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Date : Dec 29, 2020
Appendix Table V.5: Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Item As at end-March Variation (%)
2018 2019 2017-18 2018-19
1 2 3 4 5
A. Liabilities        
1. Total Resources (2+3+4) 278,907 314,128 1.9 12.6
2. Owned Funds (a+b) 30,942 42,196 -6.2 36.4
a. Paid-up Capital 14,142 22,817 0.1 61.3
Of which, Government Contribution 807 1,323 -2.7 63.9
b. Total Reserves 16,800 19,379 -10.9 15.4
3. Deposits 119,632 133,010 3.2 11.2
4. Borrowings 128,333 138,922 2.8 8.3
5. Working Capital 243,563 296,554 1.5 21.8
B. Assets        
1. Total Loans Outstanding (a+b) 169,629 115,048 -0.5 -32.2
a) Short-Term 120,823 93,919 -1.1 -22.3
b) Medium-Term 48,806 21,129 1.1 -56.7
Note: Y-o-Y variations could be slightly different because absolute numbers have been rounded off to ₹ crore.
Source: NAFSCOB.
