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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 11 : Sector-Wise Domestic Savings (At Current Prices)
(₹ Crore)
S.No Item 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Gross Savings 4825113 5480741 6000390 5995942 5592446
1.1 Non-financial corporations 1811019 2005374 2061217 2125181 1990077
1.1.1 Public non-financial corporations 172186 237483 250797 291752 276059 Departmental enterprises 44300 50352 55128 53161 52898 Non-departmental enterprises 127886 187131 195669 238590 223161
1.1.2 Private non-financial corporations 1638833 1767891 1810421 1833429 1714018
1.2 Financial corporations 348409 387028 353719 582946 557263
1.2.1 Public financial corporations 215258 237127 177964 312172 285035 Departmental enterprises 7159 8218 8451 8875 7714 Non-departmental enterprises 208100 228909 169513 303297 277321
1.2.2 Private financial corporations 133151 149901 175755 270774 272229
1.3 General Government -121449 -208257 -259127 -641332 -1345478
1.4 Household sector 2787134 3296596 3844582 3929148 4390584 Gross financial saving 1614677 2056405 2263690 2399087 3108997 Less financial liabilities 468648 750700 771245 786619 805289
1.4.2 Saving in physical assets 1594573 1944226 2309463 2273544 2048432
1.4.3 Saving in the form of gold and silver ornaments 46532 46665 42673 43136 38444
Note: Gross financial saving & liabilities for household sector includes gross financial savings & liabilities for quasi corporate sector.
Source: National Statistical Office (NSO).
