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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 2 : Macro-Economic Aggregates (At Constant Prices)
(Base Year: 2011-12 At Constant Prices)
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item/Year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
GVA at Basic Prices 10491870 11328285 12034171 12733798 13219476 12585074 13605474
Net taxes on products 877623 979909 1110412 1259116 1296482 973400 1130041
Gross Domestic Product 11369493 12308193 13144582 13992914 14515958 13558473 14735515
Consumption of Fixed Capital 1270890 1381526 1489921 1614455 1732620 1832275 -
Net Domestic Product 10098603 10926667 11654661 12378459 12783337 11726198 -
Primary income receivable from ROW (net) -134922 -144575 -145888 -152440 -141704 -190195 -
Gross National Income 11234571 12163619 12998695 13840474 14374253 13368279 14500812
Net National Income 9963681 10782092 11508774 12226019 12641633 11536004 12519976
Gross Capital Formation 3917358 4300879 4922972 5225982 4954568 4269909 -
Net Capital Formation 2646468 2919353 3433051 3611527 3221948 2437634 -
Per Capita GDP (₹) 88616 94751 100035 105448 108247 100032 107670
Per Capita GNI (₹) 87565 93638 98925 104299 107191 98629 105955
Per Capita NNI (₹) 77659 83003 87586 92133 94270 85110 91481
Per Capita PFCE (₹) 49738 53120 55789 59159 61594 57279 61215
Notes: 1. Data for 2018-19 are Third Revised Estimates, for 2019-20 are Second Revised Estimates and for 2020-21 are First Revised Estimates.
2. Data for 2021-22 are Provisional Estimates.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source: National Statistical Office (NSO).
