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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 114 : Maturity Pattern of Government of India Rupee Loans
(₹ Crore)
Year (end- March) Undated Under 5 years Between 5 and 10 years Over 10 years IINSS-C Total Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1985 251 3601 5469 25983 - 35304
1986 - 4355 4793 30905 - 40053
1987 - 4685 4691 38454 - 47830
1988 - 5086 4968 45048 - 55102
1989 - 6891 3720 51909 - 62520
1990 - 6056 3928 60393 - 70377
1991 - 5654 12921 58333 - 76908
1992 - 6585 11571 63537 - 81693
1993 - 23703 24626 62252 - 110581
1994 - 34840 37661 65014 - 137515
1995 - 65010 51386 53130 - 169526
1996 - 87263 55873 49757 - 192893
1997 - 102041 101683 45300 - 249024
1998 - 129078 132272 50255 - 311605
1999 - 143041 147651 91189 - 381881
2000 - 158832 178072 116764 - 453668
2001 - 164169 190788 181367 - 536324
2002 - 177900 233691 262612 - 674203
2003 - 184810 255157 384645 - 824612
2004 - 221228 283839 424545 - 929612
2005 - 245501 307269 479527 - 1032296
2006 - 275158 346920 525341 - 1147425
2007 - 416978 413475 553311 - 1383764
2008 - 403178 537175 616538 - 1556891
2009 - 459159 746644 725060 - 1930863
2010 - 624473 735381 797060 - 2156914
2011 - 538816 853625 876410 - 2268851
2012 - 556887 643251 1393190 - 2593328
2013 - 948175 1069788 1042749 - 3060712
2014 - 1052054 1107810 1354222 92 3514178
2015 - 1117948 1201810 1639596 88 3959442
2016 - 1172054 1292597 1900908 85 4365644
2017 - 1180431 1569350 1964398 65 4714244
2018 - 1340935 1646763 2136690 71 5124459
2019 - 1568024 1731423 2248210 69 5547726
2020 - 1744446 1807400 2469802 66 6021713
2021 - 2102066 2077827 2988493 65 7168451
2022 - 2361926 2322947 3375048 65 8059986
IINSS-C : Inflation Index National Savings Scheme - Cumulative
Note : Includes floating rate bond and market loans taken by Government of India but excludes special security and compensation bond.
Also see Notes on Tables.
