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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 63 : Loans and Advances of PACS, SCARDBs and PCARDBs
(Numbers in Lakh; Amount in ₹ Crore)
Advanced Amount outstanding Advanced Amount outstanding Advanced Amount outstanding
No. of Borrowers Amount No. of Borrowers Amount No. of Borrowers Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1986-87 180 3304 4732 - 203 301 10 354 1657
1987-88 200 3688 5242 - 190 8 10 356 1574
1988-89 210 4364 5949 - 275 626 10 422 197
1989-90 180 4513 6284 - 421 1406 - 351 1925
1990-91 170 4311 6486 - 384 1348 - 376 2014
1991-92 190 5575 8177 - 300 30 - 444 2143
1992-93 240 6223 10245 - 415 1906 - 542 2480
1993-94 140 7158 9399 - 469 2091 - 612 2701
1994-95 170 8312 9996 - 566 2500 - 651 2709
1995-96 240 10552 12980 - 1798 6857 - 1219 4098
1996-97 390 11292 13345 - 2151 8016 - 1455 4936
1997-98 410 12137 13994 - 2295 9182 - 1593 5840
1998-99 440 12743 14894 - 2437 10442 - 1692 6819
1999-00 430 23662 28546 - 2532 11598 - 1818 7574
2000-01 470 25698 34522 - 2586 12596 - 1866 8276
2001-02 560 30770 40779 - 2746 14110 - 2045 10005
2002-03 640 33996 42411 - 2962 15333 - 2151 10809
2003-04 510 35119 43873 - 2942 16221 - 2197 11336
2004-05 450 39211 48785 - 2291 17404 - 2506 12633
2005-06 460 42920 51779 - 2907 17678 - 2296 12870
2006-07 480 49613 58620 - 2436 18644 - 1970 12179
2007-08 510 57643 65666 - 2221 18327 - 1822 11800
2008-09 460 58787 64045 - 2585 16279 - 2045 11229
2009-10 600 74935 76480 - 3205 16999 - 2465 11512
2010-11 520 91304 87768 40 3911 18457 40 3324 12003
2011-12 450 107300 91243 - 4159 19417 - 3341 12600
2012-13 500 161909 139400 - 3652 18744 - 3718 12976
2013-14 480 171420 130054 - 4924 20150 - 4372 13820
2014-15 500 159050 147225 - 5090 21218 - 5374 14812
2015-16 462 180823 158487 - 5237 20409 - 5642 14019
2016-17 702 200678 170459 - 4773 21208 - 4483 15064
2017-18 - - - - 4502 20788 - 4470 15821
PACS : Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
SCARDB : State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank
PCARDB : Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank
Notes : 1. Data upto 1991-92 relate to as at end-June, and as at end-March thereafter.
2. :- Not Available.
Source : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (data as submitted by SCARDBs in ENSURE portal of NABARD with respect to SCARDBs/PCARDBs), National Federation of State Co-operative Banks with respect to PACS data.
