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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 59 : State Co-Operative Banks Maintaining Accounts With the Reserve Bank of India
(₹ Crore)
Year (end-March) Aggregate Deposits Demand Liabilities Time Liabilities Invetsments in Government Securities Bank Credit
Total Deposits Total Deposits
Inter-Bank Others Inter-Bank Others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1983-84 798 633 283 270 1462 927 528 361 1065
1984-85 923 859 433 317 1725 1107 606 433 1265
1985-86 1029 919 438 342 1923 1225 687 504 1539
1986-87 1194 979 460 382 2364 1517 812 605 1627
1987-88 1381 1188 523 493 2697 1781 888 678 1628
1988-89 1697 1459 601 652 3142 2056 1044 814 2033
1989-90 2017 1795 814 671 3786 2397 1346 946 2349
1990-91 2152 1831 718 794 3963 2545 1359 1058 2553
1991-92 2576 2198 879 964 5548 3875 1612 1204 3363
1992-93 2831 2508 1363 823 6031 3957 2008 1437 4277
1993-94 3415 2031 688 956 8817 6272 2459 2564 3900
1994-95 3850 2216 772 1045 9395 6508 2806 2110 5310
1995-96 4286 2996 1248 1227 10287 7125 3059 2408 6318
1996-97 5377 3215 1150 1425 14199 10151 3952 2956 7207
1997-98 5628 3016 934 1334 18098 13671 4294 6252 7849
1998-99 7511 3630 1261 1603 22167 16109 5908 5780 9173
1999-00 8870 3345 1081 1693 25294 17960 7177 6758 10242
2000-01 9682 4700 1500 1990 27861 19960 7692 7537 12822
2001-02 12119 4888 1397 2245 30597 20320 9874 8321 13812
2002-03 12226 5583 1881 2251 33147 22905 9975 10135 14708
2003-04 13782 7441 3235 2679 35237 23810 11103 13639 15118
2004-05 14581 5627 1156 2861 37792 25740 11720 16476 14657
2005-06 15665 6065 1457 3101 38464 25561 12564 16472 15589
2006-07 17105 7324 1921 3571 39425 25540 13534 14149 16404
2007-08 20433 7804 2123 3843 48585 31456 16590 16956 17674
2008-09 23094 8587 2398 4135 61456 42009 18559 18763 18746
2009-10 26896 9746 2021 4887 71485 48489 22010 24896 19449
2010-11 28559 11672 1656 6234 65905 42724 22325 24508 24331
2011-12 31342 11840 1481 6698 70987 45262 24644 25152 30650
2012-13 35651 12717 2501 7014 80249 50696 28637 26928 36498
2013-14 41790 13970 2543 7618 89950 54140 34170 28940 38820
2014-15 42228 14809 3375 7770 85456 49916 34457 28237 42643
2015-16 49140 15540 3300 8230 88590 46700 40910 29110 48400
2016-17 50870 18140 4500 10440 93050 51260 40430 32710 45870
2017-18 57390 17060 5070 9220 91810 41820 48170 32540 51920
2018-19 61370 18020 5840 9590 97910 45480 51780 30700 59790
2019-20 123813 26008 5295 14317 167558 56564 109496 50627 110576
2020-21 125860 23737 4897 13899 179958 65334 111960 64455 114632
2021-22 129858 26116 5903 14459 189732 71236 115399 75928 111549
Note : Data for 2021-22 are provisional.
Also see Notes on tables.
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
