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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 89 : Annual Averages of Share Price Indices and Market Capitalisation
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Year BSE Sensex
(Base : 1978-79 =100)
BSE 100
(Base : 1983-84 = 100)
RBI Index
(Base : 1980-81 = 100)
Market capitalisation
BSE All-India
1 2 3 4 5 6
1993-94 2898.69 1373.00 1051.30 368071 400077
1994-95 3974.91 1899.53 1537.30 435481 473349
1995-96 3288.68 1525.93 1189.60 526476 572257
1996-97 3469.24 1554.64 1146.80 463915 488332
1997-98 3812.86 1650.07 1060.10 560325 589816
1998-99 3294.78 1457.07 976.40 545361 574064
1999-00 4658.63 2278.16 - 912842 -
2000-01 4269.69 2170.51 - 571553 -
2001-02 3331.95 1587.70 - 612224 -
2002-03 3206.29 1597.32 - 572198 -
2003-04 4492.19 2315.70 - 1201207 -
2004-05 5740.99 3083.25 - 1698428 -
2005-06 8278.55 4380.71 - 3022191 -
2006-07 12277.33 6242.73 - 3545041 -
2007-08 16568.89 8691.47 - 5138015 -
2008-09 12365.55 6434.69 - 3086076 -
2009-10 15585.21 4748.60 - 6165620 -
2010-11 18605.18 5707.30 - 6839084 -
2011-12 17422.88 5277.55 - 6214912 -
2012-13 18202.10 5539.74 - 6387887 -
2013-14 20120.12 5999.46 - 7415296 -
2014-15 26556.53 8048.68 - 10149290 -
2015-16 26322.10 8105.72 - 9475328 -
2016-17 27338.22 8638.30 - 12154525 -
2017-18 32396.83 10424.72 - 14224997 -
2018-19 36242.92 11131.36 - 15108711 -
2019-20 38756.70 11592.74 - 11348757 -
2020-21 40826.39 12134.05 - 20430815 -
2021-22 55774.58 16934.39 - 26406501 -
Notes : 1. Compilation of RBI index was discontinued by the Reserve Bank of India since 1999-2000. Similarly, the compilation of data on the all-India market capitalisation was discontinued by BSE Ltd. since 1999-2000.
2. BSE 100 Index introduced from October 14, 1996 was previously known as BSE National Index. BSE National Index (Base:1983-84 = 100) comprised 100 stocks listed at five major stock exchanges in India - Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Madras, while BSE 100 index takes into account only the prices of stocks listed at BSE.
3. BSE 100 index has been re-based as 1983-84=58 with effect from June 4, 2012. Since 2009-10, data is based on re-based index value of 58.
Sources : 1. BSE Ltd.
2. Reserve Bank of India.
