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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 4 : Components of Gross Domestic Product
(Base Year : 2011-12) Constant Prices
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item/Year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Private Final Consumption Expenditure 6381419 6900236 7330728 7850444 8259704 7763734 8377854
Government Final Consumption Expenditure 1132802 1201598 1344843 1434945 1484272 1537603 1577132
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 3492183 3787568 4083079 4540509 4611021 4131279 4784054
Changes in Stocks 239557 122639 206436 262771 108284 -11573 187937
Valuables 185986 151479 212307 191704 164527 207980 295046
Exports of Goods and Services 2370282 2488423 2602012 2912480 2813609 2553683 3174844
Import of Goods and Services 2511540 2621593 3078274 3349861 3321586 2862871 3878193
Discrepancies 78804 277844 443451 149920 396125 238638 216842
Gross Domestic Product 11369493 12308193 13144582 13992914 14515958 13558473 14735515

(Base Year : 2011-12) Current Prices
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item/Year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Private Final Consumption Expenditure 8126408 9126533 10036153 11205296 12237111 12032762 14095405
Government Final Consumption Expenditure 1436171 1586658 1840119 2045552 2200871 2393290 2633867
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 3957092 4338671 4815601 5568422 5737645 5264073 6759790
Changes in Stocks 262477 138083 237581 318234 134472 -11764 218170
Valuables 203506 167326 241685 226104 194708 271414 401686
Exports of Goods and Services 2728647 2948772 3211521 3766294 3752188 3704533 5063885
Import of Goods and Services 3044923 3220591 3751389 4477169 4270232 3781273 5653892
Discrepancies 102495 306216 458772 246934 88092 -72123 145725
Gross Domestic Product 13771874 15391669 17090042 18899668 20074856 19800914 23664637
Notes: 1. Data for 2018-19 are Third Revised Estimates, for 2019-20 are Second Revised Estimates and for 2020-21 are First Revised Estimates.
2. Data for 2021-22 are Provisional Estimates.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source: National Statistical Office (NSO).
