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Date : Sep 15, 2021
Table 83 : Liabilities and Assets of NABARD
(₹ Crore)
Year (end-March) Liabilities
Capital Advance towards capital Reserves NRC (LTO) Fund NRC (Stabilisation) Fund Borrowings from GOI including IDA/ IBRD General Line of Credit from RBI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2003 2000 0 4319 12945 1474 589 5792
2004 2000 0 5291 13070 1500 563 4194
2005 2000 0 6199 13152 1511 404 3927
2006 2000 0 6974 13183 1522 400 2998
2007 2000 0 7802 13214 1533 382 0
2008 2000 0 8603 13615 1544 370 0
2009 2000 0 9535 14016 1555 354 0
2010 2000 0 10675 14417 1566 147 0
2011 2000 0 11863 14468 1577 124 0
2012 3000 0 13408 14479 1579 85 0
2013 4000 0 15234 14481 1581 43 0
2014 4700 0 17157 14483 1583 39 0
2015 5000 0 19600 14485 1585 20 0
2016 5000 300 22126 14487 1587 12 0
2017 5000 1700 24771 14489 1589 0 0
2018 5000 5580 27731 14491 1591 0 0
2019 12580 0 31094 14493 1593 0 0
2020 14080 0 34951 14495 1595 0 0
2021 15080 0 39269 14497 1597 0 24567

Year (end-March) Liabilities
Borrowings from RBI under ARDR scheme, 1990 Open market borrowings RIDF Deposits Foreign currency loan (KFW-Germany) Others Total liabilities/ assets
1 9 10 11 12 13 14
2003 0 8702 12159 302 1789 50071
2004 0 14383 12089 297 2502 55889
2005 0 21504 9169 297 2616 60779
2006 0 23313 13974 294 2947 67605
2007 0 31392 20154 290 4453 81220
2008 0 32622 30593 508 8851 98706
2009 0 26445 47023 498 16750 118176
2010 0 24540 59869 495 22583 136292
2011 0 33842 67878 503 26617 158872
2012 0 42324 75107 503 31590 182075
2013 0 50269 78758 463 48341 213170
2014 0 36479 83863 715 95555 254574
2015 0 42737 89603 727 112291 286048
2016 0 58974 96885 722 110291 310384
2017 0 84781 105502 684 109744 348260
2018 0 117762 116314 812 117361 406642
2019 0 182635 119763 1094 124218 487470
2020 0 205371 130442 1053 130088 532075
2021 0 292013 136227 960 133588 657798

(₹ Crore)
Year (end-March) Assets
Refinance outstanding (MT and LT) General line of credit (ST) Medium Term Loans from NRC (LTO) Fund Conversion Loans from NRC (Stabilisation Fund) Loans to State Governments for contribution to share capital of cooperative credit societies Bills discounted
1 15 16 17 18 19 20
2003 25416 6053 9 370 441 0
2004 28079 5598 5 633 460 0
2005 27942 8307 3 1173 406 0
2006 30167 9617 1 2759 387 216
2007 31725 14757 0 2672 335 0
2008 32467 17382 0 2058 290 0
2009 33430 16896 0 2611 252 0
2010 35827 24073 0 20 199 0
2011 38984 33885 0 193 167 0
2012 43179 48338 0 129 140 0
2013 48541 65176 0 64 109 0
2014 54947 79806 0 0 83 0
2015 68396 88711 0 0 59 0
2016 89427 69719 0 447 66 0
2017 105208 73553 0 1065 53 0
2018 122688 66128 0 633 42 0
2019 152409 66737 0 137 70 0
2020 167098 68693 0 92 63 0
2021 199510 106372 0 15 59 0

Year (end-March) Assets
Loans under ARDR Scheme 1990 Investment in Government securities ADFC equity SIDBI Loans out of RIDF Others Special deposits with RBI in respect of NRC (Stabilisation) Fund Total liabilities/ assets
1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
2003 0 1248 17 30 13062 3425 0 50071
2004 0 2271 17 30 14004 4792 0 55889
2005 0 4755 17 48 10513 7615 0 60779
2006 0 2472 17 48 15142 6779 0 67605
2007 0 1438 17 48 20005 10223 0 81220
2008 0 1683 17 48 30648 14113 0 98706
2009 0 1711 17 48 45616 17595 0 118176
2010 0 1992 17 48 60255 13861 0 136292
2011 0 2548 20 48 66078 16949 0 158872
2012 0 2147 37 48 70860 17197 0 182075
2013 0 2414 95 48 75061 21662 0 213170
2014 0 3007 106 48 78957 37620 0 254574
2015 0 3099 132 48 83545 42058 0 286048
2016 0 4796 176 48 91384 54321 0 310384
2017 0 8944 176 48 100981 58232 0 348260
2018 0 13029 180 966 110062 92914 0 406642
2019 0 15501 257 966 120163 131230 0 487470
2020 0 23248 415 966 125647 145853 0 532075
2021 0 38435 480 966 132724 179237 0 657798
Notes : 1) Data for end-March 2021 are provisional.
2) Other Liabilities for the year 1995 includes borrowings from RBI under GSRF and short-term borrowings.
3) Other Liabilities for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999 include ₹ 4 crore, ₹ 257 crore and ₹ 350 crore, respectively as deposits.
4) Other liabilities for the years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 include ₹ 90 crore, ₹ 63 crore, ₹ 56 crore, ₹ 78 crore, ₹ 82 crore, ₹ 106 crore, ₹ 5104 crore, ₹10127 crore, ₹ 14899 crore, ₹ 20291 crore and ₹ 35302 crore respectively, as deposits.
5) Investments in GOI securities for the year 2000 include treasury bills also.
6) Equity to ADFC for the year 2000 contributed in 1999-2000.
Also See Notes on Table.
Source : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
