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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 52 : Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks - According to Population Group
(No. of Accounts in Thousand; Amount in ₹ Crore)
Year Deposits
Rural Semi Urban Urban Metropolitan
No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1993 117814 41410 104023 53585 87256 63935 70618 116921
1994 121299 49331 108502 63035 93032 74249 74046 137361
1995 109944 51820 108129 71464 88828 84129 83134 171761
1996 112904 61313 109416 83187 88452 95566 81238 186053
1997 116693 73770 110129 98045 88645 112578 81112 216164
1998 120060 86706 110705 115644 88536 134897 80731 259221
1999 122660 102697 112376 136052 89533 160181 81339 299238
2000 125852 120539 114109 161972 89831 188963 83023 349945
2001 131723 139431 116400 186188 92769 217833 87137 405981
2002 133000 159423 117394 214990 94622 255478 94975 493501
2003 136733 176502 117537 241757 96099 290503 95711 567433
2004 138760 195082 120651 268217 99571 330296 98176 717679
2005 141908 213104 125198 295685 101376 374891 98310 863134
2006 139570 226061 121664 302213 106172 430813 117692 1132087
2007 149663 253014 132808 357395 113422 532592 123306 1454043
2008 168034 303423 148361 430280 128021 657699 137241 1858544
2009 199695 363910 169725 529758 142272 822914 150611 2205399
2010 224155 420338 189457 614047 152323 944992 168934 2581652
2011 250254 493266 212043 716831 168037 1110513 179796 3068941
2012 283072 573186 239951 842545 180626 1272592 199551 3389921
2013 335347 669889 283990 979194 203091 1497013 222677 3866525
2014 406624 787151 340522 1141077 231521 1714010 248043 4313483
2015 493970 915676 404661 1317251 266228 1964901 275033 4724283
2016 576171 1008941 470711 1477212 297715 2150576 301519 4962802
2017 604231 1121967 540511 1730689 317462 2248918 364448 5628455
2018 642225 1209786 568454 1851369 327038 2437498 373787 5935798
2019 667461 1357293 588848 2060748 338747 2697053 377664 6523914
2020 704881 1505454 616679 2268968 350190 2969473 397298 7004760
2021 725661 1665438 632368 2497921 356362 3253819 402135 8026332

(No. of Accounts in Thousand; Amount in ₹ Crore)
Year Credit
Rural Semi Urban Urban Metropolitan
No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1993 32881 30383 16885 25367 8009 33613 4341 73105
1994 32310 30863 16114 26486 7349 36175 3878 82367
1995 29407 33529 16855 31807 7534 37273 4301 108329
1996 28795 38614 15907 36891 7035 44397 4936 134791
1997 27280 40259 15839 40602 7454 51796 5045 151716
1998 26761 48132 15083 46510 6903 59804 4838 175498
1999 24473 53909 14458 54820 6992 70717 6382 202980
2000 25080 59426 14865 64790 7795 79590 6631 256274
2001 22511 68882 14047 71106 7934 95303 7873 303143
2002 25163 87713 15037 90156 7661 123757 8528 354367
2003 25637 106479 15434 104149 7972 142874 10448 402465
2004 25565 109907 16108 114871 8931 169974 15786 485560
2005 29357 160479 18226 142836 10177 212300 19391 636852
2006 29054 199423 21475 174794 12919 276365 21988 863259
2007 31029 235704 22099 212753 13254 350194 28060 1148449
2008 33546 323132 24021 255998 14194 430592 35230 1407283
2009 33823 309626 24793 311089 14750 498566 36690 1728432
2010 37074 385150 27047 367859 16242 593615 38285 1998545
2011 40018 392449 28772 451987 16896 779516 35038 2451694
2012 41749 442212 31292 528289 17740 854868 40099 2977898
2013 45703 523971 34621 675653 20924 987761 27038 3337932
2014 48343 566705 39094 717764 25379 1061470 25934 3936144
2015 52777 655361 39526 796609 23777 1179094 28160 4247408
2016 57297 735783 44832 936328 28014 1296576 32231 4553957
2017 58864 774024 47019 975665 28795 1287293 37706 4880887
2018 59197 837817 53245 1239397 37204 1493146 47330 5196612
2019 66579 902877 61290 1268481 43801 1669334 60632 6056903
2020 79366 958136 68832 1367166 52714 1951392 71609 6242117
2021 87531 1081743 75334 1514772 58827 2236786 76643 6244749
Note : Data as on last Friday of June from 1987 to 1989 and as on 31st March from 1990 onwards. Credit is as per place of utilisation.
Source : Basic Statistical Returns of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India, DSIM, RBI.
Also see Notes on Tables.
