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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 113 : Combined Liabilities of Central and State Governments
(₹ Crore)
Year (end-March) Domestic liabilities of the Centre External liabilities of the Centre Total liabilities of the Centre (2+3) Total liabilities of the States Combined domestic liabilities of Centre & States Combined total liabilities of Centre & States (3+6)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1990-91 283033 66314 349347 128155 337299 403613
1991-92 317714 109677 427391 147030 381480 491157
1992-93 359655 120979 480634 168365 436766 557745
1993-94 430623 127798 558421 187875 517461 645259
1994-95 487682 142514 630196 216473 589867 732381
1995-96 554983 148398 703381 249535 676959 825357
1996-97 621437 149564 771001 285898 763967 913531
1997-98 722962 161418 884380 330816 880898 1042316
1998-99 834552 177934 1012486 399576 1032257 1210191
1999-00 962592 186791 1149383 509529 1238943 1425734
2000-01 1102596 189990 1292586 594147 1414113 1604103
2001-02 1294862 199639 1494501 690747 1656544 1856183
2002-03 1499589 196067 1695656 786430 1905601 2101668
2003-04 1690554 184177 1874731 903174 2180768 2364945
2004-05 1933544 191182 2124726 1014067 2471716 2662898
2005-06 2165902 194070 2359972 1147717 2726330 2920400
2006-07 2435880 201199 2637079 1241576 3005336 3206535
2007-08 2725394 210086 2935480 1328302 3352740 3562826
2008-09 3036132 263976 3300108 1470195 3801502 4065478
2009-10 3395877 249288 3645165 1648650 4324303 4573591
2010-11 3781135 278455 4059590 1828976 4827688 5106143
2011-12 4347164 322890 4670054 1993916 5561658 5884548
2012-13 4893303 332004 5225307 2210246 6295815 6627820
2013-14 5484848 374484 5859332 2471263 7158677 7533161
2014-15 6045007 366193 6411200 2703760 7934390 8300583
2015-16 6691709 406589 7098298 3218126 9031659 9438248
2016-17 7207803 408108 7615911 3629310 9987087 10395195
2017-18 7989545 410526 8400071 4022082 11149179 11559705
2018-19 8703657 405519 9109176 4540847 12382547 12788066
Notes : 1. Centre Data for 2017-18 is Revised Estimates and Data for 2018-19 is Budget Estimates. States data and combined data for 2016-17 and 2017-18 are Revised and Budget Estimates respectively.
2. External liabilities of the Centre is at current exchange rate.
3. Total liabilities of the States, Combined domestic liabilities of Center & States and Combined total liabilities of the centre & states have been revised to include ‘reserve funds’, ‘deposits and advances’ and ‘contingency fund’ of State Governments.
Sources : 1. Budget documents of the Government of India.
2. Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts of the Union and the State Governments in India, 1986-87’ and Budget documents of the State Governments.
