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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 134 : Invisibles by Category of Transactions - US Dollars
(US $ Million)
Item/Year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
I. Non-factor Services, Net (i to v) 3643 10144 15426 23170 29469 38853 53916 36015 44081 64098
Receipts 20763 26868 43249 57659 73780 90342 105963 96045 124636 142325
Payments 17120 16724 27823 34489 44311 51490 52047 60029 80555 78227
i) Travel, Net -29 1435 1417 1215 2439 2091 1469 2517 4768 4699
Receipts 3312 5037 6666 7853 9123 11349 10894 11859 15793 18462
Payments 3341 3602 5249 6638 6684 9258 9425 9343 11026 13762
ii) Transportation, Net -736 879 144 -2012 -94 -1501 -1509 -756 366 1859
Receipts 2536 3207 4683 6325 7974 10014 11310 11178 14246 18241
Payments 3272 2328 4539 8337 8068 11514 12820 11933 13880 16382
iii) Insurance, Net 19 56 148 -54 553 595 292 306 545 1134
Receipts 369 419 870 1062 1195 1639 1422 1591 1945 2632
Payments 350 363 722 1116 642 1044 1130 1285 1400 1497
iv) G.n.i.e., Net 65 28 -10 -215 -150 -45 -404 -84 -285 -302
Receipts 293 240 401 314 253 330 389 441 535 478
Payments 228 212 411 529 403 376 793 525 820 780
v) Miscellaneous, Net 4324 7746 13727 24236 26721 37712 54069 34033 38687 56707
Receipts 14253 17965 30629 42105 55235 67010 81947 70976 92117 102513
Payments 9929 10219 16902 17869 28514 29298 27879 36944 53430 45806
II. Income, Net -3446 -4505 -4979 -5855 -7331 -5068 -7110 -8038 -17952 -15988
Receipts 3522 3904 4593 6408 9308 14272 14309 13022 9587 10144
Payments 6968 8409 9572 12263 16639 19340 21419 21061 27538 26131
i) Investment income, Net -3544 -3757 -4095 -5262 -6762 -4433 -6626 -7248 -17075 -16465
Receipts 3405 3774 4124 6229 8926 13811 13483 12108 8471 7676
Payments 6949 7531 8219 11491 15688 18245 20109 19355 25546 24141
ii) Compensation of Employees, Net 98 -748 -884 -593 -569 -635 -484 -791 -876 477
Receipts 117 130 469 179 382 460 825 915 1116 2468
Payments 19 878 1353 772 951 1096 1309 1705 1992 1991
III. Private Transfers, Net 16387 21608 20525 24493 29825 41707 44567 51791 53125 63469
Receipts 17189 22182 21075 24951 30835 43509 46903 53636 55618 66129
Payments 802 574 550 458 1010 1801 2336 1845 2494 2660
IV. Official Transfers, Net 451 554 260 194 254 239 232 254 16 25
Receipts 451 554 616 669 635 753 645 727 647 632
Payments 0 0 356 475 381 514 413 473 631 607
V. Invisibles, Net (I to IV) 17035 27801 31232 42002 52217 75730 91604 80022 79269 111604
Receipts 41925 53508 69533 89687 114558 148875 167819 163430 190488 219229
Payments 24890 25707 38301 47685 62341 73145 76214 83408 111218 107625

Item/Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
I. Non-factor Services, Net (i to v) 64915 73066 76529 69676 68345 77562 81941 84922 88565 107516
Receipts 145678 151813 158107 154311 164197 195089 208000 213191 206090 254527
Payments 80763 78747 81578 84635 95852 117527 126060 128269 117524 147011
i) Travel, Net 6176 6112 5028 6476 6792 8839 6737 7987 -3024 -7173
Receipts 17999 17922 20334 21268 23244 28355 28441 29998 8483 9099
Payments 11823 11810 15306 14792 16451 19516 21704 22011 11507 16272
ii) Transportation, Net 2528 2588 1308 -1076 1719 -166 -1065 -3297 2099 -3177
Receipts 17334 17380 17485 14004 15851 17441 19464 20988 21854 32660
Payments 14806 14792 16177 15080 14132 17608 20529 24285 19755 35836
iii) Insurance, Net 818 1005 1084 852 710 806 871 692 318 1241
Receipts 2227 2121 2202 2002 2206 2506 2661 2431 2376 3316
Payments 1409 1116 1119 1151 1496 1700 1790 1738 2058 2076
iv) G.n.i.e., Net -239 -490 -418 -291 -11 -130 -504 -448 -392 -165
Receipts 574 488 543 579 588 664 610 659 630 803
Payments 813 979 961 869 600 794 1114 1107 1021 968
v) Miscellaneous, Net 55632 63851 69526 63716 59134 68213 75902 79987 89564 116790
Receipts 107544 113902 117542 116458 122308 146122 156824 159115 172746 208649
Payments 51912 50051 48016 52742 63174 77909 80922 79128 83182 91859
II. Income, Net -21455 -23028 -24140 -24375 -26302 -28681 -28861 -27281 -35960 -37269
Receipts 10276 11352 13397 14703 16291 18862 21839 25166 20835 25751
Payments 31731 34380 37537 39078 42593 47542 50700 52446 56796 63020
i) Investment income, Net -22370 -23521 -24962 -25737 -27697 -30839 -31219 -30210 -39154 -40565
Receipts 7202 8062 9839 11103 12353 14404 17101 19542 14840 19391
Payments 29572 31583 34801 36840 40050 45243 48321 49752 53993 59957
ii) Compensation of Employees, Net 914 493 821 1362 1395 2158 2358 2929 3193 3296
Receipts 3074 3290 3558 3600 3937 4457 4738 5623 5996 6360
Payments 2159 2797 2737 2238 2543 2299 2380 2694 2802 3063
III. Private Transfers, Net 64342 65481 66264 63139 56573 62949 70601 76217 74439 81230
Receipts 67627 69638 69819 65592 61296 69129 76396 83195 80185 89127
Payments 3285 4157 3555 2453 4723 6180 5795 6977 5746 7898
IV. Official Transfers, Net -309 -205 -572 -512 -590 -511 -655 -1009 -979 -783
Receipts 463 767 322 438 268 326 247 161 143 195
Payments 772 972 893 950 857 837 902 1170 1122 978
V. Invisibles, Net (I to IV) 107493 115313 118081 107928 98026 111319 123026 132850 126065 150694
Receipts 224044 233569 241645 235044 242051 283406 306483 321712 307253 369600
Payments 116551 118256 123564 127116 144025 172087 183457 188862 181188 218906
G.n.i.e. : Government not included elsewhere
Notes : 1. Data for 2021-22 are preliminary estimates.
2. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.
Also see Notes on Tables.
