
2005-06 126.3 152.5 120.8 124.7 130.1 104.3 125.4 146.8 117.0
2006-07 128.5 158.8 123.6 126.6 155.4 122.8 127.5 167.8 131.6
2007-08 128.8 168.6 130.9 128.1 157.9 123.3 128.6 172.9 134.4
(Base : Triennium ending 2007-08=100)
Weights 50.66 50.66 50.66 49.34 49.34 49.34 100.00 100.00 100.00
2007-08 101.2 105.4 104.2 103.0 108.6 105.4 102.1 107.0 104.8
2008-09 100.9 106.5 105.5 106.0 107.6 101.5 103.4 107.0 103.5
2009-10 100.0 100.6 100.6 104.3 104.9 100.6 102.1 102.7 100.6
2010-11 104.4 114.3 109.5 114.0 128.0 112.2 109.1 121.0 110.9
2011-12 104.1 119.5 114.9 115.7 129.3 111.7 109.8 124.3 113.2
2012-13 102.0 119.4 117.1 116.0 129.0 111.2 108.9 124.2 114.0
2013-14 105.6 123.3 116.8 119.2 136.4 114.4 112.3 129.8 115.5
2014-15 105.4 115.9 110.0 118.5 132.3 111.6 111.9 124.0 110.8
2015-16 103.9 115.7 111.3 119.5 126.1 105.5 111.6 120.8 108.3
2016-17 109.0 131.1 120.3 116.2 134.7 115.8 112.6 132.8 118.0
2017-18 107.4 136.8 127.4 118.2 142.1 120.2 112.7 139.4 123.7
2018-19 105.0 135.3 128.9 116.9 137.7 117.8 110.9 136.5 123.1
A : Area   Pr : Production   Y : Yield
Note : Data for 2018-19 are based on Fourth Advance Estimates for agricultural crops and second advance estimates for horticultural crops.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India.
