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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 31 : Index Numbers of Infrastructure Industries
Base Year : 1993-94 = 100
Year Overall Index Electricity Coal Finished steel Cement Crude petroleum Petroleum refinery products
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Weight 26.68 10.17 3.22 5.13 1.99 4.17 2.00
1998-99 138.3 138.6 117.8 162.8 153.4 121.1 128.4
1999-00 150.9 148.6 121.6 187.3 175.2 118.2 161.0
2000-01 158.6 154.4 125.9 199.3 173.6 120.0 193.8
2001-02 163.7 159.3 131.2 206.4 186.5 118.5 201.0
2002-03 171.9 164.3 137.2 221.5 203.0 122.6 210.9
2003-04 182.4 172.6 144.2 243.1 215.3 123.5 228.3
2004-05 193.0 181.6 153.1 263.5 229.5 125.8 238.1
Base Year : 2004-05 = 100
Year Overall Index Electricity Coal Steel Cement Crude Oil Refinery Products Natural Gas Fertilisers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Weight 37.90 10.32 4.38 6.68 2.41 5.22 5.94 1.71 1.25
2005-06 103.9 105.1 106.6 107.0 112.4 94.8 102.1 101.4 100.6
2006-07 112.6 112.8 112.9 120.7 122.6 100.0 115.3 99.9 103.8
2007-08 118.5 119.9 119.9 128.9 132.5 100.4 122.8 102.1 95.5
2008-09 121.8 123.2 129.5 131.4 142.1 98.6 126.5 103.4 91.8
2009-10 129.9 130.8 140.0 139.3 157.1 99.1 125.9 149.5 103.4
2010-11 138.4 138.1 139.7 157.7 164.2 111.0 129.7 164.4 103.4
2011-12 145.3 149.3 141.5 174.0 175.2 112.1 133.7 149.7 103.8
2012-13 154.7 155.3 148.1 181.1 188.7 111.4 172.5 128.1 100.2
2013-14 161.2 164.6 150.0 201.9 194.5 111.2 175.0 111.5 101.8
2014-15 168.5 178.5 162.2 211.4 205.3 110.2 175.6 106.0 101.7
2015-16 174.2 191.5 169.4 209.4 215.3 108.7 182.8 101.5 114.3
Base Year : 2011-12 = 100
Year Overall Index Electricity Coal Steel Cement Crude Oil Petroleum refinery products Natural Gas Fertilisers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Weight 40.27 7.99 4.16 7.22 2.16 3.62 11.29 2.77 1.06
2012-13 103.8 104.0 103.2 107.9 107.5 99.4 107.2 85.6 96.7
2013-14 106.5 110.3 104.2 115.8 111.5 99.2 108.6 74.5 98.1
2014-15 111.7 126.6 112.6 121.7 118.1 98.4 108.8 70.5 99.4
2015-16 115.1 133.8 118.0 120.2 123.5 97.0 114.1 67.2 106.4
2016-17 120.5 141.6 121.8 133.1 122.0 94.5 119.7 66.5 106.6
2017-18 125.7 149.2 124.9 140.5 129.7 93.7 125.2 68.4 106.6
2018-19 131.2 156.9 134.1 147.7 147.0 89.8 129.1 69.0 107.0
2019-20 131.6 158.4 133.6 152.6 145.7 84.5 129.4 65.1 109.8
2020-21 123.2 157.6 131.1 139.4 130.0 80.1 114.9 59.8 111.6
2021-22 136.1 170.1 142.3 163.0 156.9 77.9 125.1 71.3 112.4
Notes : 1. Weights represent weight of Index Number of Industrial Production.
2. Refinery Products has 93 per cent of the crude throughout.
3. Refinery Products’ yearly growth rate of 2012-13 is not comparable with other years on account of inclusion of RIL (SEZ) production data since April, 2012
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India for base 1993-94 = 100, base 2004-05 = 100 and base 2011-12 = 100.
