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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 150 : Currency Chests/Repositories and Small Coin Depots - All India
Year Total No. of Currency Chests Total Repositories Total Small Coin Depots/Sub-depots
1 2 3 4
1987-88 3677 483 2739
1988-89 3730 489 2792
1989-90 3791 494 2858
1990-91 3864 505 2917
1991-92 3902 492 3098
1992-93 3976 493 3177
1993-94 4059 500 3262
1994-95 4099 502 3304
1995-96 4101 504 3394
1996-97 4128 503 3454
1997-98 4157 502 3528
1998-99 4181 494 3552
1999-00 4242 442 3616
2000-01 4386 262 3708
2001-02 4422 204 3758
2002-03 4486 244 3832
2003 4454 193 3910
2004 4451 44 4039
2005 4426 13 4048
2006 4363 7 4050
2007 4291 2 4033
2008 4299 - 4060
2009 4300 - 4078
2010 4247 - 4017
2011 4241 - 4038
2012 4211 - 4008
2013 4209 - 3966
2014 4138 - 3813
2015 4102 - 3783
2016 4033 - 3727
2017 3946 - 3622
2018 3784 - 3491
2019-20 3367 - 2782
2020-21 3054 - 2504
2021-22 2878 - 2296
Notes : 1. Position up to 2002-03 are as on June 30.
2. For the year 2003 onwards position are as on end-December.
3. For the year 2019-20 onwards position are as on end -March 31.
Also see Notes on Tables.
