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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 61 : Important Banking Indicators - Regional Rural Banks - Outstanding
(₹ Crore)
Year Deposits Bank Credit Investments in Approved Securities Cash in Hand
Demand Time Aggregate (2+3) Government Securities Other Securities Toal (6+7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1989-90 817 2998 3815 3409 5 1 6 46
1990-91 941 3619 4560 3497 9 6 16 56
1991-92 1044 4227 5271 3951 8 17 24 64
1992-93 1093 5277 6370 4451 10 37 47 74
1993-94 1394 6651 8045 5024 39 52 91 86
1994-95 2115 8733 10848 6201 459 375 834 216
1995-96 2475 10895 13370 7289 842 983 1826 177
1996-97 2947 14025 16971 8544 723 1765 2488 226
1997-98 3805 17173 20977 9687 1011 2517 3528 253
1998-99 4688 20740 25428 11016 1191 3816 5007 300
1999-00 5105 24946 30051 12663 1224 4786 6009 343
2000-01 6098 29897 35995 15211 1642 5847 7489 357
2001-02 7305 35189 42494 18033 1970 4901 6871 400
2002-03 8513 39131 47644 21359 7673 4335 12008 471
2003-04 10727 42663 53390 25057 13324 4208 17532 547
2004-05 12757 45529 58286 31651 16970 3242 20213 598
2005-06 17355 46840 64195 36050 16787 2263 19050 1155
2006-07 20003 61617 81620 48420 20249 2175 22424 1110
2007-08 21022 73390 94412 57417 23411 1976 25387 1104
2008-09 24353 89475 113828 64011 27118 2296 29414 1226
2009-10 28710 107104 135814 79016 38201 1029 39229 1434
2010-11 33663 123039 156702 94545 44262 1231 45493 1671
2011-12 34479 138914 173393 111082 47179 1580 48759 1820
2012-13 37269 159154 196422 129936 49178 1170 50348 1810
2013-14 39705 180919 220624 152051 55220 934 56154 2036
2014-15 47117 207109 254226 173972 59969 1464 61433 2045
2015-16 50916 242839 293754 197111 78822 1196 80018 2285
2016-17 65354 280219 345573 213247 112785 663 113448 2640
2017-18 211261 189198 400459 252919 135099 12306 147405 2789
2018-19 70087 355712 425799 276345 134207 524 134730 3051
Note : Data as on last Reporting Friday of March.
Source : NABARD
