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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 154 : Quarterly Estimates of Gross Domestic Product (At Current Prices) New Series (Base : 2011-12)
(₹ Crore)
Item / Year 2018-19 2019-20
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. PFCE 2640304 2705685 2925858 2933446 2919710 2949714 3233963 3133722
2. GFCE 544125 570240 476810 454378 546982 616670 521297 515922
3. GFCF 1336612 1344943 1422243 1464624 1501041 1359901 1399131 1477571
4. Change in Stock 76507 79712 77518 84497 33706 33365 32282 35120
5. Valuables 53630 59785 59677 53012 48179 53685 49798 43046
6. Export of goods & services 870374 924645 983152 988123 930665 927287 963770 930466
7. Import of goods & services 1057122 1139191 1188200 1092657 1117375 1060389 1066234 1026234
8. Discrepancies 104938 110197 115940 -84139 79547 -18581 -3595 30723
9. Gross Domestic Product 4569369 4656017 4872998 4801284 4942455 4861652 5130412 5140337

Item / Year 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1. PFCE 2295743 2825021 3424585 3487412 2846871 3345447 3985298 3917789 3971441
2. GFCE 648496 500590 546642 697562 660772 580557 603011 789527 731661
3. GFCF 800027 1290480 1433253 1740313 1443837 1650441 1647885 2017627 1896948
4. Change in Stock -1970 -3033 -3085 -3676 49431 54396 52783 61559 48392
5. Valuables 4459 69016 66399 131539 31869 190817 106142 72859 49797
6. Export of goods & services 748963 928387 958567 1068615 1128349 1225739 1312635 1397162 1463323
7. Import of goods & services 671810 877558 1036806 1195098 1158549 1358479 1548120 1588744 1807101
8. Discrepancies 49535 -11084 58987 -169558 124210 -68753 142813 -52544 140274
9. Gross Domestic Product 3873443 4721819 5448542 5757109 5126789 5620166 6302447 6615235 6494736
PFCE: Private Final Consumption Expenditure
GFCE: Government Final Consumption Expenditure
GFCF: Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Note: Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4 denote - April to June, July to September, October to December and January to March quarters, respectively.
Source: National Statistical Office (NSO).
