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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 65 : Self-Help Group-Bank Linkage Programme
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Year (end - March) No. of SHGs Financed by Banks Bank Loan Refinance
During the year Cumulative During the year Cumulative During the year Cumulative
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2002-03 255882 717360 1022 2049 622 1419
2003-04 361731 1079091 1856 3904 705 2124
2004-05 539365 1618456 2994 6898 968 3092
2005-06 620109 2238565 4499 11397 1068 4160
2006-07 1105749 - 6570 - 1293 5453
2007-08 1227770 - 8849 - 1616 7068
2008-09 1609586 - 12254 - 2620 9688
2009-10 1586822 - 14453 - 3174 12862
2010-11 1196134 - 14548 - 3174 12862
2011-12 1147878 - 16535 - 3073 18480
2012-13 1219821 - 20585 - 3917 22396
2013-14 1366421 - 24017 - 3746 26142
2014-15 1626238 - 27582 - 4493 30635
2015-16 1832323 - 37287 - 6906 37541
2016-17 1898120 - 38781 - 5660 43294
2017-18 2261132 - 47186 - 6981 50275
2018-19 2698400 - 58318 - 12886 63161
Notes : 1. Data relate to Commercial Banks, RRBs and Co-operative Banks.
2. From 2006-07 onwards, data on number of SHGs financed by banks and bank loans are inclusive of 'Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna' (SGSY) SHGs and exisiting groups receiving repeat loans. Owing to this change, NABARD discontinued the publication of data on a cumulative basis from 2006-07.
Source : NABARD.
