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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 98 : Centre’s Gross Fiscal Deficit and its Financing
(₹ Crore)
Year GFD Receipts GFD Expenditure Gross fiscal deficit (3-2) Financing of GFD
External finance Internal finance
Market Borrowings Other Borrowings Draw down of cash balances Total (6+7+8)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1990-91 54954 99586 44632 3181 8001 22103 11347 41451
1991-92 69069 105394 36325 5421 7510 16539 6855 30904
1992-93 76089 116262 40173 5319 3676 18866 12312 34854
1993-94 75405 135662 60257 5074 28928 15295 10960 55183
1994-95 96691 154394 57703 3582 20326 32834 961 54121
1995-96 111527 171770 60243 318 34001 16117 9807 59925
1996-97 126734 193468 66733 2987 19093 31469 13184 63746
1997-98 134798 223735 88937 1091 32499 56257 -910 87846
1998-99 155359 268707 113349 1920 68988 42650 -209 111429
1999-00 183206 287922 104716 1180 62076 40597 864 103537
2000-01 194730 313546 118816 7505 73431 39077 -1197 111311
2001-02 204952 345907 140955 5601 90812 46038 -1496 135354
2002-03 233985 379057 145072 -11934 104126 50997 1883 157006
2003-04 280765 404038 123273 -13488 88870 51833 -3942 136761
2004-05 310415 436209 125794 14753 50940 61562 -1461 111041
2005-06 348658 495093 146435 7472 106241 53610 -20888 138963
2006-07 434921 577494 142573 8472 114801 14782 4517 134101
2007-08 580659 707571 126912 9315 130600 14168 -27171 117597
2008-09 540825 877817 336992 11015 246975 35168 43834 325977
2009-10 597392 1015874 418482 11038 394371 14460 -1386 407444
2010-11 811317 1184908 373591 23556 326399 17206 6430 350035
2011-12 769525 1285515 515990 12448 484111 35421 -15990 503542
2012-13 905122 1395312 490190 7201 507445 26556 -51012 482989
2013-14 1044092 1546950 502858 7292 475626 39111 -19171 495566
2014-15 1139209 1649935 510725 12933 457617 -37485 77752 497884
2015-16 1237157 1769948 532791 12748 414931 91942 13170 520043
2016-17 1421946 1957564 535618 17997 338149 188368 -8895 517622
2017-18 1535278 2126340 591062 7931 450728 128312 4091 583131
2018-19 1809682 2444080 634398 -4893 422737 175353 41201 639291
2019-20 2067761 2771521 703760 -2952 473122 182531 51059 706712
Notes : 1. Data for 2018-19 are Revised Estimates and data for 2019-20 are Budget Estimates.
2. GFD receipts includes revenue receipts and disinvestments proceeds from 1991-92 onwards and only revenue receipts for all other years.
3. GFD expenditure includes revenue expenditure, capital outlay and loans and advances net of recoveries.
4. Drawdown of cash balances represent variation in adhoc treasury bills issued net of changes in cash balances with RBI up to March 31, 1997.
5. 2017-18 onwards Market Borrowings include dated securities only. Prior to that market borrowing comprise dated securities, 364-day treasury bills and net impact of switching off of securities.
6. Prior to 2017-18 Other borrowings comprise small savings, state provident fund, special deposits, reserve funds, treasury bills excluding 364-day treasury bills, etc. 2017-18 onwards Other borrowings also include 364-day treasury bills and net impact of switching off of securities.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the Government of India.
