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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 97 : Major Heads of Developmental and Non-Developmental Expenditure of the Central Government
(₹ Crore)
Year Developmental Expenditure of which Non-developmental expenditure Total expenditure (2+5)
Economic services Social services
1 2 3 4 5 6
1990-91 58645 24588 3274 49349 107994
1991-92 59313 23681 3569 55170 114483
1992-93 65479 26248 4009 60584 126063
1993-94 72464 27571 4830 73586 146050
1994-95 82803 33897 5873 82402 165205
1995-96 84427 35029 7655 98632 183059
1996-97 94197 37253 9672 112217 206414
1997-98 110994 44246 11845 127820 238814
1998-99 137257 54375 14656 150298 287555
1999-00 129151 60956 17221 177928 307079
2000-01 139386 71731 17679 197470 336856
2001-02 159364 80868 15130 215456 374820
2002-03 184197 103820 22007 242749 426946
2003-04 195428 108071 23859 243298 438726
2004-05 214955 115030 29906 262904 477860
2005-06 229060 133053 38264 290677 519737
2006-07 255718 142772 43762 341278 596996
2007-08 325670 172955 61648 400728 726398
2008-09 471399 273222 89797 428145 899544
2009-10 528242 304440 102628 514101 1042343
2010-11 666069 404312 124990 551471 1217540
2011-12 705321 436943 113612 627075 1332396
2012-13 742417 458222 119346 692856 1435273
2013-14 784504 478376 134840 803070 1587574
2014-15 813813 459786 62038 881159 1694972
2015-16 835019 495234 91462 990172 1825191
2016-17 899369 569910 105303 1075825 1975194
2017-18 998201 623730 113382 1143772 2141973
2018-19 1188215 783026 129828 1269021 2457235
2019-20 1341300 904780 150500 1445049 2786349
Notes : 1. Data for 2018-19 are Revised Estimates and data for 2019-20 are Budget Estimates.
2. Total Expenditure and Developmental Expenditure of 2007-08 include an amount of ₹ 35531 Crore on account of transactions relating to transfer of Reserve Bank's stake in SBI to the Central Government.
3. Data on development and non development expenditure are inclusive of gross expenditure of commercial and postal departments.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the Government of India.
