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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 21 : Yield Per Hectare - Foodgrains
(Kg / hectare)
Year Cereals Pulses Total Foodgrains
Rice Wheat Coarse Cereals Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1965-66 862 827 483 676 438 629
1966-67 863 887 533 707 377 644
1967-68 1032 1103 608 840 534 783
1968-69 1076 1169 545 843 490 781
1969-70 1073 1208 578 865 531 805
1970-71 1123 1307 665 949 524 872
1971-72 1141 1380 564 936 501 858
1972-73 1070 1271 548 886 474 813
1973-74 1151 1172 623 918 427 827
1974-75 1045 1338 606 907 455 824
1975-76 1235 1410 694 1041 533 944
1976-77 1089 1387 689 985 494 894
1977-78 1308 1480 710 1100 510 991
1978-79 1328 1568 721 1136 515 1022
1979-80 1074 1436 652 982 385 876
1980-81 1336 1630 695 1142 473 1023
1981-82 1308 1691 733 1157 483 1032
1982-83 1231 1816 685 1151 519 1035
1983-84 1457 1843 813 1296 548 1162
1984-85 1417 1870 795 1285 526 1149
1985-86 1552 2046 664 1323 547 1175
1986-87 1471 1916 675 1266 506 1128
1987-88 1465 2002 721 1315 515 1173
1988-89 1689 2244 814 1493 598 1331
1989-90 1745 2121 922 1530 549 1349
1990-91 1740 2281 900 1571 578 1380
1991-92 1751 2394 778 1574 533 1382
1992-93 1744 2327 1063 1654 573 1457
1993-94 1888 2380 939 1701 598 1501
1994-95 1911 2559 929 1763 610 1546
1995-96 1797 2483 940 1703 552 1491
1996-97 1882 2679 1072 1831 635 1614
1997-98 1900 2485 986 1775 567 1552
1998-99 1921 2590 1068 1856 634 1627
1999-00 1986 2778 1034 1925 635 1704
2000-01 1901 2708 1027 1844 544 1626
2001-02 2079 2762 1131 1980 607 1734
2002-03 1744 2610 966 1753 543 1535
2003-04 2077 2713 1221 1983 635 1727
2004-05 1984 2602 1153 1903 577 1652
2005-06 2102 2619 1172 1968 598 1715
2006-07 2131 2708 1182 2021 612 1756
2007-08 2202 2802 1431 2151 625 1860
2008-09 2178 2907 1459 2183 659 1909
2009-10 2125 2839 1212 2075 630 1798
2010-11 2239 2988 1531 2256 691 1930
2011-12 2393 3177 1590 2415 699 2078
2012-13 2461 3117 1617 2449 789 2129
2013-14 2424 3075 1677 2438 764 2101
2014-15 2390 2872 1729 2373 744 2070
2015-16 2400 3034 1579 2392 656 2056
2016-17 2494 3200 1750 2525 786 2129
2017-18 2576 3368 1934 2657 853 2235
2018-19 2638 3533 1944 2752 757 2286
2019-20 2722 3440 1991 2772 823 2343
2020-21 2717 3521 2128 2824 885 2394
2021-22 2809 3507 2247 2895 892 2419
Note : Data for 2021-22 are based on Fourth Advance Estimates.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
