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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 14 : Employment in Public and Organised Private Sectors
(In Lakh)
Year Public Sector
Private Sector
Number of Persons on the live register
1 2 3 4
1982-83 167.50 73.90 197.50
1983-84 172.20 73.60 219.50
1984-85 175.80 74.30 235.50
1985-86 176.80 73.70 262.70
1986-87 182.40 73.90 301.30
1987-88 183.20 73.90 302.50
1988-89 185.10 74.50 300.50
1989-90 187.70 75.80 327.80
1990-91 190.60 76.80 346.30
1991-92 192.10 78.50 363.00
1992-93 193.30 78.50 367.60
1993-94 194.50 79.30 362.80
1994-95 194.70 80.60 366.90
1995-96 194.30 85.10 367.40
1996-97 195.60 86.90 374.30
1997-98 194.20 87.50 391.40
1998-99 194.10 87.00 400.90
1999-00 193.10 86.50 403.70
2000-01 191.40 86.50 413.40
2001-02 187.70 84.30 420.00
2002-03 185.80 84.20 411.70
2003-04 182.00 82.50 413.90
2004-05 180.10 84.50 404.60
2005-06 181.90 88.10 393.50
2006-07 180.00 92.70 414.70
2007-08 176.70 98.80 399.70
2008-09 178.00 103.80 391.10
2009-10 178.60 108.50 381.50
2010-11 175.50 114.50 388.30
2011-12 176.10 119.70 401.70
2012-13 NA NA 447.90
2013-14 NA NA 468.00
2014-15 NA NA 482.60
2015-16 NA NA 435.00
2016-17 NA NA 433.76
2017-18 NA NA 424.40
2018-19 NA NA 421.20
2019-20 NA NA 424.10
NA - Not Available.
Also See Notes on Tables.
Source : Directorate General of Employment and Training. Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India.
