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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 12 : Changes in Financial Assets/Liabilities of the Household Sector (At Current Prices)
(₹ Crore)
Year Currency Bank deposits Non-banking deposits Life insurance fund Provident and pension fund Claims on Government Shares & debentures Units of UTI Trade Debt (Net) Changes in financial assets
(2 to 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1980-81 1625 5550 378 915 2122 712 412 31 373 12118
1981-82 965 5194 894 1037 2480 1784 510 114 643 13621
1982-83 2026 6661 870 1235 2865 1243 646 122 429 16097
1983-84 2776 7978 1019 1376 3052 1976 555 222 -164 18790
1984-85 2938 9859 960 1556 3759 3107 762 567 41 23549
1985-86 2220 10603 1423 1779 4188 3413 1394 586 -44 25562
1986-87 3090 14510 1512 2159 5055 3092 1768 943 -280 31849
1987-88 4815 14674 1326 2589 6509 3680 813 1196 504 36106
1988-89 4256 14747 1580 3423 7552 5478 1136 1427 359 39958
1989-90 7655 13987 1839 4415 9508 6758 2655 2179 -763 48233
1990-91 6251 18777 1286 5599 11155 7883 4972 3438 -453 58908
1991-92 8157 17848 2218 7003 12501 4845 6800 9087 -414 68045
1992-93 6562 29518 6035 7114 14814 3885 8212 5612 -1398 80354
1993-94 13367 36236 11654 9548 18323 6908 10067 4705 -1190 109618
1994-95 15916 55835 11547 11370 21414 13186 13473 3908 -1148 145501
1995-96 16525 39941 13198 13894 22343 9588 8839 262 -252 124337
1996-97 13643 50902 25980 16121 30390 11783 6631 3776 -708 158519
1997-98 12780 74099 6733 19410 32267 22162 4464 595 -770 171740
1998-99 21822 79433 7670 23428 46408 28220 5105 1887 -6870 207103
1999-00 20845 82892 3844 28644 53907 28985 16308 1811 -1023 236213
2000-01 15632 94709 3004 33861 50863 39007 11148 -934 183 247475
2001-02 28156 113033 -347 41237 44223 51938 9834 -1857 -183 286034
2002-03 28632 122697 12496 52009 45946 56087 7123 -1618 - 323372
2003-04 42675 155934 1945 52240 48952 87372 9078 -8586 -137 389473
2004-05 36977 175045 83 67986 55794 106420 8113 -3146 -107 447165
2005-06 52151 265716 522 83494 61950 87168 33857 -444 -222 584192
2006-07 67194 429282 4584 114851 72503 19198 50847 -310 6523 764671
2007-08 81278 389008 1286 169848 71544 -28327 74308 -324 13765 772385
2008-09 92188 417833 14742 152861 73398 -27551 -2333 -2737 8488 726889
2009-10 96940 398141 18516 259821 129849 43475 44841 - -1784 989798
2010-11 137131 548299 5099 210102 141139 29545 1729 - 6823 1079867
2011-12 106242 525970 10021 195673 95680 -21889 16522 - 4509 932729
2012-13 111521 575080 27911 179949 156479 -7109 17027 - 3183 1064041
2013-14 99520 639304 22816 204469 177841 23053 18930 - 4838 1190770
2014-15 133345 579272 28915 299322 190883 969 20364 - 4177 1257247
2015-16 200518 622364 18082 264177 290729 67940 28356 - 4066 1496232
2016-17 -332907 938574 34856 354321 325539 115469 174466 - 4360 1614677
2017-18 484714 521580 -568 343989 369403 155670 177417 - 4201 2056405
2018-19 277872 777163 33250 387512 404389 206363 172933 - 4209 2263690
2019-20 282662 866748 56677 372097 454941 266963 94742 - 4257 2399087
2020-21 381976 1227944 39787 520425 500206 327253 107184 - 4222 3108997

(₹ Crore)
Year Bank advances Loans & advances from other financial institutions Loans & advances from Government Loans & advances from co-operative non-credit societies Changes in financial liabilities
(12 to 15)
1 12 13 14 15 16
1980-81 3093 182 151 82 3508
1981-82 3507 244 148 134 4033
1982-83 2946 349 133 103 3531
1983-84 4469 460 203 106 5238
1984-85 5002 420 197 114 5733
1985-86 6043 646 205 89 6983
1986-87 7345 522 435 208 8510
1987-88 8159 555 347 226 9287
1988-89 11436 713 474 203 12826
1989-90 8303 1053 747 85 10188
1990-91 7429 1154 611 73 9267
1991-92 3689 1551 469 288 5997
1992-93 11421 2897 443 295 15056
1993-94 11972 1867 710 310 14859
1994-95 21618 2409 417 326 24770
1995-96 15605 2398 275 342 18620
1996-97 13675 2593 229 360 16857
1997-98 19885 4203 488 343 24919
1998-99 20793 4688 944 348 26773
1999-00 29859 4631 1227 350 36067
2000-01 25439 4741 1319 280 31779
2001-02 43354 6878 1111 384 51727
2002-03 54388 5247 216 423 60274
2003-04 57885 12261 -269 105 69982
2004-05 111971 8310 -515 304 120069
2005-06 175564 8398 -489 277 183750
2006-07 273666 9362 -650 229 282606
2007-08 179502 8682 -248 245 188181
2008-09 154735 8812 -199 250 163598
2009-10 194443 8899 -147 252 203448
2010-11 269010 8804 -99 260 277975
2011-12 272509 17310 301 - 290120
2012-13 308747 21510 168 - 330425
2013-14 302336 55678 665 - 358679
2014-15 282443 94196 193 - 376832
2015-16 269417 115576 395 - 385388
2016-17 345811 122866 -29 - 468648
2017-18 525517 224960 222 - 750700
2018-19 604511 166188 546 - 771245
2019-20 521885 264735 -1 - 786619
2020-21 667839 137757 -308 - 805289
Notes : 1. Data for 'Changes in financial assets' and 'Changes in financial liabilities' are as per First Revised Estimates of 2020-21.
2. Deposits with co-operative non-credit societies are included in bank deposits up to 1999-00. Since 2000-01, these deposits are included in non-banking deposits.
3. Life Insurance Fund includes Central or State Governments employees' insurance funds and postal insurance funds.
4. Owing to changes in coverage of non-banking deposits, data prior to 1997-98 are not strictly comparable with those of 1997-98 and onwards.
5. Shares and Debentures include investment in shares and debentures of credit / non-credit societies and investment in mutual funds (other than Specified Undertaking of the UTI).
6. Since 2005-06, the data shown under 'Units of UTI' pertain to Administrator of the Specified Undertaking of the UTI. The UTI Mutual Fund is included in 'Shares and Debentures'.
7. The sum of components of changes in financial assets do not add up to the total due to rounding off.
8. 'Bank advances' includes advances by scheduled commercial banks and co-operative banks & societies.
9. Loans and advances from other financial insititutions' includes advances by non-banking finance companies, housing finance companies and insurance corporations.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : National Statistical Office (NSO).
