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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 63 : Payment Systems Indicators
(Volume in Lakh; Value in ₹ Crore)
  2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
A. Settlement Systems            
CCIL Operated Systems 35 107480202 36 116551038 36 134150192
B. Payment Systems            
1. Large Value Credit Transfers - RTGS 1244 116712478 1366 135688187 1507 131156475
Retail Segment            
2. Credit Transfers 58793 18814295 118481 26090471 206297 28556593
2.1 AePS (Fund Transfers) 6 300 11 501 10 469
2.2 APBS 12980 55948 14949 86226 16747 99048
2.3 ECS Cr 61 11864 54 13235 18 5146
2.4 IMPS 10098 892497 17529 1590257 25792 2337541
2.5 NACH Cr 7031 521001 8834 729673 11100 1037079
2.6 NEFT 19464 17222852 23189 22793608 27445 22945580
2.7 UPI 9152 109832 53915 876971 125186 2131730
3. Debit Transfers and Direct Debits 3788 390869 4914 524556 6027 605939
3.1 BHIM Aadhaar Pay 20 78 68 815 91 1303
3.2 ECS Dr 15 972 9 1260 1 39
3.3 NACH Dr 3738 389781 4830 522461 5842 604397
3.4 NETC (linked to bank account) 15 39 6 20 93 200
4. Card Payments 47486 919035 61769 1196888 72384 1434813
4.1 Credit Cards 14052 458965 17626 603413 21773 730894
4.2 Debit Cards 33434 460070 44143 593475 50611 703920
5. Prepaid Payment Instruments 34590 141634 46072 213323 53941 214860
6. Paper-based Instruments 11713 8193493 11238 8246065 10414 7824822
Total - Retail Payments (2+3+4+5+6) 156370 28459326 242473 36271304 349063 38637028
Total Payments (1+2+3+4+5+6) 157615 145171804 243839 171959490 350570 169793503
Total Digital Payments (1+2+3+4+5) 145902 136978311 232602 163713425 340155 161968681

(Volume in Lakh; Value in ₹ Crore)
  2020-21 2021-22
Volume Value Volume Value
A. Settlement Systems        
CCIL Operated Systems 28 161943141 33 206873112
B. Payment Systems        
1. Large Value Credit Transfers - RTGS 1592 105599849 2078 128657516
Retail Segment        
2. Credit Transfers 317868 33504226 577935 42728006
2.1 AePS (Fund Transfers) 11 623 10 575
2.2 APBS 14373 111001 12573 133345
2.3 ECS Cr - - - -
2.4 IMPS 32783 2941500 46625 4171037
2.5 NACH Cr 16465 1216535 18758 1281685
2.6 NEFT 30928 25130910 40407 28725463
2.7 UPI 223307 4103658 459561 8415900
3. Debit Transfers and Direct Debits 10457 865520 12189 1034444
3.1 BHIM Aadhaar Pay 161 2580 228 6113
3.2 ECS Dr - - - -
3.3 NACH Dr 9646 862027 10755 1026641
3.4 NETC (linked to bank account) 650 913 1207 1689
4. Card Payments 57787 1291799 61783 1701851
4.1 Credit Cards 17641 630414 22399 971638
4.2 Debit Cards 40146 661385 39384 730213
5. Prepaid Payment Instruments 49366 197095 65783 279416
6. Paper-based Instruments 6704 5627108 6999 6650333
Total - Retail Payments (2+3+4+5+6) 442180 41485747 724689 52394049
Total Payments (1+2+3+4+5+6) 443772 147085596 726767 181051565
Total Digital Payments (1+2+3+4+5) 437068 141458488 719768 174401233
Notes: 1. RTGS system includes customer and inter-bank transactions only.
2. Settlement of CBLO, government securities clearing and forex transactions is through the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL). Government Securities include outright trades and both legs of repo transactions and Tri-party repo transactions.
3. The figures for cards are for transactions at point of sale (POS) terminals only which include online transactions.
4. Figures in the columns might not add up to the total due to rounding off of numbers.
5. '-' : Not applicable for this period. UPI and AePS (Fund Transfer) were introduced in FY 2016-17 ; BHIM Aadhar Pay and NETC (linked to bank account) were introduced in FY 2017-18.
Source: Reserve Bank of India.
