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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 106 : Market Borrowings of the Central and State Governments
(₹ Crore)
Year Centre States Combined (Centre & States)
Gross Net Gross Net Gross (2+4) Net (3+5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1992-93 13885 8461 3805 3471 17690 11932
1993-94 50388 28526 4145 3638 54533 32164
1994-95 38108 20074 5123 5123 43231 25197
1995-96 40509 26790 6274 5931 46783 32721
1996-97 36152 26356 6536 6536 42688 32892
1997-98 59637 40494 7749 7193 67386 47687
1998-99 93953 62903 12114 10700 106067 73603
1999-00 99630 73077 13706 12405 113336 85482
2000-01 115183 73787 13300 12880 128483 86667
2001-02 133801 92302 18707 17261 152508 109563
2002-03 151126 104118 30853 29064 181979 133182
2003-04 147636 88816 50521 46376 198157 135192
2004-05 106501 46050 39101 33978 145602 80028
2005-06 160018 98237 21729 15455 181747 113692
2006-07 179373 111275 20825 14274 200198 125549
2007-08 188205 109504 67779 56224 255984 165728
2008-09 318550 242317 118138 103766 436688 346083
2009-10 492497 394358 131122 114883 623619 509241
2010-11 479482 326399 104039 88398 583521 414797
2011-12 600382 484319 158632 136643 759014 620962
2012-13 688471 507473 177279 146651 865750 654124
2013-14 700456 474976 196663 164585 897119 639561
2014-15 741201 465449 240842 207458 982043 672907
2015-16 739033 445466 294560 259369 1033593 704835
2016-17 724526 396690 381979 342651 1106505 739341
2017-18 747685 465569 419100 340281 1166785 805850
2018-19 779896 471948 478323 348643 1258219 820591
2019-20 927670 482746 634521 487454 1562191 970200
2020-21 1828564 1383683 798816 651777 2627380 2035460
2021-22 1535178 812659 701626 492483 2236804 1305142
Notes : 1. Net market borrowing of centre and state combined for 2008-09 includes ₹547 Crore pertaining to a security with call and put option.
2. Gross State Govt Market Borrowing includes additional market borrowings of ₹10000 Crore for 2002-2003, ₹26623 Crore for 2003-04 and ₹16943 Crore for 2004-05 under the State Debt Swap Scheme.
3. Market borrowing of the Centre include dated securities, 364-day treasury bills and does not include Inflation Index National Savings Scheme - Cumulative (IINSS-C).
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
