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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 139 : Indices of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) of the Indian Rupee (40-Currency Basket) (Financial Year - Annual Average) (Base : 2015-16 = 100)
Year Trade-weighted Export-weighted
1 2 3 4 5
(Base: 2015-16 = 100)
2006-07 130.61 89.89 128.19 87.78
2007-08 140.13 97.42 138.15 95.44
2008-09 124.86 88.90 122.95 87.13
2009-10 121.65 92.68 119.58 91.72
2010-11 125.13 100.53 123.92 100.50
2011-12 116.89 98.38 116.58 98.90
2012-13 104.77 94.19 104.71 94.98
2013-14 96.75 92.13 96.21 92.16
2014-15 99.09 97.21 98.38 97.21
2015-16 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
2016-17 100.08 101.80 99.62 101.43
2017-18 103.24 105.94 103.09 105.73
2018-19 97.45 100.63 97.13 100.29
2019-20 98.00 103.20 97.38 102.88
2020-21 93.92 103.46 93.59 102.96
2021-22 93.13 104.66 93.55 103.48
Notes : 1. REER figures are based on Consumer Price Index.
2. Data for 2020-21 and 2021-22 are provisional.
3. The details on methodology used for compilation of NEER/REER indices are available in December 2005, April 2014 and January 2021 issues of the RBI Bulletin.
