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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 99 : Pattern of Major Capital Receipts of the State Governments
(₹ Crore)
Year Loans from Centre (Gross) Recovery of Loans & Advances Market Loans (Gross) State Provident Fund, etc. (Net) Special Securities Issued to NSSF Total Capital Receipts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1983-84 4903 785 740 797 - 8966
1984-85 5910 1030 1164 933 - 10993
1985-86 8368 809 1428 971 - 13131
1986-87 7703 997 1431 1042 - 12892
1987-88 9034 1044 1801 1628 - 15806
1988-89 9937 1331 2246 2001 - 17037
1989-90 11258 1038 2594 2307 - 20086
1990-91 13975 1501 2560 3069 - 24693
1991-92 13070 3310 3310 2909 - 27238
1992-93 13100 1923 3850 3622 - 30073
1993-94 14277 2418 4228 4330 - 28489
1994-95 18742 5188 4105 4779 - 43190
1995-96 18804 3472 6404 4902 - 42805
1996-97 22931 5725 6519 5375 - 42011
1997-98 29745 5488 7862 6226 - 58907
1998-99 39366 3247 12184 11969 - 85363
1999-00 21354 3110 14184 17877 25251 101925
2000-01 18707 6777 12954 13107 31101 109705
2001-02 24395 7308 18863 10186 33874 115714
2002-03 26831 3698 30615 9863 48966 140866
2003-04 25870 16158 52257 9325 62813 205641
2004-05 25878 8040 38637 8883 83699 200148
2005-06 8907 8904 22795 10463 78576 164607
2006-07 5717 7578 20366 10370 58756 143049
2007-08 7252 7770 66512 12338 11094 141987
2008-09 7005 11072 118492 15641 8520 196634
2009-10 8107 8088 129057 23140 33537 239497
2010-11 9478 4995 104835 27807 53589 238228
2011-12 9902 17157 157799 26651 10524 269385
2012-13 11204 7265 177277 25777 21825 305314
2013-14 10870 6896 196164 26433 24710 318860
2014-15 11881 18916 240880 27015 46407 416482
2015-16 12514 7180 295167 33046 56120 557960
2016-17 17757 15835 393196 39514 5199 675383
2017-18 19510 39637 421872 33847 5161 619924
2018-19 26722 40981 482952 47534 5752 698644
2019-20 29448 56750 640902 39985 9050 1153115
2020-21 RE 113026 15511 860107 41459 9603 1163892
2021-22 BE 65579 15470 883931 36482 10203 1118272
Notes : 1. Data for 2020-21 relate to Revised Estimates while 2021-22 are Budget Estimates.
2. Data from 2017-18 onwards pertains to all the States and UTs with legislatures.
3. State Provident Fund, etc. (Net) include insurance and pension funds and special deposit accounts.
4. Data for capital receipts prior to 1991-92 are adjusted for remittances (net).
5. Capital receipts include Public Accounts on a net basis.
6. With the change in the system of accounting with effect from 1999-2000, States’ share in small savings, which was included earlier under loans from the Centre is shown separately as special securities issued to National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) under internal debt.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the State Governments.
