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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 193 : India’s Foreign Trade - Rupees
(₹ Crore)
Month 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
April 138678 170755 -32076 158552 250511 -91959 170331 262220 -91889 181254 287539 -106286
May 149918 189254 -39336 154278 246610 -92332 194960 296610 -101649 209237 316474 -107238
June 152465 208062 -55597 148300 238794 -90493 184010 303725 -119715 173679 280075 -106397
July 145789 196954 -51165 143689 220536 -76847 176915 304917 -128002 181190 273580 -92389
August 144570 196154 -51584 149399 230738 -81339 193397 317996 -124598 - - -
September 151956 212496 -60541 184089 244635 -60546 201235 309228 -107993 - - -
October 155927 230247 -74320 148963 244064 -95102 196406 328975 -132568 - - -
November 135699 226288 -90589 170541 268468 -97927 187335 313634 -126299 - - -
December 163344 234952 -71608 178803 270015 -91213 197045 299505 -102461 - - -
January 152203 219635 -67432 161687 259010 -97323 186787 293225 -106438 - - -
February 165856 229723 -63867 167570 243792 -76222 191317 260609 -69292 - - -
March 193029 263155 -70127 189648 278299 -88651 227370 303555 -76185 - - -
Annual 1849434 2577675 -728242 1956515 3001033 -1044519 2307663 3594373 -1286710 - - -
Notes : 1. Data for 2019-20 are provisional and for 2018-19 data are revised.
2. Monthly data in some cases may not add up to annual total because of data revision.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.
