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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 148 : Foreign Investment Inflows
Year Gross inflows/ Gross Investments Repatriation/ Disinvestment Direct Investment to India FDI by India Net Foreign Direct Investment Net Portfolio Investment Total
₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2000-01 18404 4031 0 0 18404 4031 3480 759 14924 3272 11820 2590 26744 5862
2001-02 29269 6130 24 5 29245 6125 6615 1391 22630 4734 9290 1952 31920 6686
2002-03 24681 5095 284 59 24397 5036 8803 1819 15594 3217 4504 944 20098 4161
2003-04 19830 4322 0 0 19830 4322 8886 1934 10944 2388 51898 11356 62842 13744
2004-05 27234 6052 287 65 26947 5987 10202 2274 16745 3713 41312 9287 58057 13000
2005-06 39730 8962 273 61 39457 8901 26032 5867 13425 3034 55357 12494 68782 15528
2006-07 103037 22826 385 87 102652 22739 67742 15046 34910 7693 31881 7060 66791 14753
2007-08 139884 34844 466 116 139421 34729 75643 18835 63776 15893 110619 27433 174395 43326
2008-09 191419 41903 773 166 190645 41738 90539 19365 100106 22372 -65045 -14030 35061 8342
2009-10 179642 37746 21823 4637 157819 33109 71836 15143 85983 17966 153967 32396 239951 50362
2010-11 164255 36047 31898 7018 132358 29029 78257 17195 54101 11834 139381 30293 193482 42127
2011-12 220000 46552 65039 13599 154961 32952 51794 10892 103167 22061 85571 17170 188738 39231
2012-13 186869 34298 39915 7345 146954 26953 38768 7134 108186 19819 146467 26891 254653 46711
2013-14 218595 36047 31765 5284 186830 30763 56860 9199 129969 21564 29680 4822 159650 26386
2014-15 276400 45147 60506 9864 215893 35283 24675 4031 191219 31251 257853 42205 449072 73456
2015-16 364146 55559 69888 10652 294258 44907 58476 8886 235782 36021 -27203 -4130 208579 31891
2016-17 404057 60220 120765 18005 283292 42215 44379 6603 238913 35612 50482 7612 289394 43224
2017-18 392944 60974 138968 21544 253977 39431 58925 9144 195052 30286 142632 22115 337684 52401
2018-19 433069 62001 131136 18699 301932 43302 87896 12590 214036 30712 -1857 -618 212179 30094
Notes : 1. Data for 2018-19 are provisional.
2. Data from 1995-96 onwards include acquisition of shares of Indian companies by non-residents under Section 6 of FEMA, 1999. Data on such acquisitions are included as part of FDI since January 1996.
3. Data on FDI have been revised since 2000-01 with expanded coverage to approach international best practices.
4. Negative (-) sign indicates outflow.
5. Direct Investment data for 2006-07 include swap of shares of 310 Crore.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
