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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 18 : Agricultural Production - Major Commercial Crops
(Lakh Tonnes)
Year Oilseeds Coffee Cotton (Lint) Raw Jute & Mesta Sugarcane Tea Tobacco
Groundnut Rapeseed & Mustard Soyabean Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1965-66 42.6 13.0 - 64.0 - 48.5 57.8 1239.9 - 2.9
1966-67 44.1 12.3 - 64.3 - 52.7 65.8 928.3 - 3.5
1967-68 57.3 15.7 - 83.0 - 57.8 75.9 955.0 - 3.7
1968-69 46.3 13.5 - 68.5 - 54.5 38.4 1246.8 - 3.6
1969-70 51.3 15.6 - 77.3 - 55.6 67.9 1350.2 - 3.4
1970-71 61.1 19.8 0.1 96.3 1102.3 47.6 61.9 1263.7 4190.0 3.6
1971-72 61.8 14.3 0.1 90.8 689.5 69.5 68.4 1135.7 4350.0 4.2
1972-73 40.9 18.1 0.3 71.4 910.7 57.4 60.9 1248.7 4560.0 3.7
1973-74 59.3 17.0 0.4 93.9 863.9 63.1 76.8 1408.1 4720.0 4.6
1974-75 51.1 22.5 0.5 91.5 925.1 71.6 58.3 1442.9 4890.0 3.6
1975-76 67.6 19.4 0.9 106.1 839.8 59.5 59.1 1406.0 4870.0 3.5
1976-77 52.6 15.5 1.2 84.3 1023.0 58.4 71.0 1530.1 5120.0 4.2
1977-78 60.9 16.5 1.8 96.6 1251.4 72.4 71.5 1769.7 5560.0 4.9
1978-79 62.1 18.6 3.0 101.0 1104.9 79.6 83.3 1516.6 5640.0 4.5
1979-80 57.7 14.3 2.8 87.4 1498.4 76.5 79.6 1288.3 5440.0 4.4
1980-81 50.1 23.0 4.4 93.7 1186.5 70.1 81.6 1542.5 5696.0 4.8
1981-82 72.2 23.8 3.5 120.8 1521.0 78.8 83.7 1863.6 5604.0 5.2
1982-83 52.8 22.1 4.9 100.0 1299.5 75.3 71.7 1895.1 5607.0 5.8
1983-84 70.9 26.1 6.1 126.9 1050.3 63.9 77.2 1740.8 5815.0 4.9
1984-85 64.4 30.7 9.5 129.5 1951.1 85.1 77.9 1703.2 6399.0 4.9
1985-86 51.2 26.8 10.2 108.3 1224.5 87.3 126.5 1706.5 6562.0 4.4
1986-87 58.8 26.0 8.9 112.7 1920.9 69.1 86.2 1860.9 6246.0 4.6
1987-88 58.5 34.5 9.0 126.5 1227.1 63.8 67.8 1967.4 6743.0 3.7
1988-89 96.6 43.8 15.5 180.3 2147.2 87.4 78.6 2030.4 7011.0 4.9
1989-90 81.0 41.3 18.1 169.2 1180.5 114.2 82.9 2255.7 6841.0 5.5
1990-91 75.1 52.3 26.0 186.1 1697.3 98.4 92.3 2410.5 7203.4 5.6
1991-92 70.9 58.6 24.9 186.0 1800.0 97.1 102.9 2540.0 7541.9 5.8
1992-93 85.6 48.0 33.9 201.1 1694.0 114.0 85.9 2280.3 7039.3 6.0
1993-94 78.3 53.3 47.5 215.0 2120.9 107.4 84.3 2296.6 7608.3 5.6
1994-95 80.6 57.6 39.3 213.4 1801.0 118.9 90.8 2755.4 7529.0 5.7
1995-96 75.8 60.0 51.0 221.1 2230.0 128.6 88.1 2811.0 7560.2 5.4
1996-97 86.4 66.6 53.8 243.8 2050.0 142.3 111.3 2775.6 7801.4 6.2
1997-98 73.7 47.0 64.6 213.2 2283.0 108.5 110.2 2795.4 8356.4 6.4
1998-99 89.8 56.6 71.4 247.5 2650.0 122.9 98.1 2887.2 8551.6 7.4
1999-00 52.5 57.9 70.8 207.1 2920.0 115.3 105.5 2993.2 8368.6 5.2
2000-01 64.1 41.9 52.8 184.4 3012.0 95.2 105.6 2959.6 8484.3 3.4
2001-02 70.3 50.8 59.6 206.6 3006.0 100.0 116.8 2972.1 8514.1 5.5
2002-03 41.2 38.8 46.6 148.4 2753.0 86.2 112.8 2873.8 8459.7 4.9
2003-04 81.3 62.9 78.2 251.9 2705.0 137.3 111.7 2338.6 8786.5 5.5
2004-05 67.7 75.9 68.8 243.5 2755.0 164.3 102.7 2370.9 9068.4 5.5
2005-06 79.9 81.3 82.7 279.8 2740.0 185.0 108.4 2811.7 9489.4 5.0
2006-07 48.6 74.4 88.5 242.9 2880.0 226.3 112.7 3555.2 9730.7 4.7
2007-08 91.8 58.3 109.7 297.6 2620.0 258.8 112.1 3481.9 9870.2 4.4
2008-09 71.7 72.0 99.1 277.2 2623.0 222.8 103.7 2850.3 9727.7 5.7
2009-10 54.3 66.1 99.6 248.8 2896.0 240.2 118.2 2923.0 9911.8 6.9
2010-11 82.7 81.8 127.4 324.8 3020.0 330.0 106.2 3423.8 9667.3 8.8
2011-12 69.6 66.0 122.1 298.0 3140.0 352.0 114.0 3610.4 10954.6 7.5
2012-13 47.0 80.3 146.7 309.4 3182.0 342.2 109.3 3412.0 11350.7 6.6
2013-14 97.1 78.8 118.6 327.5 3045.0 359.0 116.9 3521.4 12087.8 7.4
2014-15 74.0 62.8 103.7 275.1 3270.0 348.1 111.3 3623.3 11971.8 8.6
2015-16 67.3 67.9 85.7 252.5 3480.0 300.0 105.2 3484.4 12331.4 8.0
2016-17 74.6 79.2 131.6 312.8 3120.0 325.8 109.6 3060.7 12504.9 8.1
2017-18 92.5 84.3 109.3 314.6 3160.0 328.1 100.3 3799.1 13250.5 9.5
2018-19 67.3 92.6 132.7 315.2 3195.0 280.4 98.2 4054.2 13500.4 6.6
2019-20 99.5 91.2 112.3 332.2 2980.0 360.7 98.8 3705.0 13608.1 8.0
2020-21 102.4 102.1 126.1 359.5 3340.0 352.5 93.5 4054.0 12830.3 7.6
2021-22 101.1 117.5 130.0 377.0 3420.0 312.0 103.2 4318.1 13444.0 -
Notes : 1. Data for 2021-22 are based on Fourth Advance Estimates.
2. Data for 1960-61 to 1969-70 relate to total five major oilseeds viz., groundnut, castorseed, sesamum, rapeseed & mustard and linseed.
3. Oilseed data comprises total for nine oilseeds out of the eleven in all.
4. Coffee and Tea data measured in lacs kg.
5. Cotton data measured in lacs bales of 170 kg each.
6. Raw jute and the mesta data measured in lacs bales of 180 kg each.
7. - : Not Available.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, Coffee Board of India, Tea Board of India.
